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21. Malaria Research Centre (ICMR) Delhi An autonomous research organization under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) engaged in basic and applied research in malaria. http://www.mrcindia.org | |
22. EC Malaria Control In Indochina The Regional malaria Control Programme supported by the EC, since 9/1997 in Vietnam, Laos Cambodia. http://www.mekong-malaria.org/mcis/index.htm |
23. Malaria Links A reference page containing links on malaria diagnosis, treatment and control as well as links for Category Health Conditions and Diseases Parasitic malaria......malaria Links. French Italian German Spanish Click for malaria TravelInformation. malaria NEWS MFI Press Releases; BBC http://www.geocities.com/aaadeel/malaria.html | |
24. Malaria malaria. Approximately 300 million people worldwide are affected by malariaand between 1 and 1.5 million people die from it every year. http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/224/Malaria.html | |
25. Malaria malaria and Drug Resistance. Titus Bradley MBChB Special Study Module ProjectReport Department of Microbiology and Immunology University of Leicester. http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/224/Bradley/Bradley.html | |
26. Anti-Malaria Joint Venture Project At the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD). http://www.foundation.novartis.com/malaria_riamet_china.htm | |
27. Malaria.nl Biedt Uitgebreide Informatie Over Malaria: Wat Is Malaria? Waar Komt Uitgebreide informatie over malaria Wat is het? En nog belangrijker, hoeu malaria kan voorkomen met algemene maatregelen en malariatabletten. http://www.malaria.nl/ | |
28. TIM CAHILL: PASS THE BUTTERWORMS A review by Catherine Flannery of Pass the Butterworms, a book that is good to read and good for you. http://www.canoe.ca/JamBooksReviewsP/passthe_cahill.html | |
29. Malaria Vaccine Initiative MVI's mission is to accelerate the development of promising malaria vaccine candidates and ensure Category Health Conditions and Diseases Parasitic malaria......malaria Vaccine Initiative. Dr. Melinda Moree will lead the malariaVaccine Initiative as its new Director. Dr. Filip Dubovsky takes http://www.malariavaccine.org/ | |
30. Novartis Stiftung (NSNE): Anti-Malaria Joint Venture Ein Projekt der Novartis Stiftung f¼r Nachhaltige Entwicklung (NSNE). http://www.foundation.novartis.com/german/malaria_riamet_china.htm | |
31. Malaria In Der Dominikanischen Republik Bericht ¼ber malariasituation der rztezeitung. http://www.aerztezeitung.de/docs/2001/06/20/112a0406.asp | |
32. Africa Malaria Day 2002 On the 25th of April, 2002 Africa celebrated Africa malaria Day. This year the theme for the day Category Health Conditions and Diseases Parasitic malaria......AFRICA malaria DAY 2002 MOBILIZING COMMUNITIES TO ROLL BACK malaria.Africa celebrated Africa malaria Day on April 25th. This year http://mosquito.who.int/amd/abuja2002_first.htm | |
33. Accueil Malariatn Pr©sentation d'une experience r©ussie d'un programme de lutte antipaludique en Tunisie. http://www.lozere.org/perso/malaria/ | |
34. NCBI Malaria Genetics Genomics - Index NCBI Home Genomic Biology malaria malaria Triad Genetics Genomics, PubMed,Nucleotide, Protein, Genome, Structure, PopSet, BLAST, Taxonomy. Rodent malaria. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/Malaria/ |
35. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents - Angola Page All visitors over one year of age arriving from infected areas must have a yellow fever vaccination certificate. Hepatitis B, malaria, cholera, trachoma, schistosomiasis, river blindness, and sleeping sickness are all hazards. http://www.traveldocs.com/ao/tips.htm | |
36. Malaria Prophylaxis-Review Current Views on malaria Prophylaxis. A Review Article. Areas of Drug ResistantPlasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria. Thailand. http://www.pol-it.org/malaria.htm | |
37. CNN - Malaria Outbreak In South Philippines Kills 31 - February 25, 1998 CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9802/25/philippines.malaria/ | |
38. MEDLINEplus: Malaria US National Institutes of Health directory of their extensive collection of malariarelated documentsCategory Health Conditions and Diseases Parasitic malaria......Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on malaria. View slideshowon malaria. Go Local Health services in North Carolina http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/malaria.html | |
39. Main Scheduled and tailormade open-vehicle safaris into Kruger National Park. General information and FAQs on Kruger, malaria and LES. http://www.les-safaris.com/ | |
40. Malaria Consortium Home Page The malaria Consortium is a leading international organisation of multidisciplinaryexperts working to reduce the global burden of malaria. http://www.malariaconsortium.org/ | |
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