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Holmes-adie Syndrome: more detail |
41. Arch Neurol -- Page Not Found saphenous vein in patients with idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, and, in a separateparagraph, the holmesadie syndrome, hyperbradykininemia, dysautonomia http://archneur.ama-assn.org/issues/v55n9/ffull/nbk0998-2.html | |
42. The Journal : Back Issues Jacobus Lubsen, Arno Hoes, Diederick Grobbee. Eponym. holmesadie syndromeSummary Full Text PDF. Paolo Martinelli. Correspondence. Correspondence. http://www.thelancet.com/journal/vol356/iss9243/contents | |
43. The Journal : Back Issues MG Tutton, N Aqel, D St J Collier. holmesadie syndrome and Lymedisease Full Text PDF. *Raphael B Stricker, Edward E Winger. http://www.thelancet.com/journal/vol357/iss9258/contents | |
44. õømHn Hodgkin? Hodgkin? Hoffmann's syndrome Hoffmann? Hoffmann? Hoffmann? holmesadie syndrome Adie? http://www.so-net.ne.jp/medipro/hypref/hyper/index/h.html | |
45. EMedicine - Anisocoria : Article By Richard Gray, MD The combination of an idiopathic tonic pupil with decreased deep tendon reflexesand/or orthostatic hypotension is termed holmesadie syndrome. http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic29.htm | |
46. Pubblicazioni 1999 a wide spectrum of seizures. Mov Disord. 2000 Nov;15(6)1264. MartinelliP. holmesadie syndrome. Lancet. 2000 Nov 18;356(9243)1760 http://www.neuro.unibo.it/neuroit/pub99_00.htm | |
47. ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION A look at what causes orthostatic hypotension as well as diagnosing, tests, treatment by way of non-drugs Category Health Conditions and Diseases Hypotension...... hypotension Sensory neuropathies (diabetes, alcohol, syphilis, holmesadie syndrome,Carotid sinus obliteration by endarterectomy, Riley-Day syndrome); http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/medical/orthostatic.html | |
48. AnsMe Directory - Health > Conditions And Diseases > H Hirsutism. Histoplasmosis. Hives. Hodgkin's Disease. holmesadie syndrome. Homocystinuria.Horner Syndrome. Huntington's Disease. Hydranecephaly. Hydrocephalus. http://dir.ansme.com/health/43350.html | |
49. Browsing Health Conditions And Diseases H Category Hernia Herniated Lumbar Disk Herpes Hidradenitis Suppurativa Hirsutism HistoplasmosisHives Hodgkin's Disease, holmesadie syndrome Homocystinuria Horner http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ | |
50. Katalog : : Health : Conditions_and_Diseases : H : - Netz-Tipp.De holmes-adie syndrome (*); Homocystinuria (*); HornerSyndrome (*); Huntington's Disease (*); Hydranecephaly (*); Hydrocephalus http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/H/ | |
51. WebMD - Information CancerNet nci Hodgkin's disease, childhood - Patient Information- CancerNet nci holmes-adie syndrome nord Holocarboxylase Synthetase http://my.webmd.com/content/healthwise/135/33594.htm |
52. DINO - Language: Englisch - Health - Conditions And Diseases - H Kategorie Hives Dieser Link verweist auf eine HauptKategorie Hodgkin's Disease DieserLink verweist auf eine Haupt-Kategorie holmes-adie syndrome Dieser Link http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_5eb30c831041b37311023286c4a3ca2d.html | |
53. ALLAN EARL RUBENSTEIN, M Rubenstein AE, Mytilineou C, Yahr MD, Sivak M, Mindel J. and Frontera ATOrthostatic hypotension in the holmesadie syndrome. Mt. Sinai J. Med. http://www.nf.org/who_we_are/profiles/rubenstein.htm | |
54. Alcmeón - Revista Argentina De Clínica Neuropsiquiátrica - Los Movimientos Oc neuropathology of the holmes-adie syndrome. Ann Neurol 1984; 16138. 41. http://www.alcmeon.com.ar/8/29/Ure.htm | |
55. VIII Riunione Translate this page 14. Postganglionic autonomic dysfunction in a patient with holmes-adie syndromeand generalized anhydrosis Donadio V, Liguori R, Cortelli P, Pierangeli G http://www.toleave.it/gruppo-italiano-neuropatie/congresso1.htm | |
56. The Pupil Of The Eye As Manometer Of The Psychosomatic Dynamics Third nerve palsy, local causes. d) Unequal pupils In the dark theyare equal. Unequal pupils is known as holmesadie syndrome. http://www.iridologyresearch.com/pages/ThePupil/pupiloftheeyeasmanometer.htm | |
58. PrincipaleNews misleading notions of number needed to treat and average duration of life gainedAbstract Full Text PDF Eponym holmes-adie syndrome Abstract Full http://www.cos.it/marvis/frprinciNews.htm | |
59. Localization Of Olfactory Nerve women in 20~40 yo Maybe ass /c impaired corneal sensation, depressed or absentpatellar Achilles tendon reflex (holmesadie syndrome) Hyporeflexia http://members.tripod.lycos.co.kr/MDNam/EOM.htm |
60. Glossary holmesadie's Pupil; Internal Auditory Artery (IAA) occlusion; Ipsipulsion; (Labyrinthitis)Acute neurolabyrinthitis. Lateral Medullary syndrome; Lateralpulsion; http://www.bme.jhu.edu/labs/chb/glossary/glossary.html | |
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