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21. Granada Learning: SIS: SEMERC Information Service Apart from classic autism, also known as Kanner's syndrome, the most widely recognisedconditions are Asperger's syndrome and semanticpragmatic disorder. http://www.granada-learning.com/special_needs/library/libra/autism.jhtml | |
22. Senco-forum Message, Semantic-pragmatic Disorder semanticpragmatic disorder. Subject semantic-pragmatic disorder; From AprilTarling apriltarling@wilts.rmplc.co.uk ; Date Tue, 15 Jun 1999 162909 +0100. http://search.ngfl.gov.uk/majordomo-html/senco-forum/senco-forum.archive.1999/ms | |
23. Senco-forum Message, Semantic-pragmatic Disorder semanticpragmatic disorder. Date Tue, 15 Jun 1999 194603 +0100. Semantic-PragmaticDisorder is the language dysfunction in Autistic Spectrum Disorders. http://search.ngfl.gov.uk/majordomo-html/senco-forum/senco-forum.archive.1999/ms | |
24. A Different Reality - Information About Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspe Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. Conversational characteristics of childrenwith semanticpragmatic disorder. (1 Exchange structure, turntaking http://www.autistik.co.uk/semantic.htm | |
25. Language And Learning Disorders Return to Top. 2. semanticpragmatic disorder. As with semantic-pragmatic disorder,hyperlexia is used for both a specific trait and a distinct syndrome. http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna/asa/definitions/ld.html | |
26. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: Communication Dis disorder. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Paper by speechlanguage pathologistMargo Sharp. What is semantic-pragmatic disorder? Article http://www.1uphealth.com/links/language-and-speech-semantic-pragmatic-disorder.h | |
27. Disabilities Answers4Families. semanticpragmatic disorder. Asperger Syndrome Coalitionof the US, ASC-US is a nonprofit organization that provides http://nncf.unl.edu/common/disabilities/disabilities.php?disability=86 |
28. Resources For Kids With Special Needs - The Super Start Project Autism Resources. Autism, Asperger's Syndrome semanticpragmatic disorder.Autism And Other Pervasive Development Disorders. Autism Society of America.B. http://new.superstart.org/kids_with_special_needs_sites.htm | |
29. Denisev2 Welcome to my photo page. Click here to return to the semanticpragmatic disorderWeb Page. Click here to return to the semantic-pragmatic disorder Web Page. http://www.homestead.com/denisev2/ | |
30. Saleh's Resources For Speech-Language Pathology 3 Landau-Kleffner syndrome Landau-Kleffner Syndrome LANDAU-KLEFFNER SYNDROME 3-Specific language impairment (SLI) 4- semantic-pragmatic disorder What is http://www.gulfnet.ws/tawahud/speech.htm | |
31. Searchalot Directory For Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Related Web Sites. semanticpragmatic disorder Home Page - Collected resourcesof a parent who is researching SPD. What is semantic-pragmatic disorder? http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/CommunicationDisorder | |
32. Hearing & Speech Institute Of Oregon semanticpragmatic disorder What is it? Characteristics of a child withsemantic-pragmatic disorder include Delayed language development; http://www.hearingandspeech.biz/children/problemsResults.asp?DOCID=18 |
33. What Is Semantic- National Autistic Society (Surrey Branch) What is semanticpragmatic disorder?by Julia Muggleton Co to jest semantic- pragmatic disorder? http://www.autyzm.one.pl/co_to_jest_spd.htm | |
34. Semantic-pragmatic Disorder? No messages are screened for content. semanticpragmatic disorder? Now I readabout semantic-pragmatic disorder and that sounded quite like my son. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum_2/SpeechDisordersF/5.27.995.34PMSemantic- | |
35. First Signs - Parent Resources semanticpragmatic disorder. semantic-pragmatic disorder Web Page Semantic PragmaticDisorder by the American Hyperlexia Association. Seizure Disorders. http://www.firstsigns.org/pages/parent_resources/related_sites_websites_devdisor | |
36. First Signs - Physician Resources PraderWilli Syndrome. Prader-Willi Syndrome Association. semantic-pragmatic disorder.semantic-pragmatic disorder Web Page. Seizure Disorders. Epilepsy Foundation. http://www.firstsigns.org/pages/physician_resources/related_sites_websites_dev_d | |
37. Department Of Logopedics, Phoniatrics And Audiology A longitudinal study of two girls with a semanticpragmatic disorder.Working papers in Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 7, 133-166. http://www1.ldc.lu.se/logopedi/department/sahlen/BSpubl.html | |
38. Autism Spectrum Communication Links AUTISM AND THE MOTOR THEORY OF LANGUAGE; Autism, Asperger's Syndromeand semanticpragmatic disorder Where are the Boundaries? Basic http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/communication.htm | |
39. SpeechWA Links Apraxia Kids. A Hotlist on Developmental Apraxia SemanticPragmaticDisorder. Autism, Asperger's and semantic-pragmatic disorder. AFASIC. http://members.iinet.net.au/~bronson1/waspeech/links.htm | |
40. WA Speech Guide semanticpragmatic disorder These children often present with unusual languagecharacteristics, in the areas of meaning and use of language. http://members.iinet.net.au/~bronson1/waspeech/guide.htm | |
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