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21. Register At NYTimes.com Similar pages ABCNEWS.com Why fuzzy math Makes Sense in PoliticsNothing Wrong With fuzzy math. Sometimes Fuzziness Is Required When AnalyzingPolitics and the Economy Selfdescribed fuzzy mathematician http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/07/opinion/07KRUG.html | |
22. City Claims Gov. Has Fuzzy Math City claims gov. has fuzzy math By Deborah Eisner / Chronicle Staff Wednesday,February 5, 2003. The local aid numbers released last week by Gov. http://www.townonline.com/cambridge/news/local_regional/cam_covcccuts02052003.ht | |
23. The End Of Fuzzy Math? BUSINESS WEEK E.BIZ NET WORTH The End of fuzzy math? Regulatorsshould force etailers to report costs like mainstream retailers http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_50/b3711096.htm | |
24. BW Online | February 18, 2003 | The Employment Numbers' Fuzzy Math FEBRUARY 18, 2003 STREET WISE By Amey Stone The Employment Numbers'fuzzy math. Labormarket stats get a lot of attention, but don http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/feb2003/nf20030218_7066_db014.htm | |
25. The Short Run fuzzy math The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Cut by Paul Krugman. Buy it onlineat Amazon Buy it online at Barnes Noble. Post your own review of this book. http://www.theshortrun.com/reviews/Fuzzy Math/fm.html | |
26. Salon.com Politics | Mitch Daniels' Fuzzy Math Mitch Daniels' fuzzy math The Bush budget director has a little problemwith the truth. Editor's note With this column, we are http://www.salon.com/politics/col/spinsanity/2002/02/12/daniels/ | |
27. Texas School Districts Reject Fuzzy Math Textbooks -- Major Defeat For Statewide POLICY ACTION UPDATE Vol. 3. No.12 May 24, 1999. Texas School Districts Rejectfuzzy math Textbooks Major Defeat for Statewide Systemic Initiative. http://www.tppf.org/pau/1999/pau052499.html | |
28. Texas School Districts Reject Fuzzy Math Textbooks Major Defeat Press Release Texas School Districts Reject fuzzy math Textbooks Major Defeatfor Statewide Systemic Initiative For Immediate Release, May 24, 1999. http://www.tppf.org/pr/1999/pr052499.html | |
29. Fuzzy Math In D.C. fuzzy math in DC. by Paul A. Strassmann Computerworld January 8, 2001I first learned of the federal government's hedonic evaluations http://www.strassmann.com/pubs/cw/fuzzymath.shtml | |
30. Article | The 'Fuzzy Math' Bath The New York Sun. The fuzzy math Bath March 12, 2003. Nothingabout fuzzy math makes much sense from a teaching standpoint. http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/_nysun-fuzzy.htm | |
31. Fuzzy Math: Archive Entry From Brad DeLong's Webjournal Moment on Economics, and on Other Topics as Well DeLong's Home Page « Global Dispatches Main Journal Page The Soft Patch » January 31, 2003 fuzzy math http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/movable_type/archives/001522.html | |
32. Fuzzy Math II: Archive Entry From Brad DeLong's Webjournal Main Journal Page Business Week's Howard Gleckman Bangs His HeadAgainst the Wall » January 31, 2003 fuzzy math II Andrew Sullivan http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/movable_type/archives/001523.html | |
33. TheStreet.com: Delving Into The Fuzzy Math At Inktomi Delving Into the fuzzy math at Inktomi By Adam Lashinsky Silicon ValleyColumnist Originally posted at 410 PM ET 5/23/01 on RealMoney.com. http://www.thestreet.com/comment/siliconstreet/1439217.html | |
34. Fuzzy Math In Arms Reductions fuzzy math in Arms Reductions. With so many weapons in storage, saying that each countryhas reduced its arsenal to a maximum of 2,200 warheads is fuzzy math. http://www.cato.org/dailys/01-18-02.html | |
35. Does The US Nuclear Posture Review Use Fuzzy Math? Does the US Nuclear Posture Review Use fuzzy math? POLICY FORUM Thursday,February 14, 2002 1200 pm Featuring JD Crouch, Assistant http://www.cato.org/events/020214pf.html |
36. Fuzzy Math August 1623, 2001. news. fuzzy math. On Aug. 8, Knight RidderInc. chairman Tony Ridder came to town to address his beleaguered http://www.citypaper.net/articles/081601/news.mediab.shtml |
37. Count, Recount, And Fuzzy Math Count, Recount, and fuzzy math. Commentary. Successive counts (often made bydifferent people) may yield different results. This is called fuzzy math. http://www.siam.org/siamnews/01-01/fuzzycount.htm | |
38. Drug Policy Alliance: “Fuzzy Math” In New ONDCP Report Home News fuzzy math in New ONDCP Report, fuzzy mathin New ONDCP Report. Weds, Feb 12, 2003 Using new accounting http://www.lindesmith.org/news/02_12_03fuzzy.cfm | |
39. Dmusic.com | Michael Greene's Fuzzy Math? Michael Greene's fuzzy math? Posted by AdminBill Evans in Bill'sCorner on March 1, 2002 at 915 AM Printable Printable Version http://news.dmusic.com/article/4542 | |
40. Dmusic.com | Michael Greene's Fuzzy Math? DMusic.com Article http//news.dmusic.com/print/4542. Michael Greene'sfuzzy math? Posted by AdminBill Evans in Bill's Corner on http://news.dmusic.com/print/4542 | |
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