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Stiff-person Syndrome: more detail | ||||||
21. Patient 40 Selftest Patient 40 stiffperson syndrome 1. Which of the following is a diagnosticfeature of the classical stiff-person syndrome? A. rigidity http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/challeng/pat40/selftest.html | |
22. Patient 40 Test Answer 4e Patient 40 Question 4 stiffperson syndrome You are correct. All of the above autoantibodieshave been reported in patients with the stiff-person syndrome. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/challeng/pat40/answer4e.html | |
23. Stiff-Person Syndrome The Official Patient's Sourcebook on stiffperson syndrome (Moersch-WoltmannSyndrome; Muscular Rigidity - Progressive Spasm; Stiff Man Syndrome). http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Stiff_Person_Syndrome.html | |
25. The Health Library Immune System Scleroderma. Fibromyalgia. Sjogren's Syndrome. Grave's Disease. stiffperson syndrome.Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Transverse Myelitis. Goodpasture Syndrome. Uveitis. http://healthlibrary.stanford.edu/resources/internet/bodysystems/immune3.html | |
26. Untitled Document Unwanted motor unit activation is known to occur in the stiffperson syndrome and,consequently, this syndrome will be the core dysfunction of the course. http://www.akm.ch/ens2003/programme/teachingCourse_sa.htm | |
27. References Levy LM, Dalakas MC, Floeter M. The stiffperson syndrome an autoimmune disorderaffecting neurotransmission of gamma-aminobutyric acid. Ann Intern Med. http://www.medscape.com/content/2001/00/41/50/415033/415033_sug.html | |
28. References 2001 Medscape Portals, Inc. Table 1. Differential Diagnosis of StiffPersonSyndrome. Peripheral Central stiff-person syndrome. Focal lesions of spinal cord http://www.medscape.com/content/2001/00/41/50/415033/415033_tab.html | |
29. Directory :: Look.com stiffperson syndrome (4) See Also. Sites. MCW HealthLink An article aboutstiff-person syndrome, a rare progressive neurological disorder. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=594583 |
30. WebGuest - Open Directory : Health : Conditions And Diseases : Neurological Diso Sites MCW HealthLink An article about stiff-person syndrome, a rareprogressive neurological disorder. NORD - Stiff Person Syndrome http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurologi | |
31. The Infography About Stiff-Man Syndrome Floeter MK, VallsSole J, Toro C, Jacobowitz D, Hallett M. Physiologic studiesof spinal inhibitory circuits in patients with stiff-person syndrome. http://www.infography.com/content/865274012491.html | |
32. Mary Kay Floeter, Electromyography Section, NINDS Sandbrink F, NA Syed, M Fujii, MC Dalakas, and MK Floeter (2000) Motorcortex excitability in stiffperson syndrome, Brain 123, 2231-2239 . http://intra.ninds.nih.gov/Lab.asp?Org_ID=97 |
33. Ivanhoe's Medical Breakthroughs - Discussion Groups wkhazen03@cox.net 03/17/03; stiffperson syndrome - judy nicol 03/06/03» RE stiff-person syndrome dschaerer@hotmail.com 03/07/03; http://www.ivanhoe.com/discussion/p_discussion.cfm?forumID=84&action=msglist |
34. Stiff-man Syndrome NLM Medline definition of stiffperson syndrome A condition characterized by persistentspasms (SPASM) involving multiple muscles, primarily in the lower http://www.ion.ucl.ac.uk/library/patient/stiff.htm | |
35. Cleveland Clinic Health System - Health Information Search Results The following information is available for the topic StiffPersonSyndrome. Please select one. , stiff-person syndrome. New Search. http://www.cchs.net/health/getcontents.asp?DocID=do-query&TopicId=1361 |
36. Cleveland Clinic Health System - Health Information , Stenosis, Spinal. , Steroids. -, Steroids, Anabolic. -, stiff-person syndrome.-, Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer). -, Strep Throat. -, Stress Management. -, StressTest. http://www.cchs.net/health/getcontents.asp?DocID=do-query&txtChar=S |
37. Neuromuscular Diseases stiffperson syndrome About stiff-person syndrome - NINDS (US); StiffmanSyndrome Foundation Geilman family - (US); Stiff-man Syndrome http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c10.668.html | |
38. Zeal.com - United States - New - Personal - Health - Conditions & Illnesses - Br Add a Site Profile. 1. Cleveland Clinic stiff-person syndrome http//www.clevelandclinic.org/health/health-info/docs/1300/ http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=274722 |
39. IM Abstract 40-9 Case 20 stiffperson syndrome Associated with Cerebellar Ataxia and High GlutamicAcid Decarboxylase Antibody Titer Satoshi Kono, Hiroaki http://www.naika.or.jp/im/im40/ab40-9/c400920.html | |
40. Stiff-Person Syndrome Website Results :: Linkspider UK stiffperson syndrome Websites from Linkspider UK. Keyword Stiff-PersonSyndrome. Linkspider UK Directory stiff-person syndrome Search for. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorders/M | |
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