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21. Blood Platelet Disorders Blood platelet disorders. Back to previous level BernardSoulier SyndromeSearch PUBMED for Bernard-Soulier Syndrome All Review Therapy Diagnosis. http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C15/C15.378.140.html | |
22. Hematologic Diseases Search PUBMED for Blood Group Incompatibility All Review Therapy Diagnosis.Blood platelet disorders 6 more specific term/s, 5 more link/s http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C15/C15.378.html | |
23. Platelet Disorders Home Back Up . platelet disorders platelet disorders, Inheritedplatelet dysfunction, See under Bleeding inherited bleeding disorders. http://www.rcpa.edu.au/pathman/platelet.htm | |
24. Guidelines For The Management Of Platelet Disorders Guidelines Guidelines for the Management of platelet disorders, http://peir.path.uab.edu/coag/article_223.shtml | |
25. Guidelines For The Management Of Platelet Disorders From UAB Coagulation Service (http//coag.path.uab.edu) GuidelinesGuidelines for the Management of platelet disorders. http://peir.path.uab.edu/coag/printer_223.shtml | |
26. EMedicine - Platelet Disorders : Article By Perumal Thiagarajan, MD platelet disorders The hemostatic system consists of platelets, coagulation factors,and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. platelet disorders. http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic987.htm | |
27. Acquired Platelet Disorders Acquired disorders of platelet function. Acquired thrombopathias should be suspectedin animals with specific diseases and treated with certain drugs. http://web.vet.cornell.edu/public/popmed/clinpath/CPmodules/coags/acqplfun.htm | |
28. Acquired Platelet Disorders Acquired disorders of platelet number. Acquired disorders of plateletnumber include thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis. Acquired http://web.vet.cornell.edu/public/popmed/clinpath/CPmodules/coags/acqpltno.htm | |
29. Disease Category Listing (121): Platelet Disorders Clinical Trials platelet disorders. There are no studies currentlylisted in this category on the CenterWatch web site. Back to http://www.centerwatch.com/studies/cat121.htm | |
30. Florida State University College Of Medicine Digital Library Clinical Resources by Topic Hematology. platelet disorders ClinicalResources. See also platelet disorders Patient/Family Resources. http://fsumed-dl.slis.ua.edu/clinical/hematology/bleedingdisorders/plateletdisor | |
31. Florida State University College Of Medicine Digital Library Patient/Family Resources by Topic Hematology. platelet disorders Patient/FamilyResources. See also platelet disorders Clinical Resources. http://fsumed-dl.slis.ua.edu/patientinfo/hematology/bleedingdisorders/plateletdi | |
32. Blood Platelet Disorders Marrow Transplantation. Blood platelet disorders. SUBCATEGORIES. UpThrombocytopenia. America Medica, Inc. ®. info@medlina.com. New York. http://www.medlina.com/blood_platelet_disorders.htm | |
33. Platelet Disorders The excessive bleeding in platelet disorders is mucosal or affects the skin Plateletdisorders can be divided into Thrombocytopenia. Abnormal platelet function. http://www.mds.qmw.ac.uk/biomed/kb/resources/haematology/diseases/haemostasis/pl | |
34. Diagnosis Of Inherited Platelet Disorders In 1998 - Hématologie Diagnosis of inherited platelet disorders in 1998. Hématologie. Vol. The explanationfor the development of giant platelet disorders remains an enigma. http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr/articles/hma/4/3/190-200/en-resum.htm | |
35. Platelet Disorders - General Practice Notebook platelet disorders. The haemostasis. platelet disorders that may interferewith this mechanism are too few platelets thrombocytopaenia; http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1389035490.htm | |
36. Inherited Giant Platelet Disorders Julkaisu. Reference. Jantunen E. Inherited giant platelet disorders.Eur J Haematol 199453191196. Julkaisutiedot. Julkaisutyyppi http://www.uku.fi/wwwdata/julkaisutoiminta/julkaisut/1994/9400813.html | |
37. Platelet Disorders Resources On The Internet platelet disorders. Health News, Platelet Dysfunction A list of disorders associatedwith platelet dysfunction and drugs and their effects on platelets. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/platelet_disorders.html | |
38. Thrombopoietin, Modes Of Action And Role In Platelet Disorders Thrombopoietin modes of action, role in platelet disorders new drug. AlbertEG.Kr. Role of Tpo in platelet disorders. Disorders with thrombocytopenia. http://www.slz.nl/hora/literatu/pages/1998/tpo.htm | |
39. Hematology - Platelet Disorders Hematology. platelet disorders. Thrombasthenia. Defect in aggregation.Thrombocythemia, Thrombocytosis. Platelet count greater than 450,000 http://lifehealth.facworld.com/WTS/lifeonline/online/Hemato_50/HEM_Platelets.htm | |
40. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Acquired Platelet Function Defect Alternative names Return to top Acquired qualitative platelet disorders;Acquired disorders of platelet function. Definition Return http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000546.htm | |
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