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61. HealingWell.com - Alzheimer's Disease Doctors say it's a version of TGA, short for transient global amnesia.It strikes during or right after sexual intercourse, usually http://healingwellalzheimers.subportal.com/health/Diseases_and_Conditions/Psycho | |
62. Psychiatry & Neurology Effects of psychotropics on EPs. Handedness and spatial inattention; Neuropsychologicalevaluation on memory disturbance in transient global amnesia. http://www.med.tokushima-u.ac.jp/graduate-school/medicine/en/medical/psychiatry_ | |
63. CONTRST STUDY (Department of Neurology, General Hospital of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100853,China).Key words transient global amnesia; cognitive function; MRI; PET. http://www.cmj.org/9qk/jiajianjun2.htm | |
64. ThirdAge - Adam - Memory Loss transient global amnesia; Drugs such as barbiturates or benzodiazepines; Electroconvulsivetherapy (especially if prolonged); Temporal lobe brain surgery. http://www.thirdage.com/health/adam/ency/article/003257.htm | |
65. Verlag Hans Huber - Bücher, Fachbücher: Psychologie Translate this page Verlag Home, Hans J. Markowitsch (Hrsg.). transient global amnesia and Related Disorders.ISBN 0-920887-70-8. EURO 49.00 / CHF 88.00 in den Einkaufskorb legen . http://verlag.hanshuber.com/onlinekat/psychologie/einzeltitel.php?IDGG=V1100&TIT |
66. Untitled transient global amnesia sometimes needs to be differentiated fromcomplex partial seizure attack. Those patients who carry the http://www.concentric.net/~Norih/topic5-slpeeg.htm | |
67. Mental Issues - Psychology Papers transient global amnesia send me this paper transient global amnesia (TGA) involvesthe sudden loss of memory of recent events and a transient inability to http://www.psychpapers.com/177-016.html |
68. Earth Operations Central: Burundanga Alert 3 Communications I ran across this citation while doing a computer search ARDILAA; MORENO C Scopolamine intoxication as a model of transient global amnesia. http://earthops.net/klaatu/scopalamine3.html | |
69. Dr. Annalena Venneri Translate this page Venneri A., Brazzelli M., Della Sala S. transient global amnesiatriggered by mild head injury. Bain Injury. 1998, 12, 605-612. http://www.psyc.abdn.ac.uk/homedir/avenneri/avenneri.htm |
70. Transient Global Amnesia Website Results :: Linkspider UK transient global amnesia Websites from the Linkspider UK. transient global amnesiaDirectory. Complete Results for transient global amnesia Related Topics. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorders/B | |
71. Products2 Anuja. 30 caps Rs. 37.50. Stresscom. Capsule. Anxiety neurosis, Depression,Insomnia, General debility, transient global amnesia. Dabur. Triveng. Capsule. http://www.ayurvaidyas.com/body_products2.html | |
72. Memory Loss Other thiamine deficiency, such as malabsorption. transient global amnesia(vertebrobasilar disease). Fugue states and psychogenic amnesia. RARE. http://www.doctorupdate.net/du_toolkit/s_sorters/s51.html | |
73. Howstuffworks "What Exactly Is Amnesia?" transient global amnesia Spontaneous memory loss that can last from minutesto several hours; usually seen in middle-aged to elderly people. http://www.howstuffworks.com/question672.htm | |
74. Syllabus - Geriatric Syndromes - Dementia - Clinical Presentation Top of page. transient global amnesia versus dementia. transient global amnesiais an episodic problem of unknown cause, which mainly affects older people. http://www.geriatricsyllabus.com/geria/demen/demen2/diffe.htm |
75. Tufts University Neurology She was seen by neurology, who diagnosed transient global amnesia syndrome, butbecause the symptoms didnt improve after 36 hours, the patient was brought http://tuftsneurology.org/training/presentations/1_98/summary.html | |
76. Tufts University Neurology , Mediodorsal thalamic lesions impair radial maze performance in therat. , Thalamic ischemia in transient global amnesia a SPECT study. http://tuftsneurology.org/training/presentations/1_98/medline.html | |
77. RxMed: Pharmaceutical Information - MOGADON Cases of transient global amnesia and traveller's amnesia have also been reportedin association with benzodiazepines, the latter in individuals who have http://www.rxmed.com/b.main/b2.pharmaceutical/b2.1.monographs/CPS- Monographs/CP | |
78. Chapter 14 Links-Learning And Memory: Basic Mechanisms. transient global amnesia http//www.healthpartners.com/group/neuro/tga.html. andtreatment of transient global amnesia. http://www.albany.edu/faculty/cafrye/apsy601/Chapter12Links.html | |
79. Signs And Symptoms - Internet Handbook Of Neurology Ganser syndrome eMedicine/Medicine; Confusional State and Acute MemoryDisorders - eMedicine/Neurology; transient global amnesia - Neuroland. http://www.neuropat.dote.hu/signs.htm | |
80. Health Report - 8/25/1997: Amnesia During Sex This entity which I refer to as recurrent coital amnesia, is a specialisedform of a more general condition transient global amnesia. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s248.htm | |
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