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Hydrosyringomyelia: more detail |
21. ÃÈÄÐÎÑÈÐÈÍÃÎÌÈÅËÈß (ÝÒÈÎÏÀÒÎÃÅÍÅÇ, ÊËÈÍÈÊÀ hydrosyringomyelia ETIOLOGY, PATHOGENESIS, CLINIC AND NEUROSURGICALASPECTS OF TREATMENT. VV Kopanitza. Summary. Today there is still http://www.umj.kiev.ua/arhiv/20/5.asp | |
22. Home Page Of Neurochirurgical Department Particular Aspects. Troubles of CSF Circulation (Hydrocephalus, hydrosyringomyelia,Meningoceles); Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy; http://www.md.ucl.ac.be/nech/ | |
23. Äèàãíîñòèêà è äèôôåðåíöèàëüíàÿ äèàãíîñòèê Diagnostic and differential diagnostic of hydrosyringomyelia. KopanitsaVV. From the viewpoint of the nervous system general pathology http://www.intermag.kiev.ua/uan/bulet/num9/21.html | |
24. Publikationen Kinderheilkunde 1998 Woelfle J Haverkamp F, Comment on Nogues M (1999) Repeated syncopes and extendetpaediatric hydrosyringomyelia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 65 (5) 805. http://publ.meb.uni-bonn.de/KIN1998.HTM | |
25. Neurological Syndromes A cervicothoracic syndrome may occur in animals (usually dogs) with hydrosyringomyelia(See Syringomyelia and Hydromyelia), often in association with Chiari http://www.ivis.org/special_books/Braund/braund1/chapter_frm.asp?LA=1 |
26. [ ¥x¥_ºaÁ`¡E¤p¨à¯«¸g¥~¬ì ] = [ Pediatric Neurosurgery Of VGH Taipe (hydromyelia/syringomyelia/syrinx/hydrosyringomyelia),Hydromyelia (central canal),Syringomyelia ? http://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/~pns/learn/01/01_007.htm | |
27. Pediatrix Medical Group - Parent's Guide - Conditions & Diseases hydrosyringomyelia A split that can occur in the spinal cordNot visible to the eye; Requires MRI or CT Scan to diagnose. The http://www.pediatrix.com/parents/Neonatal_Medicine/Conditions/conditions-ntd.htm | |
28. SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF SYRINGOMYELIA ASSOCIATED WITH CHIARI I MALFORMATION patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 1029196, 2000; Durham S, Sun P, SchutL Chiari malformations and hydrosyringomyelia. Rev Neurol http://med.ege.edu.tr/norolbil/2000/NBD12000.html | |
29. EMedicine - Spina Bifida : Article By Mark R Foster, MD, PhD Syringomyelia or hydrosyringomyelia is the presence of cavities in the spinalcord, which may be due to the breakdown of gliomatous new formations. http://www.emedicine.com/orthoped/topic557.htm | |
30. EMedicine - Myelomeningocele : Article By Kat Kolaski, MD hydrosyringomyelia is caused by hydrocephalus that results in entry of CSF intothe central canal of the spinal cord, causing dilatation and pressure. http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic83.htm | |
31. H Horner Syndrome; @ Huntington's Disease; @ Hydranecephaly; @ Hydrocephalus;@ hydrosyringomyelia; @ Hyperhidrosis; @ Hyperhomocysteinemia; http://www.ad.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ | |
32. Developmental CNS Abnormalities 2. Symptomatic Chiari. 3. hydrosyringomyelia. Spinal cord. Compression ofupper segements and associated with hydrosyringomyelia (8090%). http://www.ucch.org/sections/neurosurg/NeuroReview/11-Pediatrics/SpinalDysraphis | |
33. ICP Monitors Neurosurg 28353357, 1991. Hoffman HJ. hydrosyringomyelia and its managementin childhood. Neurosurg 21347-351, 1987. Muhonen MG, et al. http://www.ucch.org/sections/neurosurg/NeuroReview/11-Pediatrics/ChiariMalformat | |
34. SpringerLink: Child's Nervous System - Abstract Volume 16 Issue 4 (2000) Pp 222- function, bowel function, renal impairment and hypertension, skin breakdown, epilepsyand the incidence of clinically significant Chiari/hydrosyringomyelia. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00381/bibs/0016004/00160222.ht | |
35. Chiari I Malformation Can cause symptoms such as headache, balance problems, incontinence and memoryproblems. hydrosyringomyelia a fluid cavity in the spinal cord. http://tribble.missouri.edu/ns/chiari/chiariglossary.htm | |
36. Thieme Medical Publishers : Table Of Contents:DeWald, Spinal Deformities Developmental Spinal Cord Abnormalities; The Spine in Friedrich's Ataxia, CharcotMarie-ToothDisease; Cerebral Palsy, Myelodysplasia, hydrosyringomyelia, Rett http://www.thieme.com/SID2088980784223/productsubpages/toc/pubid-326769985.html | |
37. Zentrum Für Kinderheilkunde Der Universität Bonn - Wissenschaftliche Publikati Translate this page Woelfle J, Haverkamp F (1998) Comment on Nogues M (1998) Repeated syncopes andextendet paediatric hydrosyringomyelia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psych 65 (5) 805. http://www.meb.uni-bonn.de/kinder/publik.html | |
38. Division Of Neurosurgery developed. One is Chiari malformation and hydrosyringomyelia. Patientsoften present in the pediatric age group with scoliosis. http://www.childrenshospitalla.org/neurosurgery2.html | |
39. Instability Of The Cervical Spine And Neurological Involvement the neck is extended. There is no evidence of Chiari malformation,diastematomyelia, or hydrosyringomyelia. Active extension of http://www.simmonsortho.com/literature/Instability_of_the_Cervical_Sp/instabilit | |
40. MUMS List Of Disorders - H central spinal cord) (2); Hydronephrosis (44) *; hydrosyringomyelia ArnoldChiari (1); Hyper IGA Syndrome (2); Hyper IGE Syndrome http://www.netnet.net/mums/mum_h.htm | |
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