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61. Focus On Education - The Fuzzy Math In American Textbooks The fuzzy math in American Textbooks by Dick M. Carpenter II, Ph.D. Thiscommentary first aired January 27, 2001 on Family news in Focus. http://www.focusoneducation.com/teachers/articles/a0000856.html | |
62. Kansas State Collegian: Column: Fuzzy Math 09/27/02 Column fuzzy math City, county should watch finances closer, prevent mistakeswhen facing tight budgets Published on Friday, September 27, 2002 http://www.kstatecollegian.com/stories/092702/opi_fuzzy.shtml | |
63. Fuzzy Math In a disgraceful attempt to circumvent the clear meaning of words, futurists misinterpret2 Peter 38,9 to justify their reinvention of the meaning of soon http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1778/fuzzymath.htm | |
64. Q 132: Fuzzy Math Miss Abigail's Home Questions Answers Ask Away! Selection of the WeekThe Bookshelf History Links Search Time Warp. Q Dear Miss Abigail http://www.missabigail.com/advice/q132.html | |
65. Fuzzy Math Printer Friendly Version. fuzzy math fuzzy math It's beginning tosmell a lot like stagflation. It's not just in corporate earnings http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest_00/ci111100.html | |
66. Turner: Institutions: Commentary, Turner Investment Partners: Institutions: Comm Institutions Commentary, Accounting shades of fuzzy math? (Feb 10,2002) fuzzy math was the pet presidentialcampaign phrase of http://www.turnerinvestments.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/commentary.detail/ID/76 | |
67. Fuzzy Math Rubs Some Parents The Wrong Way Where's the Math? fuzzy math rubs some parents the wrong way. Nov.3, 1996 Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Page 1. Original story written http://www.intres.com/math/press11-3-96.htm | |
68. Fuzzy Math fuzzy math. From Ph.D. math student Date 10/16/98 Time 124444 PM Remote Name206.86.183.225. Today I read for the first time about fuzzy math . http://www.intres.com/math/_disc2/0000012f.htm | |
69. April 1995: Fuzzy Math April 1995 fuzzy math. by Jim Stiles. When the Republican Congressfailed to pass the Balanced Budget Amendment by a single vote http://www.promoab.com/zephyr-editorials/april-95.htm | |
70. Fuzzy Math fuzzy math. by Rabbi Shmuel Weiss Torah from Dixie Staff Writer. Ofall the buildings ever built on earth, the most magnificentat http://www.tfdixie.com/parshat/terumah/032.htm | |
71. New Fuzzy Math, BushEnronomics Style - BuzzFlash Guest Contribution annual income. Let's do some math Two wage earners with $39,000 inannual income means each is earning $19,500 a piece. Subtracting http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/03/01/12_Math.html | |
72. PGA.com - Fuzzy Math: Zoeller Only Man To Break Par In Senior PGA Advertising Requests. fuzzy math Zoeller only man to break par inSenior PGA June 9, 2002 y2002, m6 Related Link Official Site http://www.pga.com/Newsline/Tour_News/tournews_detail.cfm?ID=9294 |
73. FUZZY MATH IN MIAMI - Www.ezboard.com Author, Comment. The Pesky Accountant Unregistered User (11/14/02114730 am) Reply, fuzzy math IN MIAMI The Nov. 10 Miami Herald http://pub103.ezboard.com/fsoldiervoicefrm15.showMessage?topicID=42.topic |
74. Fuzzy Math The Essential Guide To The Bush Tax Plan EBook ebooks. Title fuzzy math The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan.Author Krugman, Paul. Publisher WW Norton Company. Available http://www.ebooks.com/items/item-display.asp?IID=25897 |
75. Bush's Fuzzy Math- Silver Chips Online opinions. Bush's fuzzy math fuzzy math? I think so. COMMENTS. Give your opinion!View our comment policy Submit general comments here Name Email Comment http://silverchips.mbhs.edu/inside.php?sid=1339 |
76. Fuzzy Math: A Count Too Close To Ever Be Clear Published on Monday, November 27, 2000 in the San Francisco Chronicle.fuzzy math A Count Too Close To Ever Be Clear. by Donald Fels. http://www.commondreams.org/views/112700-103.htm | |
77. Fuzzy Math By Paul Krugman fuzzy math By Paul Krugman Price $17.00 (eBook), ORDER fuzzy math BY SECURE CREDITCARD PAYMENT fuzzy math is available for instant download, priced $17.00. http://www.bookbooters.com/b04497.asp | |
78. Fuzzy Math Laissezfaire SUPPLY-SIDE Reaganomics Trickle-Down Voodoo Economics Gee-Dubbya'sfuzzy math! Dubbya's fuzzy math, Real Math. The national treasury is full! http://home.att.net/~tangents/issue/fuzzymth.htm | |
79. What Is Fuzzy Math What is fuzzy math. Fall has arrived, and signs of the new season areall around us. The Do you hear it? Thats fuzzy math. Fuzzy http://www.therightopinion.org/Archives/what_is_fuzzy_math.htm | |
80. Fuzzy Math The fuzzy math of Fluoride Promotion. By Paul Connett, PhD (ggvideo@northnet.org).Many of you may have probably heard the term fuzzy math before. http://www.nofluoride.com/Fuzzy_Math.htm | |
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