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61. University Of Miami School Of Medicine - Glossary - Anal Fissure About 5075% of anal fissures treated in this fashion will heal in severalweeks to months. anal fissures are common tears in the anal canal. http://www.med.miami.edu/patients/glossary/art.asp?articlekey=270 |
62. WebMD/Lycos - Article anal fissures do not lead to more serious conditions such as colon cancer.Most anal fissures heal with home treatment after a few days or weeks. http://webmd.lycos.com/NR/internal.asp?GUID={960AF530-A4FA-4D29-A213-C9396FAA3AC |
63. Anal Fissure And Fistula Factsheet BUPA Wellness Home A to Z Factsheets Anal fissure and fistula. What are anal fissuresand fistulas? What causes anal fissures and fistulas and who is at risk? http://www.bupa.co.uk/wellness/asp/factsheets/Anal_fissure_and_fistula.asp | |
64. Male Health: Bowel Problems anal fissures. Around 2% of the population have anal fissures and manypeople who think they have piles actually have anal fissures. http://www.malehealth.co.uk/keyinfo/bowelfissures.htm | |
65. InteliHealth: Anal It must be treated by a doctor. Prevention. You may be able to preventanal fissures by preventing episodes of constipation. To do http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/9396.html | |
66. GayHealth: Home New Ointment Helps Heal anal fissures by Sarah Albert. Chronic anal fissures aretears or cuts of the anal lining, which usually are treated surgically. http://www.gayhealth.com/iowa-robot/common/feature.html?record=533 |
67. Health.iafrica.com | Medically Speaking | Gastro-intestinal Treatment For Anal F GASTROINTESTINAL Treatment for anal fissures. He's had an anal stress but thatdoesn't seem to have worked and the three painful fissures are back again. http://health.iafrica.com/medicallyspeaking/gastro/analfiss0907.htm | |
68. APRIA HEALTHCARE Resources - Health Advisors anal fissures are a fairly common disorder and occur more often in women. Analfissures are usually caused by small tears in the skin of the anus. http://www.apria.com/resources/ap_res_adv_show/0,1278,108-198-A-32,00.htm |
69. Herbs Hands Healing, Haemorroids, PIles And Anal Fissures anal fissures can be a worsening of haemorrhoids where they have split and willnot heal around the anus due to its sphincter movement and stretching on http://www.herbs-hands-healing.co.uk/ailments/haemorroids.html | |
70. Colon And Rectal Surgeons Are Trying Botox Treatment, Too Chicago Patients with anal fissures and hemorrhoids may benefit from the sametherapeutic agent others are using to regain a youthful facial appearance. http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v288n4/ffull/jmn0724-3.html |
71. ThirdAge - Adam - Anal Fissure anal fissures are common in young infants, and studies suggest 80% of infants willhave had an anal fissure by age 1. These usually heal spontaneously and do http://www.thirdage.com/health/adam/ency/article/001130.htm | |
72. Welcome To ENH.org - Anal Fissure anal fissures are tears in the skin overlying the anal sphincter, usually due toincreased tone of the anal sphincter muscles, and a failure of these muscle to http://www.enh.org/surgery/100154.asp | |
73. Colon And Rectal Surgery From Doctor Cloud, M.D amount of attention in the literature because of its ability to relax the anal sphinctermuscle and get a percentage of more difficult anal fissures to heal http://www.colonandrectalsurgery.com/html/patientedu/sub/ped7.htm | |
74. Cellegy Pharmaceuticals Inc Corporate Profile Hemorrhoids, Chronic anal fissures. When administered to the anal canal, it relaxesthe internal sphincter muscle, which relieves pain of chronic anal fissures. http://www.gastroendonews.com/profiles/gen0702.cp/protected/cellegypharmac.htm |
75. Medical Conditions - Anal Fissure Most anal fissures arise following trauma (injury) to the anus. Medical TreatmentAbout 60% of anal fissures heal without the need for surgery. http://www.oxfordclinic.co.nz/conditions/anal-fissure.htm | |
76. MotherNature.com - The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies: Fissures Fissures. 14 Soothing Solutions. The similarities between anal fissures and hemorrhoidsare largely superficial. anal fissures may make you want to scratch. http://www.mothernature.com/Library/bookshelf/Books/47/59.cfm | |
77. DEC Report 96 - Summary GLYCERYL TRINITRATE FOR CHRONIC anal fissures. Strongly supported. 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate(GTN) ointment is an unlicensed treatment for chronic anal fissures. http://www.hta.nhsweb.nhs.uk/rapidhta/Old DEC Site/html_summaries/96.htm | |
78. Essential Baby Forum - Blush Anal Fissures Anyone? Topic blush anal fissures anyone? janey r, 18 Sep 02 @ 832AM. Rather embarrassing problem, but I am at my wits end! What http://www.essentialbaby.com.au/CFForum/printthread.cfm?Forum=84&Topic=2076 |
79. Treating The Anal Sphincter Topical Diltiazem and Bethanechol Show Healing of anal fissures. A UnitedKingdom study at St. topical diltiazem for chronic anal fissures. http://www.geocities.com/md_duba/GP32.html | |
80. Anal Fissure anal fissures. Most acute fissure heal spontaneously. Local nitroglycerin fortreatment of anal fissures an alternative to lateral sphincterotomy? http://www.surgical-tutor.org.uk/system/abdomen/anal_fissure.htm | |
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