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61. AIC: ICU - Platelet Dysfunction second only to thrombocytopenia as the major cause of clinical bleeding disorders.'Additionally, several acquired qualitative platelet disorders have been http://gasbone.herston.uq.edu.au/teach/phvc_plat/platelet.html | |
62. Coaganswers2 Screening test for platelet disorders and for von Willebrands disease. Howdo you treat most of these platelet disorders? Treat with platelets. http://www.u.arizona.edu/ic/srl/heme/coaganswers2.html | |
63. Hemophilia Association Of New Jersey - Hemophilia, Bleeding Disorders Women with von Willebrand disease, platelet disorders, single factor deficienciesand symptomatic hemophilia carrier status oftentimes have more complications http://www.hanj.org/hanjwomn.htm | |
64. Hematologic Disorders In Pregnancy platelet disorders Jaundice and DIC in Pregnancy Medscape; Plateletdisorders March 1997 British Medical Journal; PregnancyAssociated http://www.perinatology.com/exposures/Maternal/hematologic.htm | |
65. Medslides - The World's Premier Site For Medical Slides , Reference, Size....... 11/01, Porphyria, Victor Ghobrial, MD, Joseph Sobieski, MD, 91k. 11/01, Thrombopoietin,K.Pavithran, MD, DM, 45k. platelet disorders. Date, http://www.medslides.com/member/Hematology/ | |
66. James G. White Provides expert backup for UMHC Coagulation Laboratory on patients with bleedingproblems and platelet disorders; provides diagnostic and followup service for http://pathology.umn.edu/Faculty/James G_ White.htm | |
67. CCHS Clinical Digital Library All MD Consult Reference Books for. The Merck Manual 17th Ed.1999 Tableof contents Chapter 133 platelet disorders Table of contents http://cchs-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/hematology/bleedingdisorders/plateletdisorde | |
68. Haematologica - September 2002 - 897 6 present results which begin to explore the pathogenic mechanisms underlying aninteresting family of giant platelet disorders in which the genetic defect has http://www.haematologica.it/2002_09/897.htm | |
69. Diseases From Clotting Problems platelet disorders platelet disorders occur when there are too few platelets, toomany platelets or a normal number of platelets that do not function in the http://www-admin.med.uiuc.edu/hematology/Ptdiseases.htm | |
70. MemorialCare - Online Health Screenings By MyElectronicMD.com Irrespective of their etiology, all of these forms of platelet disorderslead to impairment of primary and secondary hemostasis. http://mymd.i2net.com/mc_mymd/refr.php?Id=1233 |
71. Hematology International Society Of Haematology ISHAPD Education Program 1999 platelet disorders; Diagnosis and Management of Immune ThrombocytopeniaJeanne M. Lusher; Von Willebrand's Disease Gilbert C. White, II http://haem.nus.edu.sg/ishapd/1999/ish1999.htm | |
72. Platelet Function Disorders | Principal Health News Platelet Function Disorders. Barrett, Julia. Periodicals Liesner, RJ, and SJ Machin. platelet disorders. British Medical Journal 314, no. 7083 (1997) 809. http://www.principalhealthnews.com/topic/topic100587311 | |
73. Zeal.com - United States - New - Personal - Health - Conditions & Illnesses - Bl 1. Mayo Clinic Rochester platelet disorders Group http//www.mayo.edu/mmgrg/rst/mpdpltrb.htmResource was created by the Mayo Clinic Myeloproliferative http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=274454 |
74. Benign Classification: Hematologic (Blood) Disorders: Patient Information: Arizo blood cells) WHITE BLOOD CELL DISORDERS Neutropenia (Low white blood cells) Leukocytosis(Excess white blood cells) platelet disorders Thrombocytopenia (Low http://www.telemedicine.arizona.edu/patient_info/benign_disorders/classification | |
75. Untitled Document The platelet disorders are often subdivided into either quantitative (iethrombocytopenia) or qualitative problems ( ie platelet dysfunction). http://www.sghhealth4u.com.sg/health4u/hematology/Bleeding_tendency.htm | |
76. Platelet Function Disorders | Ahealthyme.com You are here Home Health A to Z Platelet Function Disorders. PlateletFunction Disorders. platelet disorders. British Medical Journal 314, no. http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/topic100587311 | |
77. Platelet Function Disorders MAIN SEARCH INDEX Platelet function disorders. Periodicals Liesner, RJ, and SJ Machin. platelet disorders. British Medical Journal 314, no. 7083 (1997) 809. http://www.hendrickhealth.org/healthy/001076.htm | |
78. The Royal Society Of Canada - 2002 New Fellows - Academy Of Science / Académie McMaster University John Kelton, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University,is a physician scientist whose investigation of platelet disorders and the http://www.rsc.ca/english/new_fellows_2002_LS.html | |
79. Platelet Disorder Support Association Email pdsa@pdsa.org. Conditions Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura; Inherited Thrombocytopenia;platelet disorders. Hours Answered 9am - 5pm Voicemail yes. http://www.geneticalliance.org/Resources/displayorganization.html?orgname=Platel |
80. VITA-TECH Veterinary Diagnostic Services Only filtered PR') should be used for sustaining the platelet needsof chemotherapy or other patients with severe platelet disorders. http://www.vita-tech.com/VDL/articles/bb6.htm | |
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