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41. Deep Junior - The Reigning World Computer Chess Champion Deep Junior The Reigning World computer chess Champion. 1. Brief BIOJunior and its high-end PC version Deep Junior are acknowledged http://www.x3dworld.com/Entertainment/CI_X3DEvnt_DeepJunior.html | |
42. Jyrki Alakuijala's Home Page A GPLed, complete, but compact ( 3 kloc) chess program in Python (2.0 or later) is downloadable from the site. It has absearch, pondering, complex evaluation, iterative deepening, and a graphical user interface. Searches around 200 nodes per sec on modern hardware. http://www.kolumbus.fi/jyrki.alakuijala/pychess.html | |
43. MAKING COMPUTER CHESS SCIENTIFIC (20-Sep-1998) MAKING computer chess SCIENTIFIC. Kasparov that the tournament oriented work on computerchess was not contributing as much to the science of AI as it should. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/chess.html | |
44. Gargamella Gargamella is a new Italian winboard chess engine. A free download is available. There are some theory pages about computer chess programming. http://digilander.iol.it/gargamellachess/index.htm | |
45. Review Of Computer Chess Comes Of Age By Monty Newborn (11-May-1998) Review of computer chess Comes of Age by Monty Newborn. The review appearedin Science on 1997 June 6. There are .html, .dvi, .pdf and .ps versions. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/newborn.html | |
46. Chess News, Chess Programs And Databases Chessbase European Site. ChessBase is a multifeatured chess database program.Category Games Board Games Abstract Battle Games Chess Software......Shredder tops the computer rankings 14.02.2003 When was the last time Fritzdid not occupy the first place in the computer chess ranking lists? http://www.chessbase.com/ | |
47. Daily Chess Columns A short history of computer chess. A short history of computer chess.The first chess machine. In 1769 the Hungarian engineer Baron http://www.chessbase.com/columns/column.asp?pid=102 |
48. Computer Chess / GNU Chess Contains GNUChess Atari, Chess, computer chess and source code of these for different platforms http://users.pandora.be/ai/chess/indexGNUChess.html | |
49. An Introduction To Computer Chess computer chess Past to Present. Alejandro LópezOrtiz alopez-o@neumann.uwaterloo.ca1993. UPDATE. Introduction. History of computer chess. http://se.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/divulge/chimp.html | |
50. Publications Test Suites Misc Links .bishop Computer Chess .bishop computer chess publications Aske Plaat, Jonathan Schaeffer, Wim Pijls, Ariede Bruin, BestFirst Fixed-Depth Game-Tree Search in Practice , 1995, 7p. http://www.kozachenko.com/dotbishop/ | |
51. Computer Chess History By Bill Wall computer chess History by Bill Wall. In 1947, Alan Turing of chess. In1950, Alan Turing wrote the first computer chess program. By 1956 http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lab/7378/comphis.htm | |
52. Winboard-Overview 120 Winboard engines, with tabulated features, download links. Part of a much larger computer chess site. http://www.winboardengines.de/html/winboard-overview.html |
53. Maro's Chess Page The Correspondence Chess Place by John C. Knudsen; MSO Worldwide; KaiLübke Shep's computer chess Site programprogram tests; Macintosh http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2640/chess.htm | |
54. Chess - Steve Pribut's Chess Site Links to chess sites and resources, including software, chess servers, and frequently asked questions.Category Games Board Games Battle Games Chess Directories...... Latest SSDF Computer Ratings. computer chess Ratings from Selective Search Magazine. ComputerChess Information and FAQs. Search the Site. Search The Site. http://www.drpribut.com/sports/chess.html | |
55. Arasan A chess program for Windows.Category Games Video Games Recreation Board Games Freeware Chess...... If you're interested in computer chess, you might want to check out the followingother free programs Crafty, GNUChess, Little Goliath, The Crazy Bishop http://www.arasanchess.org/ | |
56. Peter's Computer Chess Page Peter's Homepage computer chess. Dec 3 2001, Added endgame test suite. March3 2001, Redesign of main computer chess page and tidy up of other pages. http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~peter/chess.htm | |
57. A Welcome From The President, David Levy Acknowledging our history and continuing activity, we now detail somecomputerchess achievements. The ICCA, ICGA and computer chess. http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/icga/organisation/welcome.html | |
58. Howstuffworks "How Chess Computers Work" Machine The world is watching as Garry Kasparov takes on computer chess champDeep Junior. Find out how computer chess programs calculate their moves. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/chess.htm | |
59. ``Scalable Search In Computer Chess'' -- My Latest Book !! ``Scalable Search in computer chess'' My Latest Book !! Author 1589.3 SelfPlay Experiments in computer chess .. 162 http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/~heinz/node1.html | |
60. Cilkchess The Cilkchess Parallel Chess Program. Announcements. Cilkchess competesin the 1999 World computer chess Championship, June 1420 Cilkchess. http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/chess/ | |
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