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61. MLD Foundation - Support For Families With Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) treatment information, education, and an online networking/support group for familiesthroughout the world dealing with Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). http://www.mldfamily.org/ | |
62. MLD Foundation - MLD Links, MLD Research - Metachromatic Leukodystrophy A Listening Ear and a Caring Heart for familiesaffected by Metachromatic leukodystrophy http://www.mldfamily.org/links.html | |
63. KRABBE - GLOBOID LEUKODYSTROPHY Features Listed For KRABBE GLOBOID leukodystrophy. McKusick 245200. Intra-cranialcalcification; Microcephaly; Nystagmus; Optic atrophy. Chromosome(s) 14;q;24-32. http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/dhmhd-bin/hum-look-up?953 |
64. INFANTILE ENCEPHALOPATHY WITH CEREBRAL CALCIFICATION AND LEUKODYSTROPHY Features Listed For INFANTILE ENCEPHALOPATHY WITH CEREBRAL CALCIFICATIONAND leukodystrophy. McKusick Microcephaly; Cerebral atrophy http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/dhmhd-bin/hum-look-up?6046 |
65. Health Library - Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Metachromatic. Synonyms Disorder to blindness. Metachromaticleukodystrophy is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. http://yalenewhavenhealth.org/library/healthguide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hw |
66. Health Library - Leukodystrophy leukodystrophy. Self Help Clearinghouse. United leukodystrophy Foundation,Inc. National network. Founded 1982.Provides http://yalenewhavenhealth.org/Library/HealthGuide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc29l |
67. HONselect - Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell English leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell, Diffuse Globoid Body Sclerosis - GalactosylceramidaseDeficiency Disease - Krabbe Disease - Classic Globoid Cell http://www.hon.ch/HONselect/RareDiseases/C10. | |
68. Leukodystrophy leukodystrophy. leukodystrophy is abnormal development or retention of themyelin insulator of brain cells. leukodystrophy What is leukodystrophy? http://gradyhealthsystem.client.web-health.com/web-health/topics/GeneralHealth/g |
69. Health Information Resource Database: United Leukodystrophy Foundation Services.. United leukodystrophy Foundation. Contact Information.Paula Brazeal, President 2304 Highland Drive Sycamore, IL 60178. http://www.health.gov/NHIC/NHICScripts/Entry.cfm?HRCode=HR2225 |
70. Database Search Results Database Search Results. Searched keywords for leukodystrophy. http://www.health.gov/NHIC/NHICScripts/Hitlist.cfm?Keyword=Leukodystrophy |
71. Virtual Hospital: Radiology Resident Case Of The Week: Adrenal Leukodystrophy (A 1996. Adrenal leukodystrophy (ALD). underway. Adrenal leukodystrophycan be subdivided into classic Xlinked ALD and infantile ALD. http://www.vh.org/pediatric/provider/radiology/PedRadSecTF/012696/ | |
72. Metachromatic Leukodystrophy And Nonverbal Learning Disability: Neuropsychologic research article. Metachromatic leukodystrophy and Nonverbal Learning DisabilityNeuropsychological and Neuroradiological Findings in Heterozygous Carriers. http://www.szp.swets.nl/szp/journals/cn071054.htm | |
73. Health Library - Leukodystrophy leukodystrophy. Self Help Clearinghouse. United leukodystrophy Foundation,Inc. National network. Founded 1982.Provides http://www.laurushealth.com/library/healthguide/selfhelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc29leu |
74. Health Library - Leukodystrophy leukodystrophy. Synonyms. None. Disorder Subdivisions. Refsum's Disease; CerebrotendinousXanthomatosis; Metachromatic leukodystrophy; Globoid leukodystrophy; http://www.laurushealth.com/library/healthguide/illnessconditions/topic.asp?hwid |
75. 1Up Health > Metachromatic Leukodystrophy > Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors Comprehesive information on Metachromatic leukodystrophy (Arylsulfatase A deficiency,MLD). Metachromatic leukodystrophy Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors. http://www.1uphealth.com/health/metachromatic_leukodystrophy_info.html | |
76. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: Neurological Diso Causes. Sites. AicardiGoutieres Syndrome News, descriptions, contacts,and other information concerning this leukodystrophy. Alexander http://www.1uphealth.com/links/demyelinating-diseases-leukodystrophy.html | |
77. Health Library - Leukodystrophy Saint Luke's Health System eLibrary. leukodystrophy. Self Help Clearinghouse.United leukodystrophy Foundation, Inc. National network. http://hvelink.saint-lukes.org/library/healthguide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc29 |
78. Health Library - Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic Saint Luke's Health System eLibrary. leukodystrophy, Metachromatic. Metachromaticleukodystrophy is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. http://hvelink.saint-lukes.org/library/healthguide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?h |
79. Mississippi Challenge For Rett Syndrome & Leukodystrophy, Beginning May 2003 Documentary, The Mississippi River Challenge for Rett Syndrome And leukodystrophy Beginning May 10, 2003 -, leukodystrophy. What is leukodystrophy? http://www.mississippichallenge.org/leukodystrophy.html | |
80. Mississippi Challenge For Rett Syndrome & Leukodystrophy, May 2003 The Mississippi River Challenge for Rett Syndrome And leukodystrophy BeginningMay 10, 2003 -, Do you have a connection to Rett Syndrome or a leukodystrophy? http://www.mississippichallenge.org/youcanhelp.html | |
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