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81. Medformation.com Health Database myotonic dystrophy. GENERAL INFORMATION What is it? Care There is no curefor myotonic dystrophy. The disease cannot be stopped or turned around. http://www.medformation.com/mf/mm_qdis.nsf/qd/nd1625g.htm | |
82. The Cause The Cause We are running this relay as a fundraiser to support research effortsdedicated to finding a cure for myotonic dystrophy. myotonic dystrophy http://www.runamerica.org/cause.htm | |
83. Dorlands Medical Dictionary dystrophia myoto¢nica, myotonic dystrophy; see under dystrophy. Other forms includedistal muscular dystrophy, ocular myopathy, and myotonic dystrophy. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
84. Ask NOAH About: Muscular Dystrophy The basics, genetics, diagnosis, care and treatment, specific types and information resources. From Category Health Conditions and Diseases Muscular Dystrophies...... of 20 Pages) Muscle Biopsies Muscular Dystrophy Campaign myotonic dystrophy Makingan Informed Choice - University of Washington Medical Center (PDF File of http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/neuro/musdys.html | |
85. Medical Genetics - Autosomal Dominant Myotonic Dystrophy Medical Genetics Autosomal Dominant myotonic dystrophy. Genes are inheritedfrom our biological parents in specific ways. What is myotonic dystrophy? http://www.musckids.com/health_library/genetics/autosom.htm |
86. Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy (MMD) (aka Steinert's Disease) | MDA myotonic Muscular dystrophy (MMD) (Also known as Steinert's Disease) Click for Materials En Español and MDAchats Bookmark this page! It's your source for information and news about MMD and will be updated regularly. Quick Definition Onset · Birth http://www.mdausa.org/disease/dm.html | |
87. Psychostimulants For Hypersomnia (excessive Daytime Sleepiness) In Myotonic Dyst Psychostimulants for hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness) in myotonicdystrophy (Cochrane Review). Annane D, Miller R, Barnes P. ABSTRACT http://www.cochrane.org/cochrane/revabstr/ab003218.htm | |
88. Nature Publishing Group 1 pp 105 109 Mice deficient in Six5 develop cataracts implications for myotonicdystrophy Todd R. Klesert 1, 3 , Diane H. Cho 1 , John I. Clark 4 , James http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/ng/journal/v25/n1/full/ng0500_1 |
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