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81. Daily News Update Virginia water resources Research Center 10 Sandy Hall (0444) Virginia Tech - Blacksburg,VA 24061 (540) 231-5624 - FAX (540) 231-6673. E-mail water@vt.edu http://www.vwrrc.vt.edu/ |
82. USGS Water Resources Of Massachusetts And Rhode Island District news, water data, stream statistics, projects, publications and related information.Category Regional North America water resources...... Thank you. Maintainer webmaster@ma.water.usgs.gov Last modified January 29, 2003URLhttp//ma.water.usgs.gov/ Privacy Statement Disclaimer Accessibility. http://ma.water.usgs.gov/ | |
83. What Is Working For Water Doing In SANParks? A poverty relief programme that preserves biodiversity and protects water resources by controlling alien invading plants. http://www.weedwarriors.co.za/ | |
84. USGS Water Resources Of North Dakota Data collected by the USGS water resources Division of North Dakota are used in research and hydrologic Category Regional North America water resources......The USGS describes North Dakota's water resources in research and hydrologic studieswith hydrologic data and geologic data. water resources of North Dakota. http://nd.water.usgs.gov/ | |
85. EPA > Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds Protecting coastal watersheds and marine resources.Category Science Biology Ecology Aquatic Ecology Estuarine...... EPA and its partners are working together on a watershed basis toprotect the nation's water resources. More About Watersheds http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/ | |
86. HA 730-G Ground Water Atlas Of The United States Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region. http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_g/index.html | |
87. HA 730-J Ground Water Atlas Of The United States Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4state region. http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_j/index.html | |
88. Welcome To The Audit Website Strives to provide nationwide assessments of Australia's land, vegetation and water resources to support Category Regional Oceania Environment and Heritage......Atlas and Data Library, Audit Archive Site. Aboutthe National Land water resources Audit. http://www.nlwra.gov.au/ |
89. Water Resources Authority: Home Page Features information on the history, activities, organizational structure, bulletins and publications Category Regional Caribbean Jamaica Science and Environment......The water resources Authority is responsible for the management, protection,controlled allocation, and use of Jamaica's surface and underground water http://www.wra-ja.org/ | |
90. Water Quality Information Center News list. Look over an archive of other news items/publications/speechesstill worth reviewing. water resources and Agriculture http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/ | |
91. Water Resources Discussion Lists water resources Discussion Lists. This is a listing of electronic discussion liststhat are primarily concerned with topics related to water resources. http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/lists.html | |
92. Delaware County Ground-Water Resources, AEX-490.21 Factsheet providing information on groundwater resources in the county. http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0490_21.html | |
93. Water Quality And Natural Resources Education, UW-Extension Information about water quality programs and related environmental concerns in Wisconsin.Category Science Environment water resources......Water quality, natural resources and environment education programs of Universityof Wisconsin Extension, including nonpoint runoff pollution, river basin http://clean-water.uwex.edu/ | |
94. Scioto County Ground-Water Resources, AEX-490.73 Factsheet providing information on groundwater resources in the county. http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0490_73.html | |
95. NYS Water Resources Institute Home to NYS WRI home page, The New York State WaterResources Institute to Cornell home page. http://wri.eas.cornell.edu/ | |
96. EWRI - Environmental And Water Resources Institute Of The American Society Of Ci An association of environmental and water resources engineers and scientists.Category Science Environment Organizations Professional Associations...... BEGINNING DIALOGUE NETWORKING US WATER ASSOCIATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND AGENCIES REPORT AVAILABLE Are you a water resources or environmental professional? http://www.ewrinstitute.org/ | |
97. The Vermont Water Resources Board: Main Welcome The water resources Board mission is to ensure that rules which guide the managementof Vermont's water resources and wetlands are adopted and (on appeal) are http://www.state.vt.us/wtrboard/ | |
98. USGS Water Resources Of North Carolina USGS home page USGS water resources of North Carolina. Current StreamflowWater Data NC Programs Albe NAWQA Online Bibliography USGS http://wwwnc.usgs.gov/ | |
99. USGS Water Resources Of Georgia Information dealing with differing aspects of Georgia's water supply from the US Geological Survey.Category Regional North America Georgia Science and Environment......Link to USGS Home Page. USGS water resources of Georgia, water resources Data fromNWISWeb. Current and historic water data for Georgia. Georgia HydroWatch. http://wwwga.usgs.gov/ | |
100. Untitled Enlace a la página principal en español. InterAmerican water resources Network.About IWRN. Copyright © 2002 - Inter-American water resources Network. http://www.iwrn.net/ |
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