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         Polar Regions Education And Research:     more detail
  1. Polar Regions Activity Book: Hands-On Arts, Crafts, Cooking, Research, and Activities by Mary Jo Keller, 2007-01
  2. Negotiating the Arctic by E.C.H.Keskitalo, 2007-03-14

61. Scott Polar Research Institute » Polar Organisations Directory
Scott polar research Institute. home International polar and cold regions organizations activities and publications for international polar and cold regions organizations, use the
@import "/sitetech/extra.css"; Scott Polar Research Institute home what's new? University of Cambridge ... Polar Information Sheets
You are in: Home Online resources Polar organisations directory
International polar and cold regions organizations
To find out contact details and information about activities and publications for international polar and cold regions organizations, use the Alphabetical Index to select the first letter of the organization's name. Missing letters indicate that no listed organizations begin with that letter. Alphabetical Index A B C E ... Countries: United States of America - Uruguay
AEPS Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat (IPS) , PO Box 2151, Pilestraede 52, DK-1112 Copenhagen, Denmark. Tel. +45-33-13-61-72. Fax +45-33-13-62-45. E-mail date of foundation: 1994 activities: Established to support indigenous participation in the future work of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy. Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) Australia: GPO Box 51, Balmain, 2041 New South Wales 2041 New Zealand: PO Box 11057, Wellington United States: 424 C St. NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA. Tel. +1-202-544-0236. Fax +1-202-544-8483. E-mail

62. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted
May 23, 2001 Lure of polar regions Is Strong For Antarctic teacher went back withher original research team while 2003 Editorial Projects in education, Vol.

63. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted
Lure of polar regions Is Strong For Antarctic Veterans. By David J. Hoff EducationWeek. spent November and December tackling seals to mount research devices on

64. Royal Norwegian Embassy, Jakarta - Education And Research
s central institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of thepolar regions. for all who need it in higher education, research, health care

65. ANTARCTICA: Education: Selected Internet Resources (Portals To The World, Librar
links and other information for K12 education reform, resources covering both theArctic and Antarctic regions; links to a comprehensive polar library and
The Library of Congress Global Gateway
Portals to the World

Portals to the World Web Pages International Horizons Web Pages All Library of Congress Web Pages
Created and maintained by the
Federal Research Division
Blue Ice Focus on Antarctica: Virtual Field Trip, Online Classroom
Intended for grades 4 through 8.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
One of the premier institutions and sites in the field of Antarctic study; includes an "Information for Schools" page, emphasizing the growing interest in not only secondary schools and colleges, but primary schools as well; contains such sections as "The Antarctic Schools Pack" and "Resources for Primary Schools"; explains the contents of the resource pack and how to acquire it. Provides name and email address of the BAS Schools Liaison officer. Gateway to Antarctica

66. Intro To INSTAAR
a global network of sites, from the polar ice caps to continental alpine regionsand to education efforts are aided by the Mountain research Station and
Home Introduction Research People Education Other ... Contact Us
Climatologist servicing the D-2 meteorological station (3743 m) on Niwot Ridge, Colorado, winter 1953. Photo: J. Marr.
The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research strives for excellence in research, education, and societal outreach. The Institute facilitates and accomplishes interdisciplinary studies offering special expertise in high-altitude and high-latitude regions of the world. INSTAAR also offers excellence in global and environmental research including non-cold-region Quaternary studies and geochronology, earth-system dynamics, landscape and seascape evolution, and climate dynamics. INSTAAR aims to understand how the varied regions of the world are affected by natural and human induced physical and biogeochemical processes on the local, regional, and global scales.
Research initiatives are interlinked with our educational and societal outreach missions. By encouraging the use of our facilities, and the expertise of our personnel, INSTAAR provides excellent educational opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students. Our outreach to the wider community, both locally and farther afield, includes aspects of research and education. INSTAAR provides leadership in setting regional, national, and international science priorities and agendas, with particular emphasis on societal-relevant issues.

