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21. Adiposis Dolorosa - General Practice Notebook medical information from General Practice Notebook. adiposis dolorosa. Dercum'sdisease is the formation of multiple fatty deposits in various sites. http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/490012694.htm | |
22. Adiposis Dolorosa Of Dercum - General Practice Notebook medical information from General Practice Notebook. adiposis dolorosa of Dercum.Dercum's disease is the formation of multiple fatty deposits in various sites. http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1288372178.htm | |
23. Adiposis Dolorosa (codes) Lipomatosis Dolorosa (codes) An Italian page discussing Dercum's Disease. This site is in Italian and English - this is the English Category Health Conditions and Diseases Dercum Disease...... is known. (Jensen et al. A case of adiposis dolorosaDercum's disease(see comments), UgeskrLaeger. 1991, 153; 3564). The cause http://malattierare.pediatria.unipd.it/pubblicaMR/mr_dx_ing.asp?mr=102 |
24. Dercum Disease : Meddie Health Search (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It. Brorson/Fagher Article on Dercum's Diseaseor adiposis dolorosa This is an excellent overview article on the disease http://www.meddie.com/search/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Skin_Disorders/Dercu | |
25. Skin And Connective Tissue Diseases adiposis dolorosa About Dercum's Disease / adiposis dolorosa Maureen ?, andincluding an overview article by Brorson and Fagher; Lakartidningen '96; http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c17.html | |
26. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory > Conditions And Diseases: Skin Disorders: D Brorson/Fagher Article on Dercum's Disease or adiposis dolorosa This is an excellentoverview article on the disease characterized by painful lipomas (benign http://www.1uphealth.com/links/skin-disorders-dercum-disease.html | |
27. 1Up Health > Health Links Directory >Conditions And Diseases:Skin Disorders:Derc Please submit unique web sites that deal with the Dercum's Disease (adiposis dolorosa),or web sites that might shed light on the mechanism that might cause http://www.1uphealth.com/links/desc-417.html | |
28. SISTEMA DE INFORMACION SOBRE ENFERMEDADES RARAS EN ESPAÑOL (SIERE) Translate this page Sinónimos adiposis dolorosa Yuxta Articular. Código CIE-9-MC 272.8. Vínculosa catálogo McKusick 103200. Descripción en lenguaje coloquial http://cisat.isciii.es/er/prg/er_bus2.asp?cod_enf=749 |
29. SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE ENFERMEDADES RARAS EN ESPAÑOL (SIERE) Translate this page Acrosteolísis con Osteoporosis y Cambios en Cráneo y Mandíbula. adiposis dolorosaYuxta Articular. Adiposogenital con Retinitis Pigmentaria, Síndrome. http://cisat.isciii.es/er/prg/er_bus1.asp?procedencia=letras1&letra=P |
30. Lipoma This site references some articles dealing with Dercum's Disease, and provides synopses of them.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Dercum Disease...... Rare familial occurrence. Longstanding pain relief of adiposis dolorosa(Dercum's disease) after intravenous infusion of lidocaine. Juhlin L. http://www.thedoctorsdoctor.com/diseases/lipoma.htm | |
31. Dercum's Disease Or Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Provides a brief description of the disease also known as Anders syndrome, Dercum-Vitaut syndrome.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Dercum Disease...... Adiposalgia, adiposis dolorosa, adipositas dolorosa, adipositas tuberosa simplex,fibrolipomatosis dolorosa, lipalgia, lipomatosis dolorosa, neurolipomatosis. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/1453.html | |
32. Searchalot Directory For A Addison's Disease (17); Adie Syndrome (5); adiposis dolorosa (20); AdjustmentDisorders (54); Adrenoleukodystrophy (10); Agnosia (3); Agoraphobia http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/A/ | |
33. Dercum Disease Resources On The Internet them). Brorson/Fagher Article on Dercum's Disease or adiposis dolorosa This is an excellent overview article on the disease. Note http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/dercum_disease.html | |
34. Descripteur - Adiposis Dolorosa Translate this page Descripteur MESH Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases Metabolic Diseases Skin Diseases,Metabolic adiposis dolorosa MESH Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases http://alexpub.hospvd.ch/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051915624919740 | |
35. Thesaurus Translate this page Adie Syndrome Adipic Acids Adipocytes Adipose Tissue adiposis dolorosa AdjustmentDisorders Adjuvants, Immunologic Adjuvants, Pharmaceutic Adjuvants http://alexpub.hospvd.ch/SearchThe.htm&Value=A&Range=0029 | |
36. Health Library - Dercum Disease this report. Synonyms. adiposis dolorosa; JuxtaArticular adiposis dolorosa.Disorder Subdivisions. None. General Discussion. Dercum Disease http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid= |
37. Obésité Douloureuse Ou Maladie De Dercum Translate this page adiposis dolorosa. Appelée également obésité douloureuse ou maladiede Dercum. Elle se caractérise par des dépôts graisseux http://www.vulgaris-medical.com/texta/adipodol.htm | |
38. Liste A Translate this page toxique Adénomyose Adénopathie angio-immonublastique Adénopathie AdénoviroseAdhérence Adie (syndrome d') Adipocyte adiposis dolorosa Adipsie ADN http://www.vulgaris-medical.com/lista.html | |
39. Medicalseek - Search Engine For The Healthcare Industry pathguy.com/lectures/bones.htm; Brorson/Fagher Article on Dercum's Diseaseor adiposis dolorosa This is an excellent overview article on the disease http://www.medicalseek.net/Conditions_and_Diseases_Skin_Disorders_Dercum_Disease | |
40. Medicalseek - Search Engine For The Healthcare Industry and Certain Clinical Types of Abnormal Fat Deposit This is an older article (1974)that has a section describing the adiposis dolorosa (Dercum's Disease or http://www.medicalseek.net/Conditions_and_Diseases_Skin_Disorders_Dercum_Disease | |
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