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41. EMedicine - Hyperopia, Phakic IOL : Article By Daljit Singh, MS, DSc hyperopia, Phakic IOL Many corneal refractive procedures, including automatedlamellar keratoplasty, photorefractive keratoplasty (PRK), laser in situ http://www.emedicine.com/oph/topic662.htm | |
42. Refractive Errors - Hyperopia - VisionChannel hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a disorder where distant objects are usuallyseen clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus and are blurred. http://www.visionchannel.net/refractiveerrors/hyperopia.shtml | |
43. LASIK For Hyperopia LASIK for hyperopia. The visual benefit of treating farsightedness isavailable at the Indiana Eye Clinic. Some analysts have estimated http://www.indianaeyeclinic.com/LASIKforHyperopia.html | |
44. Schulze Eye & Surgery Center - LASIK For Hyperopia for hyperopia. 4. The steeper cornea now bends light to become focusedon the retina. LASIK for hyperopia Animation. The Result. http://www.schulze-eye.com/lasikhyperopia.html | |
45. Hyperopia hyperopia. hyperopia or Farsightedness AllAboutVision.com - A guide tothe causes, symptoms and treatment of farsightedness or hyperopia. http://www.health-nexus.com/hyperopia.htm | |
46. LASIK For Hyperopia LASIK for hyperopia The FDA has recently approved LASIK surgery for hyperopiawith Astigmatism. LASIK for hyperopia Animation The Result, http://www.talleyeyecare.com/lasikh.html | |
47. Common Vision Problems - Farsightedness (hyperopia) Common vision problems Farsightedness (hyperopia). hyperopia, or farsightedness,is a common refractive error. Approximately 25 per http://www.optometrists.bc.ca/common/farsighted.php | |
48. BioSpace : CCIS : Search Results For Indication = 'Hyperopia' 4 Search Results for Indication = 'hyperopia'. Patients See Clinical ResearchStudies currently enrolling patients for hyperopia. View as worksheet. http://www.biospace.com/ccis/search.cfm?RXTargetID=243 |
49. BioSpace News: Hyperopia To access the entire clinical database, and view information on preapprovedproducts, please log in above or subscribe. BioSpace News hyperopia. http://www.biospace.com/ccis/news_rxtarget.cfm?RXTargetID=243 |
50. Hyperopia hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a common eye condition. hyperopiaoccurs when the light that enters the eye focuses behind the retina. http://www.penneye.com/html/hyperopia.html | |
51. Eye Conditions - Jones Eye Centers - Laser Eye Surgery, Senior Eye Health, Houst Farsightedness (hyperopia). hyperopia, unlike normal vision, occurs when the corneais too flat in relation to the length of the eye. Symptoms of hyperopia http://www.joneseyecenters.com/index.cfm/conditions/hyperopia | |
52. Patient Education Library - Hyperopia hyperopia (Farsightedness). The curvature. Farsightedness or hyperopiaoccurs when the eye is too small or the cornea is too flat. http://www.cascadeye.com/patienteducation/eyeeducation/hyperopia/hyperopia.htm | |
53. Hyperopia To correct such vision defects, opticians prescribe corrective lenses. Whata corrective lens does in the case of hyperopia is the following. http://physics.mtsu.edu/~phys232/Lectures/L1-L5/L3/Hyperopia/hyperopia.html | |
54. - Eye Conditions hyperopia Last Updated 10/16/2001 Also referred to as Farsightedness RefractiveError hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when images are formed behind the http://drredding.eyemdlink.com/Condition.asp?ConditionID=229 |
55. Dorlands Medical Dictionary hyperope. hypermetropia (hy·per·me·tro·pia) (hi²pschwarme-tro¢pe-schwa)hyperopia. hypermetropia. Figure H-32hyperopia. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands.jspzQzpgzEzzSzppdocszSzuszS |
56. Somers Eye Center Lasik For Hyperopia Lasik for hyperopia. Laser in days. As with any surgical procedure,side effects and complications may occur. What is hyperopia? In http://www.somerseyecenter.com/hyperopia.html |
57. HYPEROPIA /LONG SIGHTEDNESS hyperopia /LONG SIGHTEDNESS. General Info about hyperopia. VisionCenter Online Vision Guide. What are the causes of hyperopia ? http://www.medindia.net/Patients/PatientInfo/hyperopia.asp | |
58. Hornet Archive Search Engine ex hyperopia /demos/1995/e/ex.zip Catalogged 30 Jun 1996 Download USA Spain Japan 561 kb . Money hyperopia /demos/1995/m/money.zip http://www.hornet.org/cgi-bin/ha_search.cgi?opt_s=5:Hyperopia |
59. Restore Vision Centers - The Eye - Hyperopia . hyperopia hyperopia is also known as farsightedness. hyperopia iswhen the light rays focus behind the retina. The result is that http://www.restorevisioncenters.com/theeyehyperopia.htm | |
60. LASIK Laser Vision Correction At Discover Vision Laser inSitu Keratomileusis (LASIK) can be used to treat low to moderate levelsof farsightedness (hyperopia) with the goal of reducing or eliminating http://www.discovervision.com/lasik/lsk_hyper.htm |
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