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Crigler-najjar Syndrome: more detail |
61. Crigler-Najjar Disease criglernajjar syndrome. For more information on crigler-najjar syndrome, followthese links http//www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?218800. http://www.bio.davidson.edu/courses/Molbio/MolStudents/spring2000/roberts/Pages/ | |
62. Porfyrines En Haem UDPglucuronate + acceptor = UDP + acceptor beta-D-glucuronoside. 2 Crigler-NajjarSyndrome Type I. 3 crigler-najjar syndrome Type II ( Arias Syndrome). http://www.homepages.hetnet.nl/~b1beukema/ziekporfyrines.html | |
63. Clinical Case Yazawa., Sato H., Koiwai O. Identification of defect in the genes for bilirubin UDPglucuronosyl-transferasein a patient with crigler-najjar syndrome type II. http://www.med.uva.es/hortega/ingles/bibliografia.html | |
64. Caso Clínico. Ictericia Por Síndrome De Crigler-Najjar Tipo II Jaundice caused by CriglerNajjar type II syndrome. The crigler-najjar syndromeis associated with very high levels of unconjugated serum bilirubin. http://www.med.uva.es/hortega/ingles/is.html | |
65. Bilirubin: Common Questions Several inherited chronic conditions include Gilberts syndrome, DubinJohnsonsyndrome, Rotors syndrome, and crigler-najjar syndrome. http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/bilirubin/faq.html | |
66. Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Website Results :: Linkspider UK criglernajjar syndrome Websites from Linkspider UK. Keyword Crigler-NajjarSyndrome. Linkspider UK Directory crigler-najjar syndrome Search for. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/GeneticDisorders/Crigle | |
67. Medicalseek - Search Engine For The Healthcare Industry Conditions and DiseasesGenetic Disorderscriglernajjar syndrome Austin HealthInformation An overview of crigler-najjar syndrome including symptoms http://www.medicalseek.net/Conditions_and_Diseases_Genetic_Disorders_Crigler_Naj | |
68. ORPHANET® : Base De Données Sur Les Maladies Rares Et Les Médicaments Orpheli criglernajjar syndrome Author Professor Philippe LABRUNE Scientificeditor Professor Jean-Marie SAUDUBRAY Date of creation March http://orphanet.infobiogen.fr/data/patho/GB/uk-crigler.html | |
69. Chapter 14 - Section 3: First Principles Of Gastroenterology Except for criglernajjar syndrome, congenital hyperbilirubinemia does not impaireither the quality of life or the life expectancy of affected subjects. http://gastroresource.com/GITextbook/En/Chapter14/14-3.htm | |
70. NOVITÀ SULLA MALATTIA DI CRIGLER-NAJJAR: UNA ESPERIENZA PERSONALE SULLA TERAPIA Translate this page Abstract. The type I crigler-najjar syndrome (CNS), ie, non-coniugate hereditaryhyperbilirubinemia, is caused by a complete deficit of bilirubin-UDP-glucurosyl http://www.eurom.it/medicina/ns/ns20_1_49.html | |
71. Current Papers In Liver Disease - May, 1998 Treatment of the criglernajjar syndrome type I with hepatocyte transplantation.New England Journal of Medicine. 3381422-1426. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/may98.html | |
72. EnableNet - Enablenet.browse.browse Physical Disabilities Endocrine and Metabolic Disord CriglerNajjarSyndrome crigler-najjar syndrome Matching Resources. Records 1-1 of 1 http://www.enable.net.au/index.cfm?fuseaction=enablenet.browse.browse&catid=2855 |
73. ENLmedical.com: Conditions And Concerns: Medical Encyclopedia: Crigler-Najjar Sy Table of content. criglernajjar syndrome. Causes and Risks Crigler-Najjarsyndrome is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. http://www.enlmedical.com/article/001127.htm | |
74. Gilberts Web - Advanced Medical Report to bilirubin glucuronidation in 10 unrelated patients with Gilbert's syndrome,16 members of a kindred with a history of criglernajjar syndrome type II http://www.gilbertsweb.co.uk/doctors/advanced.htm | |
75. Clinic For Special Children Home Page criglernajjar syndrome, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, UGT1A1. crigler-najjar syndrome,UGT1A1, c.222C- A, Y74X, Puffenberger, unpublished, Amish and Mennonite. http://www.clinicforspecialchildren.org/labmolgen.html | |
76. Fall Rhen The liver cell infusion was performed in April 1997 on Maria Louisa Lujan, an 11year-oldfrom Albiquiu, NM, suffering from crigler-najjar syndrome Type I. http://www.unmc.edu/pubs/synapse/spring98/story7.htm | |
77. HepNet - Liver Cell Injections May Help Liver Disease Patients Strom's group has also used the liver cells to correct liver function in an 11year-oldpatient with crigler-najjar syndrome, an inherited disease of the liver http://www.hepnet.com/news042100.html | |
78. _Dr Mano Arumanayagam criglernajjar syndrome. The extreme form of familial non-haemolytic jaundiceis associated with very high serum unconjugated bilirubin values. http://www.cpy.cuhk.edu.hk/lecture/1999-2000/week19/Jaundice99.htm | |
79. Abstracts 4 98 Engl DN Degtyarev, AV Ivanova, Yu.A. Sigova Crigler Najjar syndrome. Aclinical case of crigler-najjar syndrome, type I, is presented. http://www.mediasphera.aha.ru/pediatr/98/4/e4-98ref.htm | |
80. Crigler-najjar, Syndrome : Arborescences MeSH Translate this page crigler-najjar, syndrome. Menu général CISMeF. maladies et malformationscongénitales, héréditaires et néonatales C16 page CISMeF du motclef http://www.chu-rouen.fr/navimesh/navicriglernajjarsyndrome.html | |
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