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1. Roger Easterbrooks - Living Well With Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Roger Easterbrooks offers information, help for ultra and highly sensitive people, people with anxiety, depression, panic attacks or shyness. http://www.ultra-sensitive.com/usp-mvp.htm | |
2. HELP IS AVAILABLE FOR MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE SYNDROME! Information about the organization as well as this disease and MVP. Extensive data base includes FAQs.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Dysautonomia...... us to write an MVPS book!! The book, entitled, The Mitral Valve ProlapseSyndrome/Dysautonomia Survival Guide is now available. http://www.mitralvalveprolapse.com/ | |
3. Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome A personal page offering education and support for mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Includes a message board. http://www.mvpsupport.com/ | |
4. What Is Mitral Valve Prolapse The book, entitled, "The mitral valve prolapse syndrome/Dysautonomia Survival Guide" is now available. http://www.mvprolapse.com/what.htm | |
5. MVPS Newsletter And Mailing List For Women Offers a brief discussion about mitral valve prolapse syndrome, some topics from the newsletter, and joining instructions. M V P S Newsletter and Mailing List for Women. mitral valve prolapse syndrome is one of most misdiagnosed http://mvps_for_women.tripod.com/membership.html | |
6. Mitral Valve Prolapse Order the most popular book on MVP Syndrome by Dr. Scordo, Clinical Director of the MVP Program of Cincinnati. Taking Control Living with the mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Dr. Kristine A. Scordo http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/kristineascordo | |
7. Valvular Disease Descriptions of both mitral valve prolapse and the syndrome with symptom lists.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Mitral Valve Disease...... Sleeplessness. Dizziness. Headache/migraines. Intestinal problems suchas irritable bowel. mitral valve prolapse syndrome. WHAT IS A SYNDROME? http://members.aol.com/drynot/MW1/Page16.html | |
8. Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Wednesday February 5, 2003. NO W AVAILABLE This book offers information aboutdiagnosis, symptom self-help, panic anxiety, personal stories, much more. http://www.mvpsupport.com/main.shtml | |
9. Mitral Valve Prolapse By Dr. Kristine Scordo, Director of the MVP Program of Cincinnati.Category Shopping Publications Cardiovascular Specific Titles...... choose print . Order the most popular book on MVPS. Taking ControlLiving with the mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Dr. Kristine A http://www.nursing.wright.edu/practice/mvp/mvppage.htm | |
10. Understanding Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Page Understanding the mitral valve prolapse syndrome. The following is an excerpt from Chapter I of Dr. Scordos book, See http://www.conh.wright.edu/practice/mvp | |
11. MediScene | MVP Provides medical information and suggestions on how to find a doctor who can help with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. http://www.mediscene.com/mvp/ | |
12. Florida Institute For Cardiovascular Care Mitral Valve Prolapse The Mitral Valve Prolapse Center specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, research, education, and Category Health Conditions and Diseases Mitral Valve Disease...... We offer complete diagnostic testing for Mitral Valve Prolapse on the premises anda comprehensive program for mitral valve prolapse syndrome, that includes http://www.mitral.com/ | |
13. Cardiac Heart Specialists Florida Institute For Cardiovascular Care Mitral Valve We offer complete diagnostic testing on the premises and a comprehensive programfor mitral valve prolapse syndrome,that includes medical intervention http://www.mitral.com/mvp/mvp.htm | |
14. Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome A personal website dedicated to the support of those with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. http://www.MVPSupport.com | |
15. MVP Links A collection of resources relating to mitral valve prolapse syndrome/dysautonomia and this disease. http://www.ilovejesus.com//myhome/mcpeg7/MitralValveProlapse.shtml | |
16. The Mitral Valve Prolapse Book Frederickson, Lyn MS, RN Confronting mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Scordo, KristinePh.D, RN Taking Control Living with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. http://www.mvprolapse.com/lit.htm | |
17. The Health Rebirth Of JELSimms A personal story touching on mitral valve prolapse syndrome, TMJ, and chronic fatigue syndrome along with some helpful hints and links. http://members.aol.com/jelsimms/ | |
18. Mitral Valve Prolapse: Can Diet Changes Help? Reviews the evidence that magnesium and other nutritional deficienciesmay be significant factors in mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVP). http://www.ctds.info/mvp1.html | |
19. Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: Symptoms And Diet Treatment Dietary treatment information for mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Reviews MitralValve Prolapse Syndrome Symptoms and Diet Treatment. Continued http://www.ctds.info/mitral_valve_prolapse.html | |
20. Mitral Valve Prolapse mitral valve prolapse syndrome sure, it can make you miserable. Butdoes it exist? By Richard P. Abben, MD Director, Arrhythmia http://www.cardio.com/articles/mvp-dys.htm | |
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