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1. National Organization On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Dedicated to eliminating birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and improving Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome......NOFAS. fetal alcohol syndrome. NOFAS Curriculum. Working with FAS Children.NOFAS Boards and Committees. Resources and Information. Contact NOFAS. http://www.nofas.org/ | |
2. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome And Fetal Alcohol Effects Offers a letter template for writing politicians or liquor companies about the need for antiFAS campaigns. Find links to other organizations. http://www.worldprofit.com/mafas.htm | |
3. Fact Sheet - FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME Psychiatry department offers a collection of projects on this disorder. Read news and access patient information. Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit. Fetal Alcohol And Drug Unit http://www.well.com/user/woa/fsfas.htm | |
4. The Family Village / Library / Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Test Adoptive mother publishes facts, treatment options, and tips for parenting and educating FAS children. fetal alcohol syndrome/EFFECTS. "The alcoholaffected child is like a garden. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_fas.htm | |
5. FASlink - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Information, Communications And Support Link A comprehensive list of possible damage done by alcohol use, a brain image, and additional statistical Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome...... http://www.acbr.com/fas/ |
6. Texas Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Consortium Dedicated to prevention, education, and support. http://www.main.org/texasfasc/ |
7. FAS Community Resource Center A collection of articles discussing this diagnosis.Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome...... with Child About FASCRC, FAS Community Resource Center Information about FetalAlcohol Syndrome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) teresa@come http://www.come-over.to/FASCRC/ | |
8. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - A Pregnant Pause View photographs of children with fetal alcohol syndrome and learn its causes and effects. http://w3.ouhsc.edu/fas |
9. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome In Japan The physical and behavioral characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome from birth to age seven. Information about maternal and paternal drinking and educational links to other related sites. http://members.aol.com/psoba/myhomepage/family.html | |
10. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Statistics and other information on fetal alcohol syndrome and how it can be reduced.Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome......Overview What is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? Can a single drink cause FAS? Whois at greatest risk of giving birth to a child with fetal alcohol syndrome? http://www2.potsdam.edu/alcohol-info/FAS/FAS.html |
11. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic And Prevention Network (FAS DPN) Located in Seattle, WA., this organization diagnosis and works with children diagnosed with this disorder.Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome......Overview Screening Diagnosis Surveillance InterventionPrevention Training Research Literature Index. http://depts.washington.edu/fasdpn/ | |
12. FASFetalAlcohol Syndrome The implications of adopting an affected child.Category Health Reproductive Health fetal alcohol syndrome......fetal alcohol syndrome. What are the implications for adoptive parents? PATIENTSWITH fetal alcohol syndrome AND THEIR CARETAKERS. http://www.adopting.org/rwfas.html | |
13. FASCETS Provides training and consultation services for parents and professionals working with clients around fetal alcohol affected youth. http://www.fascets.org | |
14. FASAT(Ontario) Fetal Alcohol Assistance & Training To improve the lives of children with fetal alcohol syndrome/Effects (FAS) by training the professionals and parents who work with and care for these children, to provide assistance and support for them and their families, and to facilitate activities related to the prevention of FAS. http://home.golden.net/~fasat/ | |
15. What Is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ? What is fetal alcohol syndrome? What is fetal alcohol syndrome? FAS isa lifelong yet completely preventable set of physical, mental http://www.nofas.org/main/what_is_FAS.htm | |
16. FAS: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Resources for information. http://come-over.to/FAS/ | |
17. FAS Resource List Listing of journal citations and resources covering research, diagnosis and treatment of the disorder. http://thearc.org/misc/faslist.html | |
18. FASlink - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Listserv JOIN FASLINK. FASlink is a free Internet maillist for individuals,families and professionals who deal with fetal alcohol syndrome. http://www.acbr.com/fas/faslink.htm | |
19. Federation Of Invisible Disabilities - Fids Provides Support For People With Lea A Canadian nonprofit organization supporting people with invisible disabilities such as learning disabilities, brain injuries, autism, add, adhd, fetal alcohol syndrome, autism and dyslexia. http://www.fids.bc.ca | |
20. FAS Resource List fetal alcohol syndrome. The Challenge of fetal alcohol syndrome Overcoming SecondaryDisabilities Edited by Ann Streissguth and Jonathan Kanter (1997). http://www.thearc.org/misc/faslist.html | |
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