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81. Math Professor Quotes This is a collection of quotes I've put together over the years, alltaken out of math classes that I've been enrolled in. Please http://math.ucsd.edu/~jlee/homepage/quotes.html | |
82. MATH 25 - Quotes math 25 FALL 1998 quotes OF THE DAY 25 September 1998 mathematicsis the queen of sciences, and the theory of numbers is the http://hilbert.dartmouth.edu/~m25f98/m25quotes.html | |
83. Math 1023 Quotes Page! The math 1013 quotes Page! Some quotes about Calculus and mathematics,among other things mathematics is the queen of the http://ace.acadiau.ca/~rkarsten/math1013/quotes.htm | |
84. Math 1023 Quotes Page! The math 1023 quotes Page! Some quotes about Calculus and mathematics,among other things mathematics is the queen of the http://ace.acadiau.ca/~rkarsten/math1023/quotes.htm | |
85. The Warped Quotes Page - Computer/Math/Science The Warped quotes Page Computer/math/Science. This page is dedicatedto quotes and sayings that sound nice sic I have a computer http://www.palfrey.dircon.co.uk/tom/quotes/computer.htm | |
86. Quotes: Science, Math, Etc. Science, math, etc. All I ask of my body is that it carry around myhead. Thomas Alva Edison (18471931). An engineer, a physicist http://patrifriedman.com/quotes/geek_nerd.html | |
87. Past Featured Quotes Where's the math? Past Featured quotes. From Douglas Carnine, professorof education at the University of Oregon before the California http://www.intres.com/math/Quotes.htm | |
88. Ms. Wallace's Cool Math SitesGames, Quotes, And Probability Cool math Sites. Games, quotes, and Probability, math Activities andPuzzles, Brain Wave. Great math Sites, math Problem Solving Task http://www.nova.edu/univ-school/math.htm |
89. Christopher Thomas' Math 22 Quotes Christopher Thomas' math 22 quotes. 1/17/02. In this class we dealwith small groups of stuff. Not like all real numbers walk into http://www.tufts.edu/~mlevin05/ | |
90. Math Jokes in Tests mathematicians and Other Scientists quotes, Sayings and Laws.math and Alcohol don't mix, so PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DERIVE http://www.blich.ramat-gan.k12.il/subjects/math/jokes/quotes.htm | |
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92. The NCTM Calls It "Math" As the first three quotes indicate, the NCTM endorses informal proofs (the useof concrete manipulatives ) for all K12 years Informal reasoning is not math. http://www.wgquirk.com/chap3.html | |
93. Math 218 Quotes More Nuggets of Gunning Gold quotes from math 218, Spring 2001. It's known in thetrade as baby Rudin. (2/5/01). I'm not going to draw four dimensional spaces. http://www.princeton.edu/~poreto/qmat218.html | |
94. ProfQuotes Student And what about the third kind? Shmuel Berger, math for Biology HebrewUniversity, Jerusalem, Israel. Comments? page 1 of 14 (339 quotes) Next. http://www.profquotes.com/ | |
95. Math Words Of Wisdom, Quotes, Quips, Profound Statements ... And A Bit Of Humor Keywords math, mathematics, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Analysis, Humor, Jokes,Toons, Wit, Wisdom, quotes, Puns, Quips, Proverbs, Witty Sayings, Platitudes http://www2.ittu.edu.tm/math/ttm-math/mathematics/eglenceli mat/mat karikatur/ma | |
96. Math 450: Calculators And Quotes math 450 Library Home, math 450 Library. Calculators, quotes. http://www.math.wustl.edu/~kamberov/teach/s2000/m450/calc.html | |
97. List Of Math And Computer Quotes List of math and Computer quotes 'In mathematics, you never understandthings; you just get used to them. John von Neumann'; 'mathematics http://www.cs.sunyit.edu/~andrusw/cgi-bin/zd/quote.html | |
98. Tom Parker's Computer/Math/Science Quotes List Page The Computer/math/Science quotes List Page. Calculate every possible destinationalong their last known trajectory Darth V. launches self-DoS. http://www.bits.bris.ac.uk/palfrey/quotes/list.php3?category=1 |
99. Mathematical Quotation Server A collection of mathematical quotations culled from many sources. You may conduct a keyword search Category Science math Recreations...... Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematicsand teaching mathematics Siméon Poisson. http://math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/mquot.html | |
100. A Random Mathematical Quotation A Random Mathematical Quotation. Gilbert, WS (1836 1911) I'm verygood at integral and differential calculus, I know the scientific http://math.furman.edu/cgi-bin/randquote.pl | |
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