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101. Resource Removed From Server Cardiology CME presents 4 heart sounds for our listening.Category Health Conditions and Diseases heart Disease murmurs......The files in this directory have been permanently removed from this server. http://www.kumc.edu/instruction/medicine/cont-ed/infotech/car-mur.htm |
102. Murmurs Of The Heart Discussion by Daniel J. Waters, D.O., FCCP on the causes and diagnosing of this disorder. http://www.mcclinic.com/MCC/murmurs.htm |
103. McGill Virtual Stethoscope Project Listen to heart sounds, murmurs, breath sounds, and visualize them with spectra and shockwave animations. http://sprojects.mmip.mcgill.ca/MVS/MVSTETH.HTM |
104. Children's Heart Institute Learn about the heart and how it works, heart beat, defects, murmurs, EKG and ECHO testing, cardiac medications, and how doctors fix heart problems. http://www.childrenheartinstitute.org/ |
105. Stethron - Hearing Aid For Doctors Stethtron electronic stethoscope provides powerful amplification of heart sounds, murmurs, respiration sounds, and easier ausculation diagnosis. http://hearing-aid.tripod.com |
106. Children's Heart Institute Among some of the topics discussed are, causes of innocent and noninnocent murmurs and physical signs present. Audio to experience the different sounds. http://childrenheartinstitute.org/educate/murmur/murmur.htm |
107. HeartLab FamilyPractice.com Provides text and icons to illustrate examination technique, describing both chest locations and patient maneuvers that are usually best to identify particular physical findings. Users can select the listening location to hear (simulated) normal and abnormal heart sounds and murmurs. Requires that Java and JavaScript be enabled. http://www.familypractice.com/heartlab/heartlab.htm |
108. Heart Auscultation Examination of valve murmurs. Detailed topics such as characteristics, timing, severity, causes and management. http://www.fpnotebook.com/CV64.htm |
109. Washington Parent Magazine Gerard Martin, M.D. discusses issues of your child's heart murmur, including innocent and pathological murmurs and testing. http://www.washingtonparent.com/articles/9812/murmurs.htm |
110. Landon Pediatric Foundation Fred Leong M.D looks at common heart sounds and murmurs in infants, innocent murmurs, pathologic murmurs, and diastolic continuous murmurs. Audio as well to hear the heart sounds. http://www.rain.org/~landon/Heartweb/index.html |
111. Health Wellness Info Provides an overview of murmurs of the heart, discussing what it is, are they serious, and how they are treated. http://www.bcbsga.com/healthWellness/articles/wellAware/art_WA_010.htm |
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