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41. Spine And Nerve Center At MGH/Harvard Neurosurgical evaluation of neck and back pain, nerve compression syndromes,herniated intervertebral discs, and spinal cord compression syndromes. http://neurosurgery.mgh.harvard.edu/spine-hp.htm | |
42. VERTEBRAL OSTEOCHONDROMA CAUSING SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION - ( VERTEBRAL OSTEOCHONDROMA CAUSING spinal cord compression (Report of TwoCases). Such involvement may contribute to spinal cord compression. http://www.bhj.org/journal/1996/3801_jan/case_195.htm |
43. Alberta Palliative Network A Caregivers Guide Spinal Cord spinal cord compression means the spinal cord is being squeezed. It is usuallycaused by a tumour pressing on the spinal cord. spinal cord compression. http://www.albertapalliative.net/APN/CGG/28SpinalCord.html | |
44. Spinal Cord Compression - HealthBoards Bulletin Board He said the heaviness was due to the spinal cord compression and the onlyway to bring relief was surgery. I had the surgery the following week. http://www.healthboards.com/ubb/Forum113/HTML/000935.html | |
45. Spinal Cord Compression spinal cord compression. Mechanical injury Ischemia.Return to uscneurosurgery.com Homepage. http://uscneurosurgery.com/glossary/s/spinal cord compression.htm | |
46. USC Neurosurgery Management Protocols Cervical Disc Library. USC Neurosurgery Management Protocols. spinal cord compression. Head injury. Spinalcord compression. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt obstruction/infection. http://uscneurosurgery.com/library/protocols/protocols/uscneurosurgery protocols | |
47. STARToncology 1.1 Incidence spinal cord compression from epidural metastases is the mostcommon neurological complication of cancer after brain metastases. http://www.startoncology.net/viewStart.asp?Id=53 |
48. The Spinal Cord Extrinsic compression Extrinsic spinal cord compression from neoplasms or othermasses affects the spinal cord by direct compression and by interference with http://www.medinfo.ufl.edu/year2/neuro/review/sp.html | |
49. ASB: MECHANISMS IN SPINAL CORD INJURY Figure 1 Effect of Cord Compression on Motor Responses. Figure 2 65%spinal cord compression (Typical). REFERENCES. McNeice GM et al. http://asb-biomech.org/onlineabs/abstracts96/mcneice.html | |
50. Nature Publishing Group Article. Systemic hypothermia following spinal cord compression injury in the rataxonal changes studied by APP, ubiquitin, and PGP 9.5 immunohistochemistry. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/sc/journal/v37/n10/abs/3100920a |
51. Nature Publishing Group a Author for correspondence. Abstract. This study was conducted toinduce chronic spinal cord compression myelopathy in rabbits. The http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/sc/journal/v35/n11/abs/3100533a |
52. Cancer - Spinal Cord Compression Risk Predictable In Prostate Cancer Patients spinal cord compression Risk Predictable In Prostate Cancer Patients.WESTPORT, CT Aug 10 (Reuters Health) Patients with metastatic http://www.cancerpage.com/cancernews/cancernews3167.htm | |
53. EMedicine - Neoplasms, Spinal Cord : Article Excerpt By: J Stephen Huff, MD not actually spinal cord tumors, they are included in this discussion because vertebralmetastases cause 85% of the cases of spinal cord compression, and the http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/byname/neoplasms-spinal-cord.htm | |
54. Spinal Cord Compression spinal cord compression An experimental study in the rat. Chow SP, FurumachiK, Bruce I 1 , Ip WY. 1 Department of Physiology, The University of Hong Kong. http://www.hku.hk/ortho/ortho/abstract/abstract1999/abstract99/abst401.htm | |
55. Spinal Cord Compression By Heterotopic Ossification Associated spinal cord compression by heterotopic ossification associated withpseudohypoparathyroidism. J Int Med Res. 1997 NovDec;25(6)364 http://www.aegis.com/pubs/aidsline/1998/apr/M9841753.html | |
56. Management Of Pain And Spinal Cord..., Annals 6 Jul 99 Management of Pain and spinal cord compression in Patients with AdvancedCancer. Corticosteroid Therapy for Malignant spinal cord compression. http://www.acponline.org/ethics/abrahm.htm | |
57. Florida State University College Of Medicine Digital Library spinal cord compression Clinical Resources. spinal cord compression Listof documents; Back Pain List of documents; Back List of documents. http://fsumed-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/orthopedics/spinal-cord-compression.htm | |
58. Florida State University College Of Medicine Digital Library spinal cord compression Patient/Family Resources. See also General OrthopedicsPatient/Family Resources; spinal cord compression Clinical Resources. http://fsumed-dl.slis.ua.edu/patientinfo/orthopedics/back/spinal-cord-compressio | |
59. Spinal Cord Compression - General Practice Notebook medical information from General Practice Notebook. spinal cord compression.spinal cord compression is characterised by a combination http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/1020264459.htm | |
60. Trauma Case Study: Spinal Cord Compression Trauma Case Study spinal cord compression. Due February 27, 2003.Name. T. is a 34year http://www2.hutchcc.edu/Dept/allied_health/nursing/Trauma Case Study.htm | |
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