Colin Adams: The knot book. An elementary introduction to the mathematical theory of knots. Freeman 1994, 310p. 0-7167-2393-X. $24. [= Das Knotenbuch. Spektrum 1995, 300p. DM 78.] 6940 Colin Adams: Tilings of space by knotted tiles. Math. Intell. 17/2 (1995), 41-51. 7379 Martin Aigner/J. Seidel: Knoten, Spinmodelle und Graphen. Jber. DMV 97 (1995), 75-96. J. Alexander: A lemma on a system of knotted curves. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 9 (1923), 93-95. 5884 Emil Artin: Theorie der Zoepfe. Hamb. Abh. 4 (1925), 47-72. [5883 Artin, 416-441] 5885 Emil Artin: Theory of braids. Annals of Math. 48 (1947), 127-136. [5883 Artin, 446-471] 5886 Emil Artin: Braids and permutations. Annals of Math. 48 (1947), 643-649. [5883 Artin, 472-478] 5887 Emil Artin: The theory of braids. American Scientist 38 (1950), 112-119. [5883 Artin, 491-498] 2524 Clifford Ashley: Il grande libro dei nodi. Rizzoli 1989. 890 Michael Atiyah: The frontier between geometry and physics. Jber. DMV 91 (1989), 149-158. R. Baxter: Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics. Academic Press 1982. 2539 Joan Birman: Braids, links and mapping class groups. Princeton UP 1974. 2227 Joan Birman: Recent developments in braid and link theory. Math. Intell. 13/1 (1991), 52-60. 2236 J. Birman/H. Wenzl: Braids, link polynomials and a new algebra. Trans. AMS 313 (1989), 249-273. [3291] 5880 Gerhard Burde/Heiner Zieschang: Knots. De Gruyter 1985, 400p. 3-11-008675-1. DM 140. L. Crane: Topology of 3-manifolds and conformal field theories. Yale UP 1989 [?]. R. Crowell/R. Fox: Introduction to knot theory. Ginn 1963. M. Culler/C. Gordon/J. Luecke/P. Shalen: Dehn surgery on knots. Annals of Math. 125 (1987), 237-300. David Farmer/Theodore Stanford: Knots and surfaces. AMS 1996, 100p. 0-8218-0451-0. $19. 12154 Jose' Manuel Fernandez de Labastida: Knoten in der Physik. Spektrum 1998/10, 66-72. 5870 M. Fort (ed.): Topology of 3-manifolds. Prentice-Hall 1962. Ralph Fox: Recent developments of knot theory of Princeton. Proc. Int. Congress Math. 2 (1950), 453-457. 5871 Ralph Fox: A quick trip through knot theory. 5870 Fort, 120-176. 5872 Ralph Fox: Knots and periodic transformations. 5870 Fort, 177-182. 5874 Ralph Fox/O. Harrold: The Wilder arcs. 5870 Fort, 184-187. 2241 Peter Freyd a.o.: A new polynomial invariant on knots and links. Bull. AMS 12 (1985), 239-246. [3291] Peter Freyd/D. Yetter: Braided compact closed categories with applications to low dimensional topology. Adv. Math. 77 (1989), 156-182. D. Fuchs: Cohomologies of the braid group mod 2. Funct. Anal. appl. 4 (1970), 143-151. D. Gabai: Foliations and surgery on knots. Bull. AMS 15 (1986), 83-97. N. Gilbert/T. Porter: Knots and surfaces. Oxford UP 1994, 240p. 0-19-853397-7. Pds. 30. "The text is very well written, detailed motivations of concepts and clear explanations replace unnecessary formalism." (Peter Schmitt) 5873 Herman Gluck: The reducibility of embedding problems. 5870 Fort, 182-183. D. Goldschmidt: Group characters, symmetric functions, and the Hecke algebra. AMS 1993, 70p. Pds. 49. "Dieser vorzuegliche Band, dicht gepackt mit Mathematik von allererster Guete, gibt eine Vorlesung wieder, die der Autor 1989 in Berkeley gehalten hat und deren Hauptziel es ist, ein tieferes Verstaendnis der Markovspur und somit des fuer die Knotentheorie so wichtigen Jonespolynoms zu vermitteln." (Harald Rindler). W. Haken: Ueber das Homoeomorphieproblem der 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten I. Math. Zeitschr. 80 (1962), 89-120. V. Hansen: Braids and coverings. Cambridge UP 1989. Geoffrey Hemion: The classification of knots and 3-dimensional spaces. Oxford UP 1992, 160p. 0-19-859697-9. $44. Geoffrey Hemion: On the classification of homeomorphisms of 2-manifolds and the classification of 3-manifolds. Acta Math. 142 (1979), 123-155. F. Jones: Subfactors and knots. AMS 1991, 113p. DM 110. "An enormous amount of material is contained in this short CBMS series of lectures, and what is more, the author is able to link together completely disparate topics such as von Neumann algebras, braid groups, links, and Hecke algebras. Even a superficial perusal of the book will teach something. It belongs on every mathematician's shelf." (G.C. Rota). 6630 Vaughan Jones: Teoria dei nodi e meccanica statistica. 6626 Israel, 27-32. 2240 Vaughan Jones: A polynomial invariant for knots via von Neumann algebras. Bull. AMS 12 (1985), 103-111. [3291] 5877 Vaughan Jones: Hecke algebra representations of braid groups and link polynomials. Annals Math. 126 (1987), 335-388. 4783 Vaughan Jones: Knots in mathematics and physics. 4727 Casacuberta/Castellet, 70-77. 2028 Louis Kauffman: On knots. Princeton UP 1987. Louis Kauffman: Knots and physics. World Scientific 1991, 500p. 981-02-0344-6 (pb). Pds. 19. 5869 Louis Kauffman: Formal knot theory. Princeton UP 1983. 0-691-08336-3. $28. 