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82. Virtual Children's Hospital: Paediapaedia: Prune-Belly Syndrome (Eagle-Barrett S Paediapaedia Genitourinary Diseases prunebelly syndrome (Eagle-Barrett syndrome).Michael P. D'Alessandro, MD Peer Review Status Internally Peer Reviewed http://www.vh.org/pediatric/provider/radiology/PAP/GUDiseases/Prune.html | |
83. Keyword:Eagle-Barrett (prune Belly) Syndrome EagleBarrett (prune belly) syndrome. Chapter 17 The Eagle-Barrettsyndrome is a relatively rare condition in which there is failure http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/pathology/ed/keywords/kw_eagle-ba.html | |
84. Prune-Belly Syndrome - Page 128 prunebelly syndrome. Pathohistologic examination revealed congenital cysticadenomatoid malformation, type II, as part of prune-belly syndrome. http://www.rbrs.org/database/82-3/page128.html | |
85. PRUNE-BELLY SYNDROME - M. Van Leersum, C.K. Van Der Ent, R. Lapham And F.J.A. Be . prunebelly syndrome. Pathohistologic examination revealed congenital cysticadenomatoid malformation, type II, as part of prune-belly syndrome. http://www.rbrs.org/journal/volume82/prune_belly.htm | |
86. ORPHANET® : 'Prune Belly' Syndrome ORPHANET. ORPHANET database access. 'prune belly' syndrome. Directaccess to details Alias Urethral obstruction sequence. Home Page. http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/prune_belly.html | |
87. Prune Belly (Eagle-Barrett) Syndrome prune belly (EagleBarrett) syndrome. absent abdominal musculature; undescendedtestes; dilated ureters calyces; clubbed feet; heart lung abnormalities. http://chorus.rad.mcw.edu/doc/00336.html | |
88. Nature Publishing Group Special Imaging Casebook prunebelly syndrome With Urachal DiverticularCalcification, Posterior Urethral Valves, and Patent Utricle. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/jp/journal/v19/n8/abs/7200094a. |
89. The Lethal Variant Of The Prune Bellys Syndrome. Two Cases Report http://www.medigraphic.com/ingles/i-htms/i-h-gral/i-hg1999/i-hg99-3/im-hg993j.ht |
90. Abdominal Wall Defect Of The Stomach Abdominal Wall Defects (Congenital). Etiology Abdominal wall defects includeomphalocele, gastroschisis, limbbody wall complex and prune-belly syndrome. http://radiology.uchc.edu/eAtlas/GI/743.htm |
91. Prune Belly-oireyhtymä, Keuhkovaltiomon Ahtauma, Kehitysvammaisuus Ja Kuurous Kehitysvammahuollon tietopankki. Puuttuvat vatsalihakset ja kehitysvammaisuus.prune bellyoireyhtymä, keuhkovaltiomon ahtauma, kehitysvammaisuus ja kuurous. http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/luumu_kv.htm | |
92. Prune Belly-oireyhtymä Kehitysvammahuollon tietopankki. Puuttuvat vatsalihakset, virtsateidenpoikkeavuudet ja piilokivekset. prune bellyoireyhtymä. prune http://www.saunalahti.fi/kup/syndroma/luumumah.htm | |
93. Lancaster General - Genitourinary And Kidney Disorders 300,000 children will develop disorders that cause blood and protein to leak intotheir urine, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome and glomerulonephritis. http://www.lha.org/content/greystone_6995.asp |
94. Pakistani Medical And Health Portal HYTRIN You have a choice that's right for your patients Urology PruneBelly syndrome and Tracheoesophageal Fistula in a Premature Neonate. http://www.pakdoctor.com/health_professional/urology/Prune_Belly.html | |
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