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1. Butler Body Dysmorphic Disorder And Body Image Program Learn more about body dysmorphic disorder and Butler Hospital's treatment program, run by Dr. Katharine A. Phillips and Dr. Ralph S. Albertini. http://www.butler.org/bdd |
2. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Diagnosis and treatment of body dysmorphic disorder body dysmorphic disorder, (BDD) is listed in the DSMIV under somatization disorders, but clinically, it seems to have http://www.ncpamd.com/body_dysmorphic_disorder.htm | |
3. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Tutorial key concepts in understanding and treating body dysmorphic disorder. Although this is an uncommon disorder, it is an http://www.feelinggood.com/tutorials/bdd_tutorial/body_dysmorphic_disorder_tutor | |
4. BehaveNet® Clinical Capsule: Body Dysmorphic Disorder DSMIV body dysmorphic disorder Preoccupation with a real or imagined defect in body appearance may lead to diagnosis of this Somatoform Disorder. A. Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/bodydysdis.htm | |
5. About Body Dysmorphic Disorder, BDD, Eating Disorders Personal perspective on BDD and its relationship to eating disorders. Includes description of symptoms Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......What is body dysmorphic disorder, BDD? About BDD diagnosis, treatment for BodyDysmorphic Disorder, eating disorders. about.body.dysmorphic.disorder. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Eating_Disorders/peacelovehope/bdd.html | |
6. Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Symptoms And Treatment someone becomes intensely preoccupied with what they believe to be a defect in theirappearance, then they may be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder, BDD. http://www.healthyplace.com/Radio/articles/bdd.htm | |
7. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Body Dysmorphic Disorder A Scottish hospital has launched an inquiry after a surgeon agreed to remove healthy limbs from patients suffering from a psychological disorder. BBC News Online looks at the condition. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/medical_notes/newsid_625000/625913.stm | |
8. Ask The Doctor: What Is Body Dysmorphic Disorder? Introduction to this condition, with emphasis on symptoms and treatment.Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......Ask the Doctor What is body dysmorphic disorder? Youth with body dysmorphicdisorder (BDD) worry about some aspect of their appearance. http://www.nami.org/youth/dysmorphic.html | |
9. Body Dysmorphic Disorder HIPAA Compliance Help Body Image and body dysmorphic disorder Athealth.com is pleasedto welcome J. Kevin Thompson, PhD, coauthor of Exacting Beauty Theory http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/disorders/bddinterview.html | |
10. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Consumer Newsletters body dysmorphic disorder, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)Friday's Progress Notes February 11, 2000 Mental Health Information - Vol. http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/newsletter/FPN_4_4.html | |
11. Body Dysmorphic Disorder ( BDD ) Offers an abstract examining clinical aspects and treatment strategies.Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......body dysmorphic disorder clinical aspects and treatment strategies by Phillips KAbody dysmorphic disorder Program, Butler Hospital, Providence, RI 02906, USA http://www.biopsychiatry.com/bdd.html | |
12. Body Dysmorphic Disorder ( BDD ) Selective processing of emotional information in body dysmorphic disorder by BuhlmanU, McNally RJ, Wilhelm S, Florin I. University of Marburg, Germany. http://www.biopsychiatry.com/bdd.htm | |
13. OCD CENTER OF LOS ANGELES - Body Dysmorphic Disorder Description of common symptoms of BDD, and CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for the condition. From the Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......body dysmorphic disorder The primary distinguishing feature of BodyDysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is an obsessive preoccupation with http://www.ocdla.com/bodydysmorphicdisorder.html | |
14. About Body Dysmorphic Disorder Provides descriptions of symptoms and treatments, along with brief case examples. Also includes answers Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......body dysmorphic disorder is a chronic, serious and potentially disablingpsychiatric condition. It About body dysmorphic disorder, http://www.aboutourkids.org/articles/about_bdd.html | |
15. Body Dysmorphic Disorder At Beauty Worlds Essay focusing on how changes in American views of beauty are related to BDD symptoms. Includes clinical Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic...... think that our cultural preoccupation with appearance is intensifying and that thisis leading to a corresponding increase in body dysmorphic disorder in which http://www.beautyworlds.com/bodydd.htm | |
16. Behavioral Treatment Of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Article on behavioral therapy for this condition. Written by Dr. Fred Penzel of Western Suffolk Psycholo Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......Behavioral Treatment of body dysmorphic disorder By Frederick Penzel, Ph.D. A particulardisorder which is believed by many to be a member of the OC family http://www.homestead.com/westsuffolkpsych/BDD.html | |
17. BDD Information on research and treatment for this disorder. Treatment includes CognitiveBehavioral Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......body dysmorphic disorder Clinic Research Unit. The Body DysmorphicDisorder (BDD) Clinic and Research Unit at MGH/Harvard Medical http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/psychneuro/bdd.htm | |
18. BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER:When Appearance Becomes An Obsession Includes symptoms, treatments, brief case examples, and a short BDD selftest. Also provides advice Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic......March 11, 1999. body dysmorphic disorder When Appearance Becomes an Obsession. LearningTo Live With body dysmorphic disorder, by Katharine A. Phillips, MD, et. http://www.worldcollegehealth.org/031199.htm | |
19. Body Dysmorphic Disorder The Ugly Disease Information for teens regarding symptoms of this condition. From Nutricise.com.Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic...... you are here home Teens' Health. body dysmorphic disorder TheUgly Disease. (Nutricise) Everybody feels less than http://www.efit.com/servlet/article/teens/789.html |
20. Body Dysmorphic Disorder In An Adolescent Male Secondary To HIV-related Lipodyst Case Study of AIDS-related body dysmorphic disorder in an adolescent.Category Health Mental Health Disorders Somatoform Body Dysmorphic...... body dysmorphic disorder In An Adolescent Male Secondary to HIVrelatedLipodystrophy A Case Study. Kenn body dysmorphic disorder. Body http://www.ispub.com/journals/IJANP/Vol4N2/bdd.html | |
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