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21. Neuralgias neuralgias Trigeminal Neuralgia Association http//www.tna-support.orgHelp and information for trigeminal neuralgia patients, other http://www.medlina.com/neuralgias.htm | |
22. Neuralgias - Información General Translate this page neuralgias - Información general. - Sistema. Las neuralgias son máscomunes en los ancianos, pero pueden presentarse a cualquier edad. http://pcs.adam.com/ency/article/001407.htm | |
23. Neuralgias - Tratamiento Translate this page neuralgias - Tratamiento. - Sistema. Se conoce que el dolor de las neuralgiasha conducido a algunas personas al suicidio. La mayoría http://pcs.adam.com/ency/article/001407trt.htm | |
24. Neuralgias:Health Topics:UI Health Care 19992003, University of Iowa. neuralgias. Neuralgia means burning,numbness, and pain that extends along one or more nerves. A http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/neurologicalhealth/neur3535.html | |
25. Anorectal Neuralgias www.coccyx.org. Anorectal neuralgias. Suduca P. Ann GastroenterolHepatol (Paris), 1985 Dec, 216, 3936. Abstract. Ano-rectal neuralgia http://www.coccyx.org/medabs/suduca.htm | |
26. Peripheral Neuropathies And Neuralgias Peripheral Neuropathies and neuralgias, intermittent nerve blocks may be helpfulwith post traumatic neuralgias early in their course. topical treatment. http://medlib.med.utah.edu/pain_center/education/outlines/peripheral_neuro.html | |
27. Neuralgias : Meddie Health Search 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Facial Neuralgia Resources Resources on trigeminal neuralgia,atypical face pain, anesthesia dolorosa and other cranial neuralgias. http://www.meddie.com/search/Health/Consumer_Support_Groups/Neuralgias/ | |
28. Neuralgias : Meddie Health Search It. Facial Neuralgia Resources Extensive patientto-patient resource on trigeminalneuralgia, atypical face pain, anesthesia dolorosa other cranial neuralgias http://www.meddie.com/search/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disorde | |
29. Other Headaches And Facial Pain,Cranial Neuralgias, B.Todd Troost 12.0 Cranial neuralgias, nerve trunk pain, and deafferentation pain 12.1 Persistent(in contrast to ticlike) pain of cranial nerve origin Under this heading http://imigraine.net/other/neuralgias.html | |
30. Neuralgias neuralgias. Neuralgia means burning, numbness, and pain that extendsalong one or more nerves. A nerve is a cordlike bundle of fibers http://www.springfieldclinic.com/Topics/Health/NEUR3535.htm | |
31. HealthWorld Online - Acupuncture - The Neuralgias The neuralgias © George T. Lewith MA, MRCGP, MRCP (Excerpted fromAcupunctureIts Place in Western Medical Science) The neuralgias http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/book.asp?PageType=Book&ID=1135 |
32. Neuralgias Translate this page neuralgias y neuritis Es un dolor dado a consecuencia de la inflamaciónde los nervios, de diversa intensidad, tolerable o intensísimo. http://unicista.com/enfermedades/neurologia/neuralgias.htm | |
33. Facial Neuralgia Resources: Drug Treatments For Facial Neuralgias DRUG TREATMENTS FOR FACIAL neuralgias. Disclaimer. According to JoannaM. Zakrzewska, MD, head of the Department of Oral Medicine http://facial-neuralgia.org/treatments/drugs/drugs.html | |
34. Facial Neuralgia Resources: Bibliography - Overviews Of Neuralgias & Facial Neur FACIAL NEURALGIA BIBLIOGRAPHY Overviews of neuralgias. neuralgias. OtolaryngologicClinics of North America, 22(6), 11451158. McDonald, JS (1997). http://facial-neuralgia.org/research/biblio/overview.htm | |
35. NEURALGIAS neuralgias. Neuralgia means burning, numbness and pain that extendsalong one or more nerves. A nerve is a cordlike bundle of fibers http://www.dmc.org/health_info/topics/neur3535.html | |
36. Pain Net: Peripheral Neuralgias Pain Syndromes Peripheral neuralgias A general classification of disorders involvingdamage or destruction of nerves, not including the nerves of the brain or http://www.painnetinc.com/syndromes/peripheral.html | |
37. Pain Net: Post-Herpetic Neuralgias Pain Syndromes PostHerpetic neuralgias The pain which occurs with Shinglesherpes zoster may subside or clear as the skin lesions heal. http://www.painnetinc.com/syndromes/postherpetic.html | |
38. Cefaleas, Migrañas Y Neuralgias Faciales. PortalNeuro, El Portal De Neurologia http://portalesmedicos.com/portalneuro/direnlaces/temasmonograficos/cefaleas/ | |
39. Directorio De Terra > Salud Y Medicina > Enfermedades Y Daños > Neuralgias Translate this page neuralgias Craneales - Página con información sobre esta enfermedad.neuralgias Craneales - Descripción de algunos tipos de neuralgias. http://buscar.terra.com.ve/dir/Salud_y_Medicina/Enfermedades_y_danos/Neuralgias/ | |
40. Neuralgias Of Intercostals Nerve Home, Ear acupuncture, Search ear neuralgias of intercostalsnerve. Ear anatomy, Prescriptions, Ear points map. http://www.geocities.com/altmedd/ear/neuralgias_of_intercostals_nerve.htm | |
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