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Mcardles Disease: more detail | |||||
21. Gisurgery glucose6-phosphatase def.; big liver kidneys, growth retardation, electrolyteprob. mcardles disease. musclephosphorylase is absent, muscle cramps incr. http://www.angelfire.com/md3/usmle1/GASTRO.htm | |
22. Nutritional And Metabolic Diseases Hutchins (UK); A Case of mcardles disease (Glycogen Storage Disease,Type V) Lacomis Giuliani - U of Pittsburgh (US); About http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c18.html | |
23. Southwestern Medical Helping mcardles disease. There may class. A neuromuscular conditioncalled mcardles disease causes victims to Provides a http://www.sh-d.com/kenny-wayne-shepherd-tab.htm |
24. Nephrology is caused by a variety of causes including traumatic muscle injury, drugs and toxins,genetic disorders like mcardles disease, phosphofructokinase deficiency http://www.ijnephrol.com/aprjun2002/articleq29.html | |
25. S. Paul Handa Publications Caunt, C., Sohi, P., Handa, SP, et al mcardles disease Presenting An AcuteRenal Failure. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Montreal. http://www.physiology.dal.ca/sph/sph-pub.htm |
26. Choroby Vyzivy A Metabolizmu mcardles disease (Glycogen Storage Disease, Type V) Lacomis Giuliani Uof Pittsburgh (US). Pompe's Disease Page; McArdle Disease - Specialty Labs. http://www.medik.sk/lekari/chorob19.htm | |
27. · EP Lab 13 - Anaerobic Metabolism 1 1977) ® Is the LT due to increased production or reduced clearance? c) MusclepO2. d) mcardles disease. 12) Clinical significance of LT/VT/OBLA. http://www.biosci.ohiou.edu/faculty/schwirian/Bios 446/labs/Anaerobic1 EPOC & VT |
28. ECSS Cologne 2001 - Inhalt 1850, COL0754 ABNORMAL CHANGES IN ACTIVITY OF MUSCLE GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE DURINGEXERCISE IN PATIENTS WITH mcardles disease Candidate YIA JN Nielsen, JF http://www.ecss2001.de/HTML/FinalProgramm/D27/D27TPS/T27TPS203.htm | |
29. Second Year Biochemistry Deificiencies in these glycogen pathways leads to disease. There areseveral glycogen storage diseases, eg mcardles disease. Aims http://biocadmin.otago.ac.nz/bioc2/course2c.htm |
30. Neuromuscular Center - Conditions (Glycolytic Defects) Glycolytic Defects Myophosphorylase Deficiency (mcardles disease) PhosphofructokinaseDeficiency (Tarui's Disease) Phosphoglycerate Mutase Phosphoglycerate http://ieemphd.com/nmc/glycolytic_defects.htm | |
31. Body 6. mcardles disease is a defect in the phosphofructokinase enzyme ofglycolysis. These individuals have a difficult time with exercise http://www.chem.umd.edu/biochem/jollie/462/exams/sp99fp6.htm | |
32. "Tribunal Removing Mobility Award" Three weeks before hearing her Mobility car had arrived. She has arare illness mcardles disease. She has had Mob for 11 years. http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forum/disability/846.html | |
33. CSAHS - CSLS - Handbook Comparison of mcardles' disease and CPT deficiency Split the difference. McARDLE'S disease. CPT II DEFICIENCY http://www.cs.nsw.gov.au/csls/handbook | |
34. McArdles Sjukdom - Små Och Mindre Kända Handikappgrupper Flodmark B, Ockander L. Misstänk mcardles sjukdom vid muskelsmärta. Läkartidningen1995; 92 20202022. Haller RG. Treatment of McArdle disease. http://www.sos.se/smkh/2003-29-167/2003-29-167.htm | |
35. Pompes Sjukdom - Små Och Mindre Kända Handikappgrupper Särskilt informationsmaterial om mcardles sjukdom finns i Socialstyrelsens kunskapsdatabas GSD(glucogen storage disease) är den engelska beteckningen för http://www.sos.se/smkh/2000-29-116/2000-29-116.htm | |
36. Phosphorylase Deficiency (MPD Or PYGM) (aka McArdle's Disease) | MDA Treatment of McArdle disease 5/01; Running on Empty 'Keeping Up' With MetabolicMyopathies 12/99; mcardles's Gene Therapy Looks Good in Sheep 12/98; Hooked on http://www.mdausa.org/disease/mpd.html | |
37. Glycogen Storage Disease American Liver Foundation, Type I Glycogan Storage disease Pamphlet;mcardles Page, Type V information, family page by RSpeary, UK. http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/glycogen.html | |
38. 1300 (known) Metabolic Diseases Von Gierke) + lc Glycogen Storage disease Type 2 (Pompe) Glycogen Storage diseaseType 3 (Forbes) Glycogen Storage disease Type 5 (mcardles) Glycogen Storage http://soundwithvision.com/Home/Projects/Kleine_Kus/1300dis/1300dis.html | |
39. MB ChB III, Neuropathology: Lecture 6 - Non-Neoplastic Neuromuscular Disease glycogen storage diseases Pompe's, mcardles; disordered lipid metabolism - carnitinedeficiency; a component of a more widespread collagen vascular disease eg. http://www.sun.ac.za/anatpath/neuro_path/mbiii6.html | |
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