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61. Ishmael Reed By Spring Includes descriptions of the author's books and poetry, along with a biography and bibliography. Also provides links, quotes, and a QuickTime video clip plugin required. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/reed/reed_ishmael0.html | |
62. Hayrapetyan, Ashot Features family pictures, photographs of friends and quotes. http://www-math.mit.edu/~ashot/Main.htm | |
63. The Glossary Of Mathematical Mistakes Glossary of mathematical mistakes; quotes; puzzles and problems; links. http://xocxoc.home.att.net/math/ | |
64. Mathematical Curiosities A tribute to the lighter side of math including puzzles, humor, trivia, quotes, inspirations, and interesting math links. http://home.earthlink.net/~jennrasm/jennifer_math.htm | |
65. Quotes From Math Graduates Articles Potsdam State's math Program Praised in Speech to National Groups Collegecarves biggest piece of mathematics students' pi quotes from past http://www.potsdam.edu/MATH/quotes.html | |
66. Quotes From Math Graduates Under Construction. The study of mathematics math Home page What people sayabout us The study of mathematics math Home page What people say about us http://www.potsdam.edu/MATH/career.html | |
67. Quotes On Mathematics quotes On mathematics. Paul Erdos. Visit my Web Page The XocxocPage for more stuff on math, philosophy, art, books and movies. http://xocxoc.home.att.net/math/quotes.htm | |
68. Mathematical Quotations If you think math is boring, then you haven't seen all mathematics has to offer NoteThese quotes are only a subset of those contained on the Furman University http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/7773/quotes.html | |
69. MAT 007 I News Quotes Edition MAT 007 I News, Wreckreational math. The 1995 quotes Edition. The followingquotations are unadulterated excerpts from math lectures http://www.math.toronto.edu/007/quotes-95.html | |
70. Mathematical And Educational Quotation Server Please update your bookmarks. Redirecting you to the new location. . .New location is http//www.wsc.ma.edu/math/faculty/fleron/quotes/ http://www1.wsc.ma.edu/math/faculty/fleron/quotes/quohome.htm | |
71. Atheist And Agnostic Quotes Atheist and Agnostic quotes. I contend that we are both atheists.I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand http://www.math.unl.edu/~augustyn/godisdead.html | |
72. Mathematical Remarks Each progress in mathematics is based on the discovery of stronger tools and easiermethods, which at the time makes it easier to understand earlier methods. http://www.math.hmc.edu/~jacobsen/quotes.html | |
73. Money Math Money math Lessons for Life. quotes from Teachers and Educators. Everyone wins with Money math! It is an excellent resource for http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/mar/marmmquotes.htm | |
74. MCCPTA MATH AUDIT SURVEY QUOTES: INDEX MCCPTA math AUDIT COMMITTEE SURVEY HANDWRITTEN COMMENTS. Susan Sellers, ChairmanMarch 2001. INDEX TO THE COMMENTS. Give more time and emphasis to math (37). http://us.net/mccpta/mathAudit/SurveyQuotesIndex.htm | |
75. David's Website | The Canonical List Of Math Jokes {Quotes} supposed to look. Navigation The Canonical List of math Jokes, 6/61.5 quotes From ph2008@mail.bris.ac.uk (CJ. Bradfield)philosophy http://userpages.umbc.edu/~dni1/humor/lists/mathsci/math15.shtml | |
76. Math Prof. Quotes [rec.humor.funny] Fun Stuff Jokes Previous RHF Joke Archives Next. math prof. quotes. kleber@husc.harvard.edu(Speaker for the Dead) (science, smirk, true) Prof. http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/91q3/logprof.html | |
77. Cut & Paste Random Satirical Punch Line the whole set quotes13= A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries. quotes14= LotteryA tax on people who are bad at math. quotes15= There's http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/punchline.shtml | |
78. JALC - Mathematics Quotes quotes From Former Students. Kathleen Almy mathematics Award 1999. I learneda lot from the professors in John A. Logan's math Department. Their http://www.jal.cc.il.us/math/quotes.html | |
79. Math@LSU REU 2002 Quotes Information on the math@LSU logo, Quotations from the 2002 math@LSU REU. Backto math@LSU REU 2002 Main Page. Valid HTML 4.01! Any Browser! http://www.math.lsu.edu/reu2002/quotes.php | |
80. Math@LSU REU 2002 Quotes Information on the math@LSU logo, Lecture Notes from math@LSU REU 2002.Prof. Back to math@LSU REU 2002 Main Page. Valid HTML 4.01! Any Browser! http://www.math.lsu.edu/reu2002/lecture-notes.php | |
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