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61. References Marshall BJ, Goodwin CS, Warren JR, et al Prospective doubleblind trialof duodenal ulcer relapse after eradication of campylobacter pylori. http://www.medscape.com/content/1998/00/41/73/417341/417341_ref.html | |
62. Helicobacter Pylori Y Enfermedad Por Reflujo Gastroesofágico 3. Cheng EH, Bermanski P, Silversmith M, Valenstein P, Kawanishi H. Prevalenceof campylobacter pylori in esophagitis, gastritis and duodenal disease. http://www.cfnavarra.es/salud/anales/textos/vol21/biblio2/bsuple5.html | |
63. Geschichtliches Zum Helicobacter Pylori campylobacter pylori getauft wurde. http://www.magenerkrankungen.de/magengesundheit/heliobacter.html | |
64. Elizabeth Hegedus 1989). Non campylobacter pylori spiral organisms in the gastric antrum.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine,19156158. http://www3.fhs.usyd.edu.au/bio/lhpub.html | |
65. Infection à Helicobacter Pylori Au Liban Nord - Cahiers D'études Et De Recherc Translate this page 5. Graham DY. campylobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease. 7. Tytgat G,Raws E. campylobacter pylori and its role in peptic ulcer disease. http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr/articles/san/10/1/31-5/ | |
66. Infection à Helicobacter Pylori - Médecine Thérapeutique / Pédiatrie Translate this page ensuite par Langenberg et al 5. La bactérie fut dabord nommée Campylobacterpyloridis, puis campylobacter pylori en 1987 sur la base de son GC %. http://www.john-libbey-eurotext.fr/articles/mtp/3/5/367-75/fr-resum.htm | |
67. April 2001 Issue-Orginal Article-IJMM 1 Graham DY. campylobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease. Gastroenterology 1989;96 61525. Yoshimura HH. Epidemiology of campylobacter pylori infection. http://www.ijmm.org/archives/apr_01/orginalarticle_c.htm | |
68. Books And Proceedings 7. Mobley, HLT, LE Rosenthal, AF Trofa, and BD Jones. 1989. Optimization of detectionof campylobacter pylori by urease and DNA hybridization, pp. 127131. http://mobleylab.umaryland.edu/books.htm | |
69. Publication List 1988. Antibody response to campylobacter pylori in diverse ethnic groups. Scand.J. Infect. 1989. The Prevalence of campylobacter pylori in Human Populations. http://www.microbiol.unimelb.edu.au/staff/mds/lab_pics/WeeTee2000/WTeePubs.html | |
70. H.pylori INTRODUCTION Helicobacter pylori (formerly campylobacter pylori) is a Gramnegativespiral bacterium first successfully cultured from gastric biopsy in 1982. http://www.inet.bg/~usmeds/tests/h.pylori1.html | |
71. The Scientist - Microbiology By None. CS Goodwin, JA Armstrong, T. Chilvers, M. Peters, et al., Transfer ofcampylobacter pylori and Campylobacter mustelae to Helicobacter gen. nov. http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1990/dec/hot5_901210.html | |
72. Untitled Document Originally named campylobacter pyloridis subsequently corrected to Campylobacterpylori the bacterium along with the closely related Campylobacter mustelae was http://www.infek.lu.se/bakt/english/helicobacter/intro.html | |
73. Helicobacter Pylori Infection..., Annals 15 Jun 94 Epidemiology of campylobacter pylori infection. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. Campylobacterpylori its link to gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Rev Infect Dis. http://www.acponline.org/journals/annals/15jun94/genetic.htm | |
74. International Reagents Corporation Mobley HL, Cortesa MJ, Rosenthal LE, Jones BD. Characterisation of ureasefrom campylobacter pylori. J. Clin Microbiol 1988; 25(5)831836. http://www.dokkyomed.ac.jp/dep-k/cli-path/www-IRC.html | |
75. Roche Lexikon Medizin (4. Aufl.) - Helicobacter Translate this page H. pylori (früher campylobacter pylori) induziert die Typ-B-Gastritis (Antrumgastritis)u. ist ein wichtiger pathogenetischer Faktor für die Entstehung http://www.gesundheit.de/roche/ro15000/r15578.html |
76. TEST PROCEDURES - C See report. 86677. campylobacter pylori ANTIBODIES See - HELICOBACTER PYLORI (H.PYLORI). 86628. CANDIDA ALBICANS ANTIBODIES *. SST. 1 mL serum. See report. 80156. http://www.dasinc.com/Part3C.html | |
77. El Médico Interactivo: Aula Acreditada. Insuficiencia Cardiaca Diagnosis of campylobacter pylori infections The gold standar and the alternatives. Mègraud F. Comparison of different tests for campylobacter pylori. http://www.medynet.com/elmedico/aula/tema9/ulcera13.htm | |
78. Untitled Document The name of the bacterium was grammatically corrected in 1987 to campylobacter pyloriand, in 1989 the bacterium was renamed Helicobacter pylori and assigned http://www.nuigalway.ie/microbiology/mbl/helico.html | |
79. Probert Encyclopaedia: Medicine (C) campylobacter pylori. campylobacter pylori was the original name for the bacteriumthat causes ulcers. The new name is Helicobacter pylori. CANCER. http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/E3.HTM | |
80. Home Test/Rare Test Index Equipment/Services Heavy metals profile II, urine. Helicobacter (campylobacter) pylori, IgA.Helicobacter (campylobacter) pylori, IgG. Helicobacter pylori culture. http://www.clr-online.com/cgi-bin/2002/searchtestalpha.asp?Alpha=h |
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