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61. Sickle Cell Disease - English And Spanish Versions — Fanlight Productions hospitalization. This program examines the devastating impact of sickle celldisease on these young people and their families and caregivers. I http://www.fanlight.com/catalog/films/906_scdesl.shtml | |
62. Sickle Cell Disease — Fanlight Productions hospitalization. This program examines the devastating impact of sicklecell disease on these young people and their families and caregivers. http://www.fanlight.com/catalog/films/305_scd.shtml | |
63. Sickle Cell Disorder Sickle Cell Disorder. sickle cell disease describes a group of inherited disordersof red blood cells. sickle cell disease affects more than 50,000 Americans. http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/units/newborn/infosheets/sicklecelldisorder.cfm | |
64. Patterns Of Mortality In Sickle Cell Disease In Adults In France And England Patterns of mortality in sickle cell disease in adults in France and England. death;sickle cell disease; acute chest syndrome; vasoocclusion; pregnancy. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/thj/journal/v3/n1/full/6200147a |
65. Sickle Cell Anemia Complications of sickle cell disease may include pain, stroke, increasedrisk of infection, and leg ulcers. Signs of sickle cell http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/conditions/sickle.html | |
66. Gene Therapy Used To Treat Sickle Cell Disease In Mice Gene Therapy Used to Treat sickle cell disease in Mice About 72,000 in the UnitedStates have two copies of the sickle cell gene and have the disease. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/12/1213_TVsickle.html | |
67. Pain Resource Center :: Beckman Research Institute :: City Of Hope 3. Guideline for the Management of Acute Pain in sickle cell disease, Quick ReferenceGuide for Emergency Department Clinicians (2001 version) order form. http://mayday.coh.org/sickle.asp | |
68. ICT - Sickle Cell What is sickle cell disease? sickle cell disease is caused by a small changein a hemoglobin protein contained in red blood cells (RBC's). http://ict.louisville.edu/bedside/sc/ | |
69. TUP: Hill, Shirley A.: Managing Sickle Cell Disease In Low-Income Families Managing sickle cell disease in LowIncome Families. Shirley A. Hill. Asmany as 30,000 African Americans have sickle cell disease (SCD). http://www.temple.edu/tempress/titles/1113_reg.html | |
70. BBC News | HEALTH | Gene Therapy Hope For Sickle Cell Disease Scientists have been able to correct sickle cell diseasein mice using gene therapy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_1708000/1708055.stm | |
71. Division Of Genetics: Sickle Selections, URMC April 2002 Survey of Newborns with sickle cell disease, Birth Statistics, Camp KopeSchedule*. January 2002 sickle cell disease Cured in Mice by Gene Therapy*. http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/genetics/hemonews.htm | |
72. Sickle Cell Disease - Health Risk Factors sickle cell disease. About sickle cell disease. sickle cell diseaseis an inherited disorder of the red blood cells. Red blood cells http://www.agingwell.state.ny.us/prevention/sickle.htm | |
73. What Is Sickle Cell Disease? Provides easyto-understand explanations of sickle cell disease and a descriptionof how the body reacts to this inherited disorder. http://www.ahcpr.gov/consumer/bodysys/edbody12.htm | |
74. Hardin MD : Sickle Cell Anemia updated Friday, Mar 14, 2003 sickle cell pictures, pictures of sickle cell anemia,information on sickle cell anemia, sickle cell disease pictures, sickle http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/sicklecellanemia.html | |
75. CBC News:Father Calls Sickle Cell Anemia 'neglected' Disease The Sickle Cell Foundation of Alberta; sickle cell disease Mount Sinai Hospital.(Note CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external http://www.cbc.ca/storyview/AOL/2003/03/17/sickle_cell030317 | |
76. The Sickle Cell Disease Program At St. Louis Childrens Hospital. The sickle cell disease Program at St. Louis Childrens Hospitalprovides comprehensive diagnosis sickle cell disease Program. http://www.stlouischildrens.org/articles/kids_parents.asp?ID=247 |
77. Wadsworth-Newborn Screening-Sickle Cell Anemia). If he inherits an 'IS gene from one parent and a IICII genefrom the other, he has SC Disease, a form of sickle cell disease. http://www.wadsworth.org/newborn/scell/scell.htm | |
78. Newborn Screening Brochurs And Educational Materials - New York State Department sickle cell disease (sickle cell anemia or homozygous S disease)a disorder ofthe hemoglobin (oxygencarrying part) of red blood cellsnot to be confused http://www.wadsworth.org/newborn/disorders.htm | |
79. American Red Cross, Penn-Jersey Region Sickle Cell Disease Donate blood, help a child with sickle cell disease,American Red Cross PennJersey Region. http://www.pleasegiveblood.org/donating/sickle_cell.html |
80. HuGE Review - Sickle Hemoglobin (Hb S) Allele And Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Hemoglobin (Hb S) Allele and sickle cell disease print version. Most individualswith sickle cell disease have African and Mediterranean ancestry. http://www.cdc.gov/genomics/hugenet/reviews/sickle.htm | |
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