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Malignant Atrophic Papulosis: more detail |
21. Dorlands Medical Dictionary Degos' disease, syndrome (De·gos' disease, syndrome) (dschwagomacrz¢) RobertDegos, French dermatologist, born 1904 malignant atrophic papulosis. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
22. Arch Surg -- Page Not Found malignant atrophic papulosis is an uncommon vasculopathy affecting multiplesystems and frequently associated with a poor prognosis. http://archsurg.ama-assn.org/issues/current/abs/scn2001.html | |
23. Re: Dowling Degos The other name for Degos disease is Kohlmeier, or KohlmeierDegos.Also, it'sknown as malignant atrophic papulosis of Degos. Check and see .. http://www.hodgers.com/degos/messages/14.shtml | |
24. Re: Dowling Degos The other name for Degos disease is Kohlmeier, or KohlmeierDegos.Also, it's knownas malignant atrophic papulosis of Degos. Check and see .. Follow Ups http://www.hodgers.com/degos/messages/33.shtml | |
25. Lasion EUrope-Table Of Contents Graftversus-host disease Henoch-Schönlein purpura Hereditary angioedema Lichenaureus Livedoid vasculitis malignant atrophic papulosis Papular urticaria http://sme.belgium.eu.net/lasion/trillder.htm | |
27. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Code [I00 - I972] I77800 malignant atrophic papulosis, I77800 Syndrome Kohlmeier Degos, I77800Papulosis malignant atrophic, I77800 Disease Degos, I77800 Degos disease, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bycode/I.html | |
28. ILDS: ICD-10 - By Disorder [Münchhausen's Syndrome - Myxoid Cyst Of Finger] C85702 Malignant angioendothelioma, I77800 malignant atrophic papulosis,A220 Malignant carbuncle, M360 Malignant disease with dermatomyositis, http://www.ilds.org/icd10/bydisorder/M.html | |
29. MSN Health - symptomtopic Male Turner Syndrome nord MaleBC - Cancer shc Malignant AppendicalTumor nord malignant atrophic papulosis nord Malignant Carcinoid http://content.health.msn.com/content/healthwise/67/16639.htm | |
30. Skin And Connective Tissue Diseases link/s Search PUBMED for Skin Diseases All Review Therapy Diagnosis;Degos' Disease malignant atrophic papulosis U. of Iowa; http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/C17/C17.html | |
31. Diseases Database Disease, Symptom, Sign, Etc Alphabetical Index : M Diseases Da Male infertility Male pattern baldness Male pseudohermaphroditism see Ambiguousgenitalia (male genotype) malignant atrophic papulosis see Degos' disease http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/sieve/disease_index_m.asp | |
32. »çÀü 13, /, /, Koenen´s Tumour, 12, /, /, KohlmeierDegos Syndrome/ThrombangiitisCutaneointestinalis Disseminata/ malignant atrophic papulosis, http://admin.koreahospital.com/newdic3/list.asp?wordid=25 |
33. Atlasy Zo Sveta 1 13K Lymphoma Cutaneous B-Cell - 1 20K Lymphoma - Cutaneous B-Cell - 2 25K Lymphoma- Cutaneous B-Cell - 3 35K malignant atrophic papulosis 23K Malignant http://www.medik.sk/fotoar/koza/koza2.html | |
34. California Neurology Specialists-Lorne S. Label, MD, MBA, FAAN 426430; Label, Lorne S., Tandan, R., Albers, James, Polyradiculopathy andHypoglycorrhacia in malignant atrophic papulosis (Kohlmeir-Degos Disease). http://cns-neurology.com/info/books.htm | |
35. SpringerLink: Der Hautarzt - Table Of Contents Vol. 52 Issue 8 Translate this page Ehrenburg farbbildkasuistik Papulosis maligna atrophicans (Köhlmeier-Degos)Diagnose, Therapie, Verlauf malignant atrophic papulosis (Köhlmeier-Degos). http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00105/tocs/t1052008.htm | |
36. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: M 6) Macular Degeneration (27) Mad Cow Disease (9) Madelung's Disease (11) Malaria(36) Male Turner Syndrome (6) malignant atrophic papulosis (4) Malnutrition (9 http://www.1uphealth.com/links/conditions-and-diseases-m.html | |
37. Advanced Search mucinosis Hypertrichosis Malignant erythema Urticaria/urticarial vasculitis Partiallipodystrophy malignant atrophic papulosis (Degos' disease) Zebralike http://www.aafp.org/afp/20011101/1565.html | |
38. WebMD/Lycos - Article Nasal Alar Hypoplasia Malaria Malayi Tropical Eosinphilia Male Turner SyndromeMalignant Appendical Tumor malignant atrophic papulosis Malignant Carcinoid http://webmd.lycos.com/NR/internal.asp?GUID={CBDDF6E0-1ADA-4BE6-B791-DD4693ACC2E |
39. Directory :: Look.com 6) Macular Degeneration (24) Mad Cow Disease (7) Madelung's Disease (11) Malaria(37) Male Turner Syndrome (6) malignant atrophic papulosis (4) Malnutrition (8 http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=43355 |
40. Bulletin Of Dermatology And Venerology - Contents ¹3 2000 in psoriatic men. Datskovsky BM, Androsov AG, Mitryukovsky LS, ElkinVD Degos malignant atrophic papulosis. Korotky NG, Taganov http://www.mediasphera.aha.ru/dermatol/2000/3/e3-00con.htm | |
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