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Machado-joseph Disease: more detail | ||||||
41. Pages.infinit.net/macmike/internaf/archives/MJD.txt The prevalence of the disease is highest in Flores. In other parts of the world.machadojoseph disease has been recognized with increasing frequency. http://pages.infinit.net/macmike/internaf/archives/MJD.txt |
42. MACHADO-JOSEPH DISEASE (Search FastHealth.com) MACHADO-JOSEPH DISEASE Ma·cha·doJo·seph disease The disease has been traced to Joseph Antone, aPortuguese seaman who emigrated from the Azores to California in 1845. http://www.fasthealth.com/dictionary/m/Machado-Joseph_disease.php | |
43. BUMC: Anita L. DeStefano GA. 1995. Correlation between CAG repeat length and clinical featuresin machadojoseph disease. Am J Hum Genet 1995; 5754-61. http://www.bumc.bu.edu/Departments/PageMain.asp?Page=5634&DepartmentID=358 |
44. IJDF IJDF. SYMPTOMS OF MACHADO JOSEPH DISEASE. HOW IS machadojoseph diseaseINHERITED? Machado Joseph Disease is an autosomal dominant disorder. http://ijdfnonprofit.freeyellow.com/page1.html | |
45. Health In The XXI Century: A Vision Of The European Youth machadojoseph disease. The research in Portugal An ataxia without cure PredictingTest Program and Genetic Counselling What is the machado-joseph disease? http://www.cienciaviva.mct.pt/healthXXI/products.asp?lang=en |
46. Medical Dictionary Online : Machado-Joseph Disease Link to the Medical Dictionary Online. machadojoseph disease. Dystonia is prominentin younger patients (referred to as Type I machado-joseph disease). http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/medical-dictionary-m/Machado-Joseph-Dis | |
47. NTU Media Release machadojoseph disease, also known as Groote Eylandt Syndrome, will be discussedin the context of what the disease is and how it affects people and the http://www.ntu.edu.au/mpr/mediareleases/mediareleases2002/august2002/groote.html | |
48. DOENÇA DE MACHADO-JOSEPH Hélio Afonso Ghizoni Teive. Walter Olesko Arruda. Paulo Cesar TrevisolBittencourt.machado-joseph disease report on five members of a family. Abstract. http://sites.uol.com.br/paulo_ctb/joseph.htm | |
49. Host machadojoseph disease clinical, molecular, and metabolic characterizationin Chinese kindreds. Ann Neurol 1997;41446-52. 11. http://www.ym.edu.tw/neu/files/Soong/host.htm | |
50. §ºªÃ¤åÂå®v 10. Soong BW, Cheng CH, Liu RS, Shan DE. machadojoseph disease clinical, molecular,and metabolic characterization in Chinese kindreds. Ann Neurol. http://www.ym.edu.tw/icm/PhD/Soong BW.htm | |
51. ¥xÆW¯«¸g¾Ç¥»¤g¸ê®Æ DE. machadojoseph disease clinical, molecular, and metabolic characterizationin Chinese kindreds. Ann Neurol 1997;41446-52. 08. http://www.neuro.org.tw/study/mov05.htm | |
52. Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders, F6 SCA3 (Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 or machadojoseph disease). SCA3 (SpinocerebellarAtaxia Type 3) is also known as machado-joseph disease. http://www.stanford.edu/group/hopes/rltdsci/trinuc/f6.html | |
53. Ataxia MJD Research Project, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to follow and fund medical researchthat will help scientists find a cure for machadojoseph disease (MJD) and http://www.ataxiamjd.org/ | |
54. Title S., Nishimura, M., Akiguchi, I., Kimura, J., Narumiya, S., Kakizuka, A. CAG expansionsin a novel gene for machadojoseph disease at chromosome 14q32.1. Nat. http://www.lif.kyoto-u.ac.jp/labs/funcbiol/NewFiles/ronbun.html |
55. Untitled Translate this page Foi membro da Comissão Organizadora de vários eventos, nomeadamentedo 3rd International Workshop on machado-joseph disease. Participou http://www.db.uac.pt/antropologia/antrcurreq.html | |
56. THE LIGHTNING HYPERTEXT OF DISEASE. machadojoseph disease Chromosome 14q21 - GDB - Johns HopkinsUniversity, at Internet ftp site ftp.gdb.org /gdb-reports/gene-names/text Sat http://www.pathinfo.com/cgi-bin/lh.cgi?tx=joseph |
57. Untitled Doctors Corner. What is machadojoseph disease? machado-joseph disease (MJD)-alsocalled spinocerebellar ataxia type 3-is a rare hereditary ataxia. http://www.geocities.com/mhc_reporter/doctors/koop-machado-joseph.html | |
58. CMGS-Trinucleotide Repeats-SCAs/21.10.97 (Cancel et al 1997) Repeat size relates to ageof-onset and clinicalcourse. SCA 3 - Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia 3 / machado-joseph disease,. http://www.ich.ucl.ac.uk/cmgs/sca.htm | |
59. CVfall2000 machadojoseph disease gene product is a cytoplasmic widely expressed in brain.Ann. Neurol. 41 453-462. Perez, MK, Fried, B., and Sherma, J. 1994. http://mail.med.upenn.edu/~perezm/CVfall2000.htm | |
60. Patrick M. MacLeod - Research Interests GA. The machadojoseph disease locus is different from the spinocerebellarataxia locus (SCA1). Genomics. 13(3)852-5, July 1992. http://www.medgen.ubc.ca/faculty/macleod.htm | |
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