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1. Cholesteatoma A cholesteatoma is a benign growth of skin in an abnormal location such as the middle ear or petrous apex. http://www.earsite.com/tumors/cholesteatoma.html | |
2. Cholesteatoma Website cholesteatoma Website. THIS SITE REMAINS EXCLUSIVE TO THE DISCUSSION OF cholesteatoma. http://www.cholesteatoma.org/ |
3. AAO-HNS - Cholesteatoma Am. Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery discusses this condition characterized by abnormal skin growth behind the middle ear and answers common questions. http://www.entnet.org/cholesteatoma.html |
4. Cholesteatoma And Ear Surgery, 6th International Conference, Chairman : Jacques cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery 2000 6th international conference - Chairman Jacques MAGNAN - JUNE 29th to JULY 2nd, 2000 CANNES - French Riviera http://www.chole2000.org/ |
5. Ear Surgery Information Center-Cholesteatoma A look at the symptoms, possible complications and treatment of this disorder.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Ear cholesteatoma......cholesteatoma. If infection is present, the skin will continue to grow into themiddle ear and will become a tumor of the ear termed a cholesteatoma. http://www.earsurgery.org/cholest.html | |
6. Ear Surgery Information Center-Cholesteatoma Surgery Most cholesteatomas require that an incision be made behind the ear to expose thetumor adequately. The cholesteatoma is completely removed microscopically. http://www.earsurgery.org/surgcho.html | |
7. Procedure Two cholesteatoma. As the eustachian tube becomes dysfunctional, negative pressureis generated in the middle ear and the eardrum starts to retract inward. http://www.earsite.com/tumors/procedure_two.html | |
8. Cholesteatoma A cholesteatoma is a skin growth that occurs in an abnormal location, themiddle ear behind the eardrum. cholesteatoma What Is a cholesteatoma? http://www.entnet.org/healthinfo/ears/cholesteatoma.cfm | |
9. Cholesteatoma: A Serious Ear Condition A look at what this is, why it is in the ear, how it occurred there, when should something be done Category Health Conditions and Diseases Ear cholesteatoma......cholesteatoma A Serious Ear Condition. This site maintainted by Peter J. Casano,MD, (601) 9325244. Press to return to home page. What Is a cholesteatoma? http://www.sinuscarecenter.com/choleaao.html | |
10. PathFinders Cholesteatoma Page cholesteatoma Web Site. You are visitor number 139939. cholesteatoma is aformation, often considered a tumor, that grows within the inner ear. http://www.cholesteatoma.org/scripts/earsurge.asp | |
11. Grand Rounds Archives PEDIATRIC cholesteatoma A. Paul Vastola, MD October 7, 1993. The term cholesteatomais actually a misnomer coined by Johannes Muller in 1838. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/grand/10793.html | |
12. Cholesteatoma And Chronic Mastoiditis cholesteatoma and Chronic Mastoiditis. The cholesteatoma. cholesteatoma isan epithelial cyst (made from the tissue and cells that make skin). http://www.nycornell.org/ent/cholesteatoma.html | |
13. Cholesteatoma cholesteatoma links dedicated to informing patients, students, andhearing healthcare providers. Contains summary of at that site. http://www.audiologynet.com/cholesteatoma.html | |
14. EMedicine - Middle Ear, Cholesteatoma : Article By Peter S Roland, MD Middle Ear, cholesteatoma cholesteatoma has been recognized for decades as adestructive lesion of the skull base that can erode and destroy important http://www.emedicine.com/ent/topic220.htm | |
15. EMedicine - Cholesteatoma : Article By Peter S Roland, MD cholesteatoma For decades, cholesteatoma has been recognized as a destructive lesionof the skull base that can erode and destroy important structures within http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic384.htm | |
16. Cholesteatoma And Ear Surgery 2000 - Navigation cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery 2000 6th international conference - Chairman Jacques MAGNAN - JUNE 29th to JULY 2nd, 2000 CANNES - French Riviera. Contact, http://www.chole2000.org/index_menu.htm |
17. MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia: Cholesteatoma cholesteatoma. the problem. Treatment Return to top The only knowntreatment is surgical removal of the cholesteatoma. Surgery may http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001050.htm | |
18. Cholesteatoma cholesteatoma. cholesteatoma A cholesteatoma is a greasylooking mass or accumulationof debris that is seen in a retraction pocket or perforation. http://www.aap.org/otitismedia/www/vc/ear/rvw/rvw20.cfm | |
19. Chemodectoma cholesteatoma, Book, Management Surgical excision of cholesteatoma;Second look procedure may be scheduled at 6 months. Complications http://www.fpnotebook.com/ENT53.htm | |
20. Cholesteatoma Resources Home Welcome to cholesteatoma Resources. The cholesteatoma Resources web site offersand provides information of a general nature about cholesteatoma. http://cholesteatoma.netfirms.com/ | |
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