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Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome: more detail |
61. Bristol Biomedical Image Archive: A-Z Index Haemophilus Infections Haemophilus influenzae Hair Hair Color Hair Follicle Halothane hamartoma hamartoma syndrome, multiple Hand Hand http://www.brisbio.ac.uk/ROADS/h.html | |
62. Neoplasms, Multiple Primary Neoplasms, multiple Primary. Back to previous level hamartoma syndrome, multipleSearch PUBMED for hamartoma syndrome, multiple All Review Therapy Diagnosis; http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C4/C4.651.html | |
63. Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary Coll. of Wisconsin. hamartoma syndrome, multiple Search PUBMED for hamartomasyndrome, multiple All Review Therapy Diagnosis; Cowden syndrome Med. Coll. http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C16/C16.466.700.html | |
64. Genetics Of Cowden Syndrome Through The Looking Glass Of Genes, Tumor Suppressor; Genetic Counseling; Genetic Predispositionto Disease; hamartoma syndrome, multiple/genetics*; hamartoma syndrome http://www.biomedcentral.com/pubmed/9472113 |
65. Bz-update.html Neoplasmspathology; Gastrointestinal-Neoplasms-radiography; hamartoma-pathology;hamartoma-radiography; hamartoma-syndrome,-multiple-diagnosis; Peutz-Jeghers http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/bz-update.html | |
66. Bannayan-zonana1999.html MINOR MESH HEADINGS Adult; Child-; Craniofacial-Abnormalities-genetics; hamartoma-syndrome,-multiple-genetics;Middle-Age; Pedigree-; Phenotype-; Sequence http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/bannayan-zonana1999.html | |
67. Cancer Pancreatic Cyst + Parovarian Cyst Pilonidal Sinus Ranula Synovial Cyst + ThyroglossalCyst Urachal Cyst hamartoma hamartoma syndrome, multiple Proteus syndrome http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/med/pubhealth/cancer.html | |
68. Cowdenin Syndrooma Cowdenin syndrooma. Synonyymejä hamartomatous syndrome, multiplehamartoma syndrome, multiple hamartoma and neoplasia syndrome. http://www.helsinki.fi/~usinisal/Cowden.html | |
69. Arch Ophthalmol -- Page Not Found 1, 2 This syndrome is characterized by anomalies multiple skin basal cell carcinomas,odontogenic keratocysts of nerve fibers, and astrocytic hamartoma of the http://archopht.ama-assn.org/issues/v118n7/ffull/epe90095-1.html | |
70. Lentigo presents with typical manifestations of CD, including multiple malignancies clinicalpurposes and classified as the 'PTEN hamartomatumour syndrome' 111 http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/lentigo.htm | |
71. ClinicalTrials.gov - Linking Patients To Medical Research: Browse: H 2. Hair Diseases (1 study). 3. Hallucinations (5 studies). 4. hamartoma (3 studies).5. hamartoma syndrome, multiple (1 study). 6. Hantavirus Infections (1 study). http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/screen/BrowseAny?recruiting=false&path=/bro |
72. ClinicalTrials.gov - Linking Patients To Medical Research: Browse: H 4. hamartoma (3 studies recruiting). 5. hamartoma syndrome, multiple (1study recruiting). 6. Head and Neck Neoplasms (113 studies recruiting). http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/screen/BrowseAny?recruiting=true&path=/brow |
73. Tumor Suppressor Genes advanced cancers 1); Formerly known as BZS (BannayanZonana syndrome)and MHAM1 (multiple hamartoma 1); Cowden's syndrome; Involved http://www.intouchlive.com/cancergenetics/tsg.htm | |
74. GENATLAS GENE DATABASE MHAM, 10q23.3, Cowden syndrome characterized by multiple hamartoma in the breast,thyroid,skin,CNSand gastrointestinal tract associated with trichilemmomas http://bisance.citi2.fr/cgi-bin/mug?tex1=PTEN |
75. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Disorder [Gambiense Trypanosomiasis - Gyrate Scalp Congenital] Giant platelet syndrome, T783 Giant urticaria acquired, L42x00 Gibert's disease,B409 Gilchrist's disease, Q85817 Gingival fibromatosis with multiple hamartoma, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bydisorder/G.html | |
76. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Code [Q85803 - Q998] Q85817 Disease Cowden's, Q85817 Gingival fibromatosis with multiple hamartoma,Q85817 Cowden's syndrome, Q85817 Cowden's disease, Q85817 syndrome Cowden's, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bycode/Q-05.html | |
77. The Dictionary Of Cell And Molecular Biology - Online! Germline mutations in PTEN are responsible for Cowden disease (CD),a rare autosomal dominant multiple-hamartoma syndrome. Mutated http://www.mblab.gla.ac.uk/~julian/dict2.cgi?5431 |
78. Untitled Document Dysplastic Nevus syndrome. Gardner syndrome. hamartoma syndrome, multiple. LiFraumenisyndrome. multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1. http://www.rusmedserv.com/genetics/catalog/indcat.htm | |
80. Hamartoma-Polyposis-Syndrome: Translate this page A possible new symptom complex with multiple system involvement phenotype analysesin Cowden disease and Bannayan-Zonana syndrome, 2 hamartoma syndromes with http://www.hospvd.ch/public/chuv/genmol/ssgm/bul/article/ssgm41d-3.htm | |
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