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61. Neuromuscular Disease Research: Metabolic Myopathies Metabolic muscle disorders are related to defects in the enzymes that regulatecarbohydrates, lipids, or other metabolic pathways in the muscle fibers. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/research/nmus/nmus3a5.html | |
62. PROCID : Prevention Of Muscle Disorders In Operation Of Computer Input Devices Translate this page Projekt Titel (orig.), PROCID Prevention of muscle disorders inoperation of computer input devices. Schlüsselwörter, (Englisch http://www.aramis-research.ch/d/6451.html | |
63. NCRR Reporter, Spring 2000, Tick-tock A better understanding of their functions could lead to improved strategiesfor treating and preventing heart disease and possibly muscle disorders. http://www.ncrr.nih.gov/newspub/apr00rpt/Tick.asp | |
64. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 14, Ch. 184, Muscular Disorders Muscular Dystrophies. A group of inherited, progressive muscle disorders,distinguished clinically by the selective distribution of weakness. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section14/chapter184/184a.htm | |
65. Musculoskeletal Diseases Regional Diagnostic Radiology Guidelines for Evaluating Acute Musculoskeletal Symptoms Arthritis Rheumatism Jan '96 About some muscle disorders - C for http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c5.html | |
66. Muscle And Bone Disorders : General Information Muscle and Bone Disorders General Information. Informational Sites. MEDLINEplus muscle disorders Excellent source of authoritative information. http://hml.org/CHIS/topics/muscleinf.html | |
67. DISORDERS OF THE NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION AND MUSCLE DISORDERS OF THE NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION AND MUSCLE These are usually disordersof slow onset with weakness and muscle wasting in specific patterns. http://www.sun.ac.za/neurology/lectures/nmj.htm | |
68. ClinicalTrials.gov - Linking Patients To Medical Research: Results Search results for muscle disorders ALLFIELDS are shown below. Show all trials,including those no longer recruiting patients. 211 studies were found. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/action/SearchAction?term=Muscle Disorders |
69. Muscular Reading 2 muscle disorders are caused by disruption of normal innervation, degenerationand replacement of muscle cells, injury, lack of use or disease. Atrophy. http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/seeleyap/muscular/reading2.mhtml | |
70. Pediatrics Profiles | Edward G. Buckley M.D. 2. Management of complicated eye muscle disorders New surgical techniques arebeing evaluated in the treatment of paralytic and restrictive strabismus. http://www.dukeeye.org/pediatrics/profiles/Buckley.html | |
71. Periodic Paralysis Association Centre Karolinska Institute Neuromuscular Diseases Center for Muscleand muscle disorders UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Motor Control http://www.periodicparalysis.org/PPRC/Links/ |
72. Muscle Disorders (Myopathies) - The NEW Center :: Medical Links Home The NEW Center Patient Education Links muscle disorders (Myopathies).There are 23 Links in the muscle disorders (Myopathies) Category, Page 1 of 2. http://www.thenewcenter.com/resources/medical-links.asp?CategoryID=42&theLinkCou |
73. NIH Guide: NOVEL THERAPEUTIC AND PATHOGENETIC STUDIES OF OCULOMOTOR DISORDERS three muscle types is essential to the identification of pathogenetic mechanismsthat distinguish craniofacial disease from other skeletal muscle disorders. http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EY-03-001.html | |
74. Strategic Plan - Muscle Biology Research These proteins are keys to understanding the skeletal muscle system and its diseasesand present the targets for drugs that might treat muscle disorders. http://www.niams.nih.gov/an/stratplan/musclebio.htm | |
75. Muscle Disorders And Addison's Disease Message Boards on Health Related Topics. addisons disease messageboard. muscle disorders and Addison's Disease. http://www.healthboards.com/addisons-disease/74.html | |
76. Re: Muscle Disorders And Addison's Disease Re muscle disorders and Addison's Disease. In Reply to muscle disorders andAddison's Disease posted by Tonda Helm on September 02, 1999 at 230115 http://www.healthboards.com/addisons-disease/76.html | |
77. Orofacial Pain muscle disorders may involve the masticatory musculature as well as otherskeletal muscles of the head and neck. Subgroup classifications http://www.orofacialpain.com/orofacialpain/default.htm |
78. The Voice Oriented Examination - Disease Classification Of Voice Disorders muscle disorders which are nonneurologic in etiology would include the Vocal Underdoersyndrome where, over time, they may come to lack muscle bulk and may http://www.voicedoctor.net/diagnose/classify.html | |
79. PERSONAL HEALTH; Statins: Miracles For Some, Menace For A Few This complication occurs far less often with the five statins still on the market,but any and all of them can occasionally cause muscle disorders, even years http://web.mit.edu/mwpstr/www/brody/ | |
80. Plugged In Can creatine supplements help people with muscle disorders? Keep the change. Latestand greatest online articles on metabolic muscle disorders. Vital signs. http://www.spiralnotebook.org/pluggedin/ | |
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