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61. Bartonellosis : Cat Scratch Disease Cats have been shown to provide the only known reservoir of Bartonella henselae,the causative agent of cat scratch disease. APPENDIX IV CAT SCRATCH disease. http://www.petalk.com/bartonella.html | |
62. (PRn) Heska Obtains Exclusive License For Cat Scratch Disease (PRn) Heska Obtains Exclusive License for Cat Scratch disease Vaccine TechnologiesPR Newswire; Monday, February 2, 1998 FORT COLLINS, Colo., Feb. http://www.aegis.com/news/pr/1998/PR980211.html | |
63. Robyn's Nest - The Parenting Network - Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch disease. animal scratch most often from a cat. BartonellaHenselae is the bacterium that causes cat scratch disease. http://www.robynsnest.com/catscratch.htm | |
64. 1Up Health Cat Scratch Disease Causes, Incidence, And Risk Comprehesive information on Cat scratch disease (Bacillary angiomatotis (similarto CSD), Bartonellosis, Cat Scratch Fever, CSD, Oroya fever 'Carrion's http://www.1uphealth.com/health/cat_scratch_disease_info.html |
65. A To Z Encyclopedia Topic: Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch disease. Cat scratches and bites can cause cat scratch disease, a bacterialinfection carried in cat saliva. Treatment for cat scratch disease http://web1.tch.harvard.edu/cfapps/A2ZtopicDisplay.cfm?Topic=Cat Scratch Disease |
66. CMPT Connections Article - Bartonellosis: More Than Cat Scratch Disease Bartonellosis More than Cat Scratch disease Home Up BCCDC BartonellaIsolates 19941998 . Bartonellosis More than Cat Scratch disease. http://www.interchange.ubc.ca/cmpt/cmpt_new/ac_barton4401.htm | |
67. WHAT IS CAT SCRATCH DISEASE WHAT IS CAT SCRATCH disease? by Donna Theobold. The best prevention against catscratch disease is to prevent getting scratched or bitten by a cat or a dog. http://www.reinventingtheworld.com/Cat Scratch Fever/what_is_cat_scratch_disease | |
68. Case Seven : Acute Neuroretinitis - Cat Scratch Disease-Southeastern Eye Centers Cat Scratch disease (CSD) was suspected after our examination revealed bilateralmacular stars and creamy deep choroidal lesions.Treatment for Cat Scratch http://www.southeasterneyecenter.com/cases/catscratch.htm | |
69. Cat Scratch Disease (Fever) Articles, Support Groups, And Resources Cat Scratch disease (Fever) articles, support groups, and resources for patientsfrom Med Help International (www.medhelp.org). Cat Scratch disease (Fever). http://www.medhelp.org/HealthTopics/Cat_Scratch_Disease.html | |
70. CAT SCRATCH DISEASE CAT SCRATCH disease A form of lymphadenitis that occurs from bacteria (gram negative,pleomorphic rod) that are inoculated into the skin via a scratch from a http://www.medhelp.org/glossary2/new/GLS_1045.HTM | |
71. NEJM -- Sign In Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine Treatment of Cat Scratchdisease. Next Next. Treatment of Cat Scratch disease. Table of Contents. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/340/23/1842 | |
72. NEJM -- Sign In Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine Cat Scratch Diseasein Connecticut Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Evaluation of a New http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/329/1/8 | |
73. Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch disease. What is it? Cat scratch What causes it? Bartonellahenselae is the bacterium that causes cat scratch disease. It is http://www.hmc.psu.edu/childrens/healthinfo/c/catscratch.htm |
74. Cat Scratch Disease In Children - Keep Kids Healthy Cat scratch disease is a common cause of swollen glands in childrenand follows a kitten scratch or bite. Cat Scratch disease. Cat http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/infectionsguide/cat_scratch_disease.html | |
75. Cat Scratch Disease CAT SCRATCH disease. Bartonellosis, also known as Cat Scratch diseaseor Cat Scratch Fever, is an infectious disease of humans. Evidence http://www.drpetra.com/Cats/Cat Scratch Disease.htm | |
76. Zoonotic Diseases - Cat Scratch Disease This page summarises the symptoms, method of contraction and dangers of cat scratchdisease, along with preventative measures that can be undertaken. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/health/3888.html | |
77. Loyola Univ. Health Sys. - Non-Traumatic Emergencies - Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch disease. What is cat scratch disease? Cat scratches and bites cancause cat scratch disease, a bacterial infection carried in cat saliva. http://www.luhs.org/health/topics/nontrauma/cat.htm | |
78. Untitled Document Cat Scratch disease. Introduction. Cat Scratch disease topics. (Toview any of these topics, simply click on the appropriate box.). http://www.vetmed.wisc.edu/pbs/zoonoses/cat scratch/csdindex.html | |
79. Pets.ca - Cat Scratch Disease Pets.ca In the News Newsletter Discussion Cat Scratch disease. Cat Scratchdisease (CSD) is also called Cat Scratch Fever and benign lymphoreticulosis. http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=945 |
80. Cat Scratch Disease: XtraMSN Health Alternative Names. Cat scratch fever, CSD, benign lymphoreticulosis.What is cat scratch disease? What causes cat scratch disease? http://xtramsn.co.nz/health/0,,8065-1669763,00.html | |
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