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Cystic Hygroma: more detail | |||||
21. Charity Glossary cystic hygroma cystic hygroma and Lymphangioma Support Group Woodhill House, CuckfieldLane, Warninglid, West Sussex, RH17 5SN Tel 01444 461155 Fax 01444 http://www.ivillage.co.uk/ivillageuk/tools/charity_gloss/0,10005,4-1126-C-,00.ht | |
22. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. Definition Return to top. A cystic hygroma is a thinwalled,sac-like structure filled with lymph. It occurs most http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000148.htm | |
23. Cystic Hygroma Donation Page http://www.cystichygroma.dsl.pipex.com/Donation/donation.html |
24. The Cystic Hygroma Network Recepción. Bienvenue. What is cystic hygroma? Who are we ? The word CysticHygroma means 'moist tumor' and the word Coli meaning 'neck'. http://www.cystichygroma.dsl.pipex.com/body_index.html |
25. Virtual Children's Hospital: Paediapaedia: Cystic Hygroma (Lymphangioma) Paediapaedia Chest and Airway Diseases cystic hygroma (Lymphangioma). MichaelP. D'Alessandro, MD Peer Review Status Internally Peer Reviewed http://www.vh.org/pediatric/provider/radiology/PAP/ChestDiseases/CysHygroma.html | |
26. Virtual Children's Hospital: Correlapaedia - A Correlative Encyclopedia Of Pedia Clinical Labs Noncontributory. Clinical Differential Diagnosis LymphaticMalformation (formerly known as cystic hygroma), hemangioma. http://www.vh.org/pediatric/provider/radiology/CAP/Case45/Case45.html | |
27. Cystic Hygroma Resources On The Internet HealthCyclopedia, cystic hygroma. Health News, cystic hygroma Anarticle explaining this disorder and a support group for sharing. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/cystic_hygroma.html | |
28. Gross Specimens - Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. cystic hygroma colli is the most obvious manisfestation of lymphaticvessel dysplasia and represents the most extreme forn of nuchal edema. http://almashriq.hiof.no/ddc/projects/health/specimens/gross-specimens/fetuses/c | |
29. Gross Specimens - Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. from the Gross Specimens collection, courtesy of AUBMC,Department of Pathology. Photography by Børre Ludvigsen, July 1997 http://almashriq.hiof.no/ddc/projects/health/specimens/gross-specimens/fetuses/c | |
30. Cystic Hygroma From Pediatrics / Otolaryngology cystic hygroma cystic hygromas are multiloculated cystic structures that are benignin nature. Risk of infection in a cystic hygroma is approximately 16%. http://author.emedicine.com/PED/topic536.htm | |
31. Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. cystic hygroma Look for Often present from birth; Mayenlarge rapidly from infection or haemorrhage; If extends across http://medmic02.wnmeds.ac.nz/groups/rmo/lump_in_neck/lump_in_neck10.html | |
32. Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. cystic hygroma Source S Beasley Email commentsor criticisms to Spencer Beasley Last modified 3 Jan 1999. http://medmic02.wnmeds.ac.nz/groups/rmo/lump_in_neck/images/cystic_hygroma.html | |
33. Prenatal Diagnosis Bilateral cystic hygroma of the neck, caused by a developmental abnormality of vascularchannels, is characteristic (but not specific) for Turner's syndrome. http://medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/TUTORIAL/PRENATAL/PREN011.html | |
34. Re: Cystic Hygroma-hydrops Any Help Please!! -- Poor Prenatal Diagnosis-Advice A Subject Re cystic hygromahydrops any help please!! Author Monica, Next Thread Previous Thread Next Message Previous Message http://www.voy.com/84292/6.html | |
35. Cystic Hygroma-hydrops Any Help Please!! -- Poor Prenatal Diagnosis-Advice And S Subject cystic hygromahydrops any help please!! After seeing a specialist and othertests they were informed that the baby was diagnosed with cystic hygroma. http://www.voy.com/84292/4.html | |
36. Cystic Hygroma In An Adult cystic hygroma in an adult a case report. SE MORLEY, KCRB RAMESARand DAD MACLEOD . Keywords cystic hygroma, preoperative imaging. http://www.rcsed.ac.uk/journal/old/4410015.htm |
37. Cystic Hygroma In An Adult http://www.rcsed.ac.uk/journal/vol44_1/4410048.htm | |
38. Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma and Fetal Hydrops From bereaved parents. Site has anexplanation of cystic hygroma and more resources. cystic hygroma http://www.foundhealth.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/C/Cystic_Hygroma/ | |
39. Health Library - Cystic Hygroma cystic hygroma. cystic hygroma is an inborn tumor of the lymphatic system that, insome rare cases, may be inherited as an autosomal recessive genetic trait. http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
40. From The Grand Rounds Archive At Baylor A unified concept of lymphangioma and cystic hygroma. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1965;1207981. BrooksJE. cystic hygroma of the neck. Laryngoscope 1973;83117-128. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/grand/61694.html | |
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