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21. 1 Starting with the flawed theory of Kelvin's knotted vortex to the work of Thurston, Jones and Witten, Category Science Math Topology knot theory......A Circular History of knot theory. It was through the study of 3 manifolds thatin the 1970's knot theory began returning to its ancestoral roots in physics. http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~menasco/Knottheory.html | |
22. Liverpool Pure Maths: Knot Theory knot theory Research Group. http://www.liv.ac.uk/~su14/knotgroup.html | |
23. The Knot Theory MA3F2 Page Includes examples, solutions, knot tables, pretty pictures. Course material includes colouring, Category Science Math Topology knot theory......The knot theory MA3F2 page. Course material Prerequisites Little more thanlinear algebra plus an ability to visualise objects in 3dimensions. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~bjs/MA3F2-page.html | |
24. ThinkQuest Elementary introduction to knot theory. Covers the existence of knots, Reidemeister moves and colorations. http://library.thinkquest.org/12295/main.html | |
25. MA3F2 Knot Theory MA3F2, Term 2. knot theory, 15 CATS. Commitment 30 lectures. Content Therehas been an explosion of interest in knot theory in the last ten years. http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/undergrad/pydc/pink/pink-MA3F2.html | |
26. The Mathematics And Origin Of String Figures Trivial knot theory, history, and a few new designs by the author, Martin Probert.Category Arts Crafts String Figures......1 String Figures and knot theory. 2 The origin of string figures. StringFigures and knot theory mathematics of the unknot under tension. http://website.lineone.net/~m.p/sf/menu.html | |
27. Knot Theory -- From MathWorld An overview of knot theory from Mathworld http://mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/KnotTheory.html | |
28. String Figures And Knot Theory: Part I String Figures and knot theory mathematics of the unknot under tension.by Martin Probert. This is quite different from the knots of knot theory. http://website.lineone.net/~m.p/sf/sfmaths1.html | |
29. Knot Theory knot theory. The For example, my current favorite is The Knot Book byColin Adams. This is listed in a bibilography of knot theory. The http://grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/knots.html | |
30. History Of Knot Theory Biographies of early knot theorists. Many early papers on knot theory (in pdf format) including papers by Tait, Kirkman, Little and Thomson. http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/knots/index.htm | |
31. Knot Theory Knots whose ends were glued together and their classification formthe subject of a branch of Topology known as the knot theory. http://www.cut-the-knot.com/do_you_know/knots.shtml | |
32. Knot Theory On WWW knot theory on WWW. Japanese Books on knot theory. ?. ?, RH.?, RH.? http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/teragai/knot.html | |
33. Knot Theory On WWW Home, knot theory on WWW, Links to Personal Pages, Profile. knot theory on WWW. KnotTheory Group Articles and Preprints; Links to webpages related to knot theory; http://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~teragai/knot-e.html | |
34. Links To Low-dimensional Topology: Knot Theory General Conferences Pages of Links knot theory 3manifolds Miscellany. KnotTheory. The page of the knot theory Group at the Univ. of Liverpool. http://www.math.unl.edu/~mbritten/ldt/knots.html | |
35. The KnotPlot Site Has a large number of beautiful graphics of knots created with KnotPlot. Contains an introductory section on mathematical knot theory. KnotPlot software for various platfroms can be downloaded. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html | |
36. Knot-Theory.com - Those Who Can't Do, Theorize. Yo-Yo Trick Library including written description and downloadable videos.Category Recreation Collecting Toys Yo-Yos Tricks......Welcome to the knot theory Skill Toy Trick Library Most Viewed 1. Dirty Bomb.2. Kamikaze. 3. Aluminum Whip. 4. And Whut? 5. AAA Zipper. 6. Dirty Mount. 7. A1. http://www.knot-theory.com/tricklib/index.php | |
37. Mathematics And Knots Exhibition High school level introduction to knot theory. Covers colourings, connected sums, torus knots, prime knots and applications of knot theory. http://www.bangor.ac.uk/cpm/exhib/ | |
38. The Math Forum - Math Library - Knot Theory mathematics. This page contains sites relating to knot theory. Browse andSearch the Library Home Math Topics Topology knot theory. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/knot_theory/ | |
39. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Drexel dragon Donate to the Math Forum Associated Topics Dr. Math Home Search Dr. Math What is knot theory? Question What is knot theory? http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51653.html | |
40. Using Topology To Probe The Hidden Action Of Enzymes Describes how knot theory is used to understand the action of enzymes that affect DNA topolgy (in pdf format). http://www.ams.org/notices/199505/sumners.pdf |
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