67. Untitled
The Department of polar Science aims to educate and interactions in both arctic andantarctic regions. related to industry, culture, education, welfare, human pages/scool.html

WWW Resources for Earth System Science education. Quaternary Geology Organizations/ResearchCenters Remote Sensing in polar regions Sea Ice and
Bob Ford's
Web Resources
ESS 205
Earth Systems and Global Change
ESS 301
World Regional Geography
ESS 405

Global Change
WWW Resources for Earth System Science Education
Ice and Snow, Glaciers,
Sea Ice, Quaternary Studies
Arctic and Antarctica Educational Resources
Glaciology/Landforms/Quaternary Geology
Organizations/Research Centers ... Virtual Fieldtrips
See also: Antarctica and Arctic Educational Resources:
  • AARC - Arctic and Antarctic Research Center - Scripps Institution All about glaciers? - NOAA materials Arctic Circle - Virtual Classroom - Univ of Connecticut Arctic Environmental Database directory Cold Regions Bibliography - resource Earth Online EE-Link: Environmental Education on the Internet EES 331 - Ice Age Environments - course at Emporia State University of Kansas Everything You Wanted to Know about SEA ICE - but were afraid to ask! - NASA/JPL Glacier Terminology/Glossary - Cascades Volcano Observatory/USGS Glossary of Volcanic Hazards, Features, and Terminology Cascades Volcano Observatory - home Ice Ages - Exhibit of Illinois Science Museum Ice Age Terms - GLOSSARY - Univ of Kansas J PL - Radar satellite studies of Polar World Museum of Paleontology - GLOSSARIES for natural sciences!
  • 69. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Area Studies : Arctic : General Resources
    An interdisciplinary journal providing original research on the polar regions. forthe arctic tundra regions, based on Copyright 2000 by education World, Inc.

    70. Links: C-CIARN North
    interests in climate change modelling and polar regions. Elias Project (StEP) interdisciplinaryresearch group studying a multiyear education-oriented project
    Links Menu About Us Contacts Databases Toolkit ... Nunavut For more links, go to the Researcher's Toolkit and to the Northern Climate ExChange Links page. Topics: Research and Researchers Funding Research Guides/Assistance Data Sources ... Other Interesting Sites
    Research and Researchers Arctic Climate System Study : an international study, part of the World Climate Research Programme Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS): non-profit corporation operated for educational, professional, or scientific purposes Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Flux Array (ASOF): an initiative to monitor over the long-term the exchange of heat between the Arctic Ocean and adjacent subarctic seas Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) : purpose is the advancement of northern scholarship through education and research Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES): an international effort under Canadian leadership to understand the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of sea ice variability and change on the Mackenzie Shelf Canadian Ice Service monitors sea ice conditions in Canadian waters through aircraft reconnaissance and remote satellite technology CLIVAR : an international research programme on climate variability and predictability CRYOFRONT : Electronic Journal of Cold Region Technology Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network for the North (EMAN North): network, facilitated by Environment Canada, for the coordination of ecological monitoring in northern Canada.

    71. Science: Earth Sciences -
    Paleoclimatology (22); Paleontology (1,252); polar regions Educationand research@ (22); Products and Services (65); Publications (93
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    72. DML Antarctica
    This fact has called for extensive research in these areas (ie Antarctica Thevast area and extreme weather conditions of polar regions requires another
    Physical Geography
    • Home Background Education Research ... Physical Geography : Jim Hedfors
      Fieldwork: Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
      The following material is the basis material for my Master Thesis
      Numerical Modeling of Iceflow
      An application of a force budget approach of three dimensional flow of Kibergbreen, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.

      The Location of Heimfronfjella and the Kiberg area in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. SPOT satellite imagery of Kibergbreen. Inset picture shows a fix point on the east margin of Kibergbreen.
      Purple triangle indicates field of view. Location, magnitude, and direction of available deformation data at the glacier surface of Kibergbreen. Crosses indicate the measurement points and arrows represent ice movement. 1 cm ? 40 m/a and contour intervals are 200 m. Interpolated bed topography of Kibergbreen along with the bed elevation measurements. Contour interval is 1000 m. Crosses indicate were radar sounding profiles were recorded. The geometry information of Kibergbreen. The location of the cross section for the model, x=10000 m
      The reulting flow field of the force budget calculations. The horizontal axis (Section coordinate) corresponds to the y-coordinates and the vertical axis (Elevation Z [m]) represents elevation. Contour intervals are 10 m/a. The red dotted line indicates the glacier surface while the solid black symbolizes the glacier bed. A-A' denotes the section location as in the figure above. The total flow through the section A-A' is found to be 0.176 km3, showing a concentration of fast flowing ice at the lower half of the y-coordinates (2000-5000 m).

