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81. Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. Definition A heart heart murmurs are common in childrenand can also result from heart or valve defects. Nearly two http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00050320.html | |
82. Innocent Heart Murmurs One way of thinking about innocent murmurs is to consider the vascular system as ensurethat there is a normal physiologic split of the second heart sound with http://www.rain.org/~landon/Heartweb/page4.html | |
83. Cardiovascular Disorders - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. What is a heart murmur? What causes a heart murmur? heart murmursmay be caused by a number of factors or diseases, including the following http://www.uuhsc.utah.edu/healthinfo/pediatric/cardiac/murmur.htm | |
84. RCPG-Heart Murmurs heart murmurs One observation. Occasionally, people with severe murmursrequire open heart surgery to help their heart function properly. http://www.rcpg.com/murmurs.shtml | |
85. Cardiovascular Diseases - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs What causes a heart murmur? heart murmurs may be caused bya number of factors or diseases, including defective heart valves; http://www.nyp.org/health/cd_rom_content/adult/cardiac/murmurs.htm | |
86. Murmur, Heart However, it is actually rare that they have anything to fear, asthe discussion of functional heart murmurs makes plain. I have http://www.drhull.com/EncyMaster/M/heart_murmur.html | |
87. Dr. Alan Greene On Heart Murmurs Dr. Alan Greene on heart murmurs By Alan Greene, MD, FAAP My 11week-old was saidto have a flow murmur. Some murmurs do signal serious problems in the heart. http://www.americanbaby.com/ab/CDA/featureDetail/0,1349,17729,00.html | |
88. Heart Murmurs In Chinchillas The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.yo.rim.or.jp/~kuryu/chindoc/murmurs.html |
89. Cardiovascular Diseases - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs What causes a heart murmur? heart murmurs may be caused bya number of factors or diseases, including defective heart valves; http://www.sw.org/clinical_content/adult/cardiac/murmurs.htm | |
90. Genesis Health System - Detailed Disease Info - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs. Definition. Pathologic heart murmurs may indicate a heart defect.Ventricles. The lower two chambers of the heart. Resources PERIODICALS. http://www.genesishealth.com/micromedex/detaileddisease/00050320.aspx | |
91. Loyola Univ. Health Sys. - Cardiac Care - Heart Murmurs heart murmurs What causes a heart murmur heart murmurs may be causedby a number of factors or events, including defective heart http://www.luhs.org/health/topics/cardiac/murmurs.htm | |
92. Heart Murmurs Kim, heart murmurs are quite common in puppies and vets often don't mention thembecause so many are harmless. What did your vet say about the murmur? http://www.champdogs.co.uk/board/topic/15752.html | |
93. Heart Murmurs And Pericardial Effusion Subject heart murmurs and Pericardial Effusion Topic Area Heart Murmur ForumThe Heart Forum Question Posted By Gail R on Sunday, October 18, 1998 Hi. http://www.medhelp.org/forums/cardio/archive/4635.html | |
94. Heart Murmurs - December 4, 2000 heart murmurs. Dick Cheney's brief but sudden hospitalization questionsabout fitness and truthfulness. Richard Lacayo Reported by http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/time/2000/12/04/heart.html | |
95. Surgery Door - Medical Conditions Innocent heart murmurs Medical Conditions last reviewed October 2000. Whatare Innocent heart murmurs ? How do Innocent heart murmurs occur ? http://www.surgerydoor.co.uk/medcon/detail2.asp?level2=Innocent Heart Murmurs |
96. InteliHealth: Some common causes of heart murmurs include A heart valve abnormality Theheart has four valves the aortic, mitral, tricuspid and pulmonary valves. http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/8059/28040/266762.html?d=dmtHealth |
97. Continuity Clinic Notebook: Heart Murmurs: When To Refer 1. General. 2. HEENT. 3. Cardiopulmonary. heart murmurs When to Refer. It is alwaysdifficult to decide whether to tell parents about normal heart murmurs. http://www.mcg.edu/PedsOnL/CCNotebook/chapter2/heartmurmurs.htm | |
98. UNMH - CHHC - Innocent Heart Murmurs In Children heart murmurs are sounds produced by the flow of blood through the valves andchambers of the heart. Sometimes heart murmurs are hard to interpret. http://hospitals.unm.edu/childrens/CHHC/patients/murmurs.shtml |
99. Welcome To ENH.org - Health Encyclopedia Heart Murmurs And Other heart murmurs and other sounds. valves. Alternative Names Chest sounds murmurs; Heart sounds - abnormal. Considerations Heart http://www.enh.org/Encyclopedia/ency/article/003266.asp |
100. Heart Murmurs - New Treatments, February 5, 2003 heart murmurs. Ninety percent of children will have an audible heart murmur atsome point in time. Less than 5% of heart murmurs in children are caused by. http://www.medical-library.org/journals2a/heart_murmers.htm |
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