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Malignant Atrophic Papulosis: more detail |
81. Willkommen Bei Www.DerHautarzt.de - Die Homesite Von DER HAUTARZT Translate this page C. Mensing, H. Mensing papulosis maligna atrophicans Degos malignant atrophicpapulosis not always malignant! Nicht immer maligne! Seite 42-46, http://www.derinternist.de/cda/1,3493,2-45024-10-75111-0,FF.html | |
82. Willkommen Bei Www.DerHautarzt.de - Die Homesite Von DER HAUTARZT Translate this page Farbbildkasuistik papulosis maligna atrophicans Degos malignant atrophicpapulosis not always malignant! Nicht immer maligne! C http://www.derinternist.de/cda/1,3493,2-45024-9-74440-0,FF.html | |
83. M Mal Perforant, 707130, 6. Malformations of Extremities, 755800, 3. malignantAtrophic papulosis, 447800, 2. malignant Granulomatous Angiitis, 446400,4. http://www.medik.sk/fotoar/koza/m.html | |
84. Pathology Of The Skin: With Clinical Correlations, 2nd Ed Pityriasis lichenoides 5.8. Lymphomatoid papulosis 5.11. malignant atrophicpapulosls (lethal intestinecutaneous syndrome, Degos' disease) 5.33. http://www.hanilmed.com/division/titleimg/patholoy/63.html | |
85. EMedicine Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, And Surgery : GASTROENTEROLOGY - Online Lactose Intolerance, (CME available). Malabsorption, (CME available). MalignantAtrophic papulosis, (CME available). MalloryWeiss Tear, (CME available). http://www.emedicine.com/med/GASTROENTEROLOGY.htm | |
86. Katalog : : Health : Conditions_and_Diseases : M : - Netz-Tipp.De MalignantAtrophic papulosis (*); Malnutrition (*); Mannosidosis (*); Marburg http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/M/ | |
87. Volume 94, Number 4, April 1999 1098 Acute Abdominal Pain as a Leading Symptom for Degos' Disease (MalignantAtrophic papulosis) MR Lankisch , P. Johst , JS Scolapio , and CR Fleming. http://www-east.elsevier.com/ajg/issues/9404/ajg9404toc.htm | |
88. Developmental And Genetic Diseases Lumbosacral agenesis; Maceration; Mal de Meleda; malignant atrophicpapulosis (Degos disease); MardenWalker syndrome; Marfan syndrome; http://www.gfmer.ch/Selected_images/Developmental_genetic_diseases.htm | |
89. Bibliographic Information About STROKE SYNDROMES and ChinSang Chung, MD 50 Kohlmeier-Degos disease (malignant atrophicpapulosis) 448 Serge Blecic. MD, and Julien Bogousslavsky. http://www2.utsouthwestern.edu/cfdocs/library/facultypubs/bib_cite.cfm?titleID=3 |
90. AnsMe Directory - Health > Conditions And Diseases > M Mad Cow Disease. Madelung's Disease. Malaria. Male Turner Syndrome. MalignantAtrophic papulosis. Malnutrition. Mannosidosis. Marburg. Marfan Syndrome. http://dir.ansme.com/health/43355.html | |
91. GENELDIZ SneddonWilkinson. Savaskan, H. Tüzün, Y. Degos Hastaligi (MalignantAtrophic. papulosis). Gezen, C. Erboz, S. Lymphocytoma Cutis. Gezen, C, Kapdagli,H. http://www.ato.org.tr/konuk/tdp/bib/2/GENELDIZ_1Page55.html | |
92. Dermatology Communications Index Thank you, Robin Gaines. 116 Judith judemymum@aol.com malignant atrophicpapulosis of Degos (Degos disease), 19100.01.03 2056 Reply Delete. http://www.medic.mie-u.ac.jp/clip/derma/compact0.html |
93. Skin Diseases & Leprosy 1997; 36 548551. 19)Shahshahani MM, Firooz A, Naraghi ZH, Dowlati Y. Malignantatrophic papulosis (Degos' disease) report of a rapidly fatal case. http://www.hbi.dmr.or.ir/hosting/t_crtl/intro.htm | |
94. Rare Disorders Message Board Re ELEVATED SEROTONIN Paula Dickerson 175626 1/17/00 (0) atrophicpapulosis of Degos - Judith 064551 1/03/00 (2) Re atrophic http://www.healthboards.com/rare-disorders/ |
95. Rashes Background. Nowhere in pathology is the accurate correlation betweenthe clinical appearance of a patient's lesions and the histologic http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/skin_rashes.htm | |
96. Ѫ¹ÜÐÔƤ·ô²¡ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.skina.org/page/tupu/index/vasculitis.htm |
97. °ò¶©°|°Ï¥þ°|©ÊºtÁ¿Á¿¸q The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cgmh.org.tw/intr/intr1/c1380/internaldiseasechen.htm | |
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