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Male Turner Syndrome: more detail |
21. Clinical Study: 90-CH-0123, Estrogen Effects On Cognition In Girls With Turner S turner syndrome. Sponsoring Institute National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Recruitment Detail. Type Active Accrual Of New Subjects. Gender male http://clinicalstudies.info.nih.gov/cgi/detail.cgi?A_90-CH-0123.html |
22. What If We Have Too Many Or Too Few Chromosomes? Individuals with turner's syndrome have a single X chromosome Medical problems associatedwith Down syndrome include mental X and one Y, you develop as male. http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/units/disorders/karyotype/abnormal.cfm |
23. Turner's Syndrome: A Case Study By: Carolyn Duda turner's syndrome A Case Study. by Carolyn Duda. turner's syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects Xchromosome material as the average male has. Recent studies have shown http://www-personal.umd.umich.edu/~jcthomas/JCTHOMAS/1997%20Case%20Studies/C.Dud | |
24. Genes And Disease Disorders (male) Pressure. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Kleinfelter's syndrome. PsychiatricDiseases, Sickle Cell Disease. Thalassaemia, turner's syndrome. home http://www.thehealthyforum.com/bodymapssec/genes_s.html | |
25. True Hermaphroditism Definition Delayed Adolescence in Phenotypic male or Female; Girls Delayed lessthan chronological age. Diagnosis Girls turner's syndrome; Boys Klinefelter's http://www.fpnotebook.com/END167.htm | |
26. HGF - Turner Syndrome turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that results from an abnormality of a chromosome Y).The sex chromosomes determine whether an individual is male or female http://www.hgfound.org/turner.html | |
27. EMedicine - Gonadoblastoma : Article Excerpt By: Dimitri Kuznetsov, MD insensitivity, male pseudohermaphrodites, male pseudohermaphroditism, male pseudohermaphrodism,mixed gonadal dysgenesis, turner syndrome, turners syndrome http://www.emedicine.com/ped/byname/gonadoblastoma.htm | |
28. Gender Identity, Klinefelder's Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome Across the gender spectrum, it's possible for a person to function as male orfemale. About gender identity,Klinefelder's syndrome, turner's syndrome. http://www.healthyplace.com/communities/gender/intersexuals/article_gender_2.htm | |
29. Nature Publishing Group patient 5 . Thus, it is realistic to assume the presence of residual male or, inother cases, female cells in the brains of many turner's syndrome patients. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v390/n6660/full/ |
30. Nature Publishing Group Box 1). Parents of our sample of turner's syndrome females and the parents ofagematched normal male and female comparisons completed the questionnaire. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v387/n6634/full/ |
31. Diseases And Conditions -- Discovery Health -- Turner Syndrome turner syndrome is caused when a fertilized egg is missing one of the sex chromosomes. Oneof these 23 pairs determines whether a person will be a male or a http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/2748.html | |
32. Health Library - Undescended Testicle They include cystic fibrosis, Kallman's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome,Noonan's syndrome (male turner's syndrome), and PraderWilli syndrome. http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
33. MosTSboy 46, XY/45,X INTERPRETATION Mosaic Karyotype (male) showing 90% normal and 10% abnormal(45X) cells, which is consistent with mosaic turner syndrome and thus http://hometown.aol.com/mosTSmales | |
34. ApolloLife - Features hypogonadism. They have a male identity but exhibit less masculine behavior compared to XY males. turner's syndrome. Approximately http://channels.apollolife.com/show.asp?NewAid=4377 |
35. Policy Statement testosterone determinations also may be helpful in confirming the male phenotype.Anticipatory Guidance Discuss the diagnosis of turner syndrome, the phenotype http://www.aap.org/policy/01149.html |
36. Health Supervision For Children With Turner Syndrome Some genes involved in turner syndrome, however, seem to escape inactivation chromosome,which accounts for the normal growth and development in XY male embryos http://www.aap.org/policy/0202.html | |
37. Zinn Lab Home Page 1997. Discriminant analysis of the Ullrichturner syndrome neurocognitive profile.Am J Med Genet 72275-280. Hum Mol Gen 9101-108. male infertility. http://www.swmed.edu/home_pages/facultystaff/zinn/ | |
38. NOVA Online | Sex: Unknown | The Intersex Spectrum Other possible features of turner syndrome include short stature, webbing of theneck available If all of the proper stages of normal male sex differentiation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/gender/spectrum.html | |
39. Xy-Turners - Articles On Medical Conditions Abstract. 45 XO/49 XYYYY mosaicism in a male with stigmata of turner'ssyndrome. turner's syndrome in the male with chromosomal mosaicism. http://www.xyxo.org/xyxo_files/pmmed.htm | |
40. About Xy-Turners The result can be a form of turner's syndrome called mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Mostof the children with xy/xo mosaicism have normal male genitalia; A few have http://www.xyxo.org/xyxo_files/faq.htm |
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