    73. Sea World : Family Links
    Online polar regions and Tundra Ten Marine Conservation SocietyMarine education Society of Wildlife Notebook Series polar Bear Tracking
    Use keywords to search the site For more details on Excursion Info For more info on the Education Day Options For more details on Project Info For more details on the Sea Squids ... For Recommended Links
    If you cannot find the information you are looking for, we recommend you try one of the links below. A DAY AS A DOLPHIN TRAINER LINKS
    Hollywood Animals Exotic Animal Training School


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    Adopt a Dolphin with WDCS

    The Whale and Dolphin Adoption Program

    Defenders of Wildlife Adoption Center
    ... Whale Club ANIMAL WELFARE LINKS Animal Concerns Community The Humane Society of the United States ANTARCTICA LINKS Irish Antarctic Adventure Antarctica 70 South Antarctica Online ... Australian Antarctic Data Centre ARCTIC LINKS Arctic Circle Alaska Wilderness League Arctic National Wildlife Refuge National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ... Arctic Wildlife ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION DOLPHINS LINKS Ocean Park – World’s First AI in Dolphins BERMUDA TRIANGLE LINKS Frequently Asked Questions on Bermuda Triangle CAPTIVE BREEDING PROGRAMS LINKS Conservation Breeding Specialist Group CAPTIVITY LINKS Zoocheck Canada Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquaria DOLPHIN INTELLIGENCE LINKS Brains, Behaviour and Intelligence in Cetaceans

    74. IOC Ocean Portal : Top > Marine Topics > Polar: All Topics
    Sea Ice research at Alfred Wegener Institute Review n/a Votes 0 Tell geochemicalas well as geological processes in the polar regions are considerably

    75. The Global Network Of Environment & Technology : U.S. Government
    high quality scientific, engineering, or science/engineering education researchthat would polar research The earth's polar regions offer compelling
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    U.S. Government
    National Science Foundation Programs
    • National Science Foundation
      An independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through programs that invest over $3.3 billion per year in almost 20,000 research and education projects in science and engineering.
    • Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems
      The BES Division is concerned with expanding the knowledge base of bioengineering…improving our ability to apply engineering principles to correct problems that impair the usefulness of land, air, and water; and exploring basic engineering problems in the development, conservation, and use of ocean resources and systems.
    • The Directorate for Geosciences
      GEO supports research to advance the state of knowledge about Earth, including its atmosphere, continents, oceans, interior, and the processes that modify them as well as link them together. GEO also supports activities designed to improve the education and human resource base for these research areas.
    • The Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure OSTI manages several cross-disciplinary activities on behalf of the National Science Foundation's Office of the Director.

    76. Lesson Plans - Xpeditions @
    and additional Internet or print resources to find out about environmental issuesthat affect the polar regions. As they conduct their research, they should
    Check out:
    X5: Satellite Spyglass

    Standard #5:

    The Arctic and Antarctic Circles

    Environmental Issues in the Polar Regions Regional Layers: Low-Tech Geographic Information Systems Complete Index Environmental Issues in the Polar Regions Overview: Connections to the Curriculum: Geography, world history Connections to the National Geography Standards:
    Standard 14: "How human actions modify the physical environment" Time: Three to four hours Materials Required:
    • Computer with Internet access
    • Wall map of the world
    • Drawing materials
    Objectives: Students will
    • review their knowledge of the polar regions;
    • list environmental problems they are familiar with, and check the ones they think affect the polar regions;
    • research and answer questions about environmental issues affecting the polar regions;
    • discuss their findings; and
    • create magazine advertisements to encourage the public to support environmental protection of the polar regions.
    Geographic Skills:
    Acquiring Geographic Information
    Organizing Geographic Information
    Analyzing Geographic Information
    S u g g e s t e d P r o c e d u r e Opening: Ask students to point out the polar regions