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41. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Congenital Platelet Function Defects Prevention Return to top Laboratory studies can detect the defectivegene responsible for these platelet disorders. Genetic counseling http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000582.htm | |
42. Platelet Function Testing hemostasis are complex. Extensive reviews are available to detail themechanisms and pathology of platelet disorders. In brief, platelet http://www.itxm.org/TMU2002/Issue5.htm | |
43. July 2000 - Platelet Closure Times Suspected von Willebrands disease, inherited platelet disorders and evaluationof acquired disorders of platelet function (hepatic disease, renal disease http://www.itxm.org/TMU2000/tmu7-2000.htm | |
44. 1Up Health > Acquired Platelet Function Defect > Causes, Incidence, And Risk Fac Comprehesive information on Acquired platelet function defect (Acquired disordersof platelet function, Acquired qualitative platelet disorders). http://www.1uphealth.com/health/acquired_platelet_function_defect_info.html | |
45. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: Blood Disorders: Disorders Differentiation of platelet versus coagulation defects, presentation,bleeding caused by qualitative platelet disorders and many more topics. http://www.1uphealth.com/links/blood-disorders-platelet.html | |
46. Meet Others Message Area Adults with platelet disorders. Are you an adult and haveITP? Message Area - Parents of Children with platelet disorders. http://www.itppeople.com/discuss.htm | |
47. Archive List Do not reply to these messages. Parents of Children with platelet disorders Discussion Archive. Teens with platelet disorders - Discussion Archive. http://www.itppeople.com/archive.htm | |
48. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor Bleeding time is prolonged in thrombocytopenia, qualitative platelet disorders, vonWillebrand's Disease, fibrinolytic states, afibrinogenemia, vasculitis, and http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/grand/11394.html | |
49. NHF | Resources | Nurses platelet disorders 1. Mammen, EF, Comp, PC, Gosselin, R. et al. International Registryon Recombinant Factor VIIa and Congenital platelet disorders Group. http://www.hemophilia.org/resources/nurses/bibliography4.htm | |
50. Guide'EM Clotting Factor Disorders Hemophilias. 7 .1 .3, Hematologic disorders Hemostatic Disorders platelet disorders. 7 .1 .3 .1, Hematologic http://www.ed.bmc.org/EMGuidelines/guideEM.cfm?CCN1_ID=7 |
51. ThirdAge - Adam - Acquired Platelet Function Defect Alternative Names Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquired disordersof platelet function. Causes, incidence, and risk factors http://www.thirdage.com/health/adam/ency/article/000546.htm | |
52. Platelet Function Disorders Platelet function disorders. Definition. Periodicals Liesner, RJ, and SJ Machin. platelet disorders. British Medical Journal 314, no. 7083 (1997) 809. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/platelet_function_disorders.html | |
53. Bernard-Soulier.html Inherited giant platelet disorders. Giant platelet disorders in AfricanAmericanchildren misdiagnosed as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. http://tbase.jax.org/docs/Bernard-Soulier.html | |
54. Other Disorders Of Coagulation Back to top. platelet disorders. The main clinical features of platelet disordersare they are usually acquired; inherited disorders are rare. http://www.novoseven.com/content/haemostasis/disease_areas/other_disorders_of_co | |
55. Health Ency.: Disease: Acquired Platelet Function Defect Alternative names Acquired qualitative platelet disorders; Acquireddisorders of platelet function. Definition Nonhereditary diseases http://www.accessatlanta.com/shared/health/adam/ency/article/000546.html | |
56. Small Animal 84 platelet disorders. Linda L. Werner, DVM, Ph.D., ACVIM, ACVP. IDEXXVeterinary Services, Inc. 2825 KOVR Drive. West Sacramento, CA 95691. http://www.wildwestspeakers.com/small_animal_84.htm | |
57. Featured Topic: Rare Bleeding Disorders: A Detailed Guide To Bleeding Disorders platelet disorders. Platelets are small proteincontaining cellular fregmentsthat circulate in the blood. They platelet disorders. von http://www.hemophiliagalaxy.com/1_PATIENTS/topics/rare/rare03.html | |
58. Mary K. Boudreaux research interests include evaluating the role of platelets in disease pathogenesisand identification and characterization of congenital platelet disorders. http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/~boudrmk/ | |
59. OBGYN.net - Fact Sheet: Menorrhagia And Mematologic Disorders simple tests to assess platelet dysfunction in women, since 1998, the US has hada simple, highlysensitive test to detect platelet disorders, including von http://www.obgyn.net/displayarticle.asp?page=/news/menorrhagia_faqs |
60. Platelet Physiology 2002 Minutes disorders. Dr. Catherine Hayward presented information on developingevidencebased approaches to the diagnosis of platelet disorders. http://www.med.unc.edu/isth/02sscminutes/02plateletphysio.html | |
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