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Barth Syndrome: more detail | ||||
81. Disease Diagnosis Argininosuccinic aciduria Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 21hydroxylase deficiencyCystic fibrosis Endocardial fibroelastosis (barth syndrome) Factor II http://www.upcmd.com/dot/dot_topic_list.html | |
82. Xq28 Genes TAZ, tafazzin (cardiomyopathy, dilated 3A (Xlinked); endocardial fibroelastosis2; barth syndrome), CMD3A, EFE2, EFE, BTHS, XAP-2, G4.5. http://www.gene.ucl.ac.uk/nomenclature/genefamily/xq28.html | |
83. NINDS: Organization Contact Information NINDS is part of the National Institutes of Health Contact us . Content forthis page. Organization Contact Information. barth syndrome Foundation, Inc. http://accessible.ninds.nih.gov/find_people/vol_org.htm?index=801&webcode=A1 |
84. The Cardiac Society Of Australia And New Zealand - 48th ASM Abstracts dominant pathophysiology (DCM or RCM), ventricular systolic dysfunction at presentation,number of affected myocardial segments and presence of barth syndrome. http://www.csanz.edu.au/abstracts/48abstracts/343.htm | |
85. Ironman USA News 2nd place individual Gary Rodbell, barth syndrome Foundation, $74,000.00 Thebarth syndrome Foundation will receive an extra $5,000.00 from Janus. http://www.ironmanusa.com/fullstory.php?storyid=197 |
86. Barth Syndroom Meer informatie. Comité Barth Syndroom Nederland; barth syndrome Foundation,USA Belangenbehartiging, informatie en lotgenotencontact, engelstalig drs. http://www.erfocentrum.nl/zena/barth.php | |
87. Health Library Banti's Syndrome. Bardet Biedl Syndrome. Barrett Esophagus. Barrier methods of birthcontrol. barth syndrome. Bartholin Gland Cyst. Bartonellosis. Bartter's Syndrome. http://yalenewhavenhealth.org/library/healthguide/IllnessConditions/_SearchResul |
88. Linken Fatty Oxidation Disorders Communications Network. barth syndrome Family Network.barth syndrome Foundation. Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase Stoornissen. http://www.homepages.hetnet.nl/~b1beukema/linken.html |
89. Health Library Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba Syndrome. Banti's Syndrome. Bardet Biedl Syndrome. BarrettEsophagus. barth syndrome. Bartholin Gland Cyst. Bartonellosis. Bartter's Syndrome. http://www.stjhs.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/_SearchResults.asp?le |
90. BARTH SYNDROOM (OMIM 302060) Index Informatieve website over het barth Syndroom, een erfelijke stofwisselingsziekte met als belangrijkste symptomen een hartafwijking, een tekort aan witte bloedlichaampjes, algemene spierzwakte, een achterstand in de lichamelijke groei en abnormale Het barth syndroom is een erfelijke aangeboren stofwisselingsziekte. Dr. P.G. barth, die dit syndroom als eerste in Dr. P.G. barth is momenteel als kinderneuroloog verbonden aan http://www.wapenveld.com/BarthSyndroom | |
91. Health Library banding). Barrett Esophagus. Barrier methods of birth control. Barthsyndrome. Bartholin Gland Cyst. Bartonellosis. Bartter's syndrome. http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/_SearchResults. |
92. Untitled Program Nr 1352 Frequency of new mutations and allele dropout in Barthsyndrome. IL Gonzalez, J. Johnston, V. Funanage, R. Proujansky. http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg00/f1352.htm | |
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