2234 Louis Kauffman: State models and the Jones polynomial. Topology 26 (1987), 395-407. [3291] Louis Kauffman/S. Lins: Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory and invariants of 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1994, 300p. 0-691-03640-3 (pb.). $28. 5879 Louis Kauffman/Pierre Vogel: Link polynomials and a graphical calculus. J. Knot Theory and ramif. 1 (1992), 59-104. A. Kawauchi: A survey on knot theory. Birkha''user 1996, 440p. 3-7643-5124-1. SFR 98. 5882 K. Lamotke: Besprechung des Buches "Knots" von Burde/Zieschang. Jber. DMV 90 (1988), B 31-32. 2242 W. Lickorish: Polynomials for links. Bull. London Math. Soc. 20 (1988), 558-588. [3291] W. Lickorish: Prime knots and tangles. Trans. AMS 267 (1981), 321-332. 2775 W. Lickorish: Three-manifolds and the Temperley-Lieb algebra. Math. Annalen 290 (1991), 657-670. W. Lickorish: An introduction to knot theory. Springer 1997, 200p. DM 89. 6283 Charles Livingston: Periodic knots and Maple. Notices AMS 38 (1991), 785-788. Charles Livingston: Knot theory. MAA 1994. C. McCrory/T. Schifrin (ed.): Geometry and topology, varieties and knots. Dekker 1987. 15064 Kishore Marathe: A chapter in physical mathematics - theory of knots in the sciences. In 15031 Engquist/, 873-888. H. Morton: Threading knot diagrams. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 99 (1986), 246-260. 2235 H. Murakami: A formula for the two-variable link polynomial. Topology 26 (1987), 409-412. [3291] K. Murasugi: Knot theory and its applications. Birkha''user 1996, 340p. 3-7643-3817-2. SFR 98. L. Neuwirth: Knot groups. Princeton UP 1965, 110p. 0-691-07991-9. $7. L. Neuwirth (ed.): Knots, groups, and 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1975. P. Papi/C. Procesi: Invarianti di nodi. Quaderni UMI 1998, 200p. K. Perko: On the classification of knots. Proc. AMS 45 (1974), 262-266. 5878 William Pohl: DNA and differential geometry. Math. Intell. 3 (1980), 20-27. J. Przytycki/P. Traczyk: Invariants of links of Conway type. Kobe J. Math. 4 (1987), 115-139. 6126 K. Rehren: Quantum symmetry associated with braid group statistics. 2853 Doebner/Hennig, 318-339. 2678 K. Reidemeister: Knotentheorie. Chelsea 1948. N. Reshetiken: Quantized universal enveloping algebras, the Yang-Baxter equation, and invariants of links I-II. Steklov Inst. 1987 [?]. 5868 Dale Rolfsen: Knots and links. Publish or Perish 1976. H. Schubert: Bestimmung der Primfaktorzerlegung von Verkettungen. Math. Zeitschrift 76 (1961), 116-148. H. Seifert/W. Threlfall: Old and new results on knots. Can. J. Math. 2 (1950), 1-15. J. Simon: Topological chirality of certain molecules. Topology 25 (1986), 229-235. 14821 Alexei Sossinsky: Mathematik der Knoten. Rowohlt 2000, 160p. DM 17. S. Spengler/A. Stasiak/N. Cozzarelli: The stereostructure of knots and catenanes produced by phage lambda integrative recombination. Implications for mechanism and DNA structure. Cell 42 (1985), 325-334. 12242 Ian Stewart: Katzenkorbknotenknobelei. Spektrum 1999/1, 8-10. Es gibt eine Algebra fu''r Zo''pfe, aber nicht fu''r Fingerfadenfiguren. 5876 John Stillwell: Classical topology and combinatorial group theory. Springer 1980. Chapter 7 deals with knots and braids. 5173 De Witt Sumners: Untangling DNA. Math. Intell. 12/3 (1990), 71-80. De Witt Sumners: Knots, macromolecules and chemical dynamics. In R. King/D. Rouvray (ed.): Graph theory and topology in chemistry. Elsevier 1987, 3-22. De Witt Sumners: The role of knot theory in DNA research. In McCrory/Schifrin, 297-318. 6950 De Witt Sumners: Lifting the curtain. Using topology to probe the hidden action of the enzymes. Notices AMS May 1995, 528-537. D. Walba: Topological stereochemistry. Tetrahedron 41 (1985), 3161-3212. Friedhelm Waldhausen: The word problem in fundamental groups of sufficiently large irreducible 3-manifolds. Annals Math. 88 (1968), 272-280. Solution of the word problem for knot groups. Friedhelm Waldhausen: Recent results on sufficiently large 3-manifolds. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. AMS 32 (1979), 21-37. S. Wasserman/N. Cozzarelli: Biochemical topology. Applications to DNA recombination and replication. Science 232 (1986), 951-960. S. Wasserman/J. Dungan/N. Cozzarelli: Discovery of a predicted DNA knot substantiates a model for site-specific recombination. Science 229 (1985), 171-174. Dominic Welsh: Complexity. Knots, colourings and countings. Cambridge UP 1993, 180p. 0-521-45740-8 (pb). £20. J. White/K. Millett/N. Cozzarelli: Description of the topological entanglement of DNA catenanes and knots by a powerful method involving strand passage and recombination. J. Mol. Biology 197 (1987), 585-603. 2239 E. Witten: Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial. Comm. Math. Physics 121 (1989), 351-399. [3291] 5875 E. Zeeman: Isotopies and knots in manifolds. 5870 Fort, 187-193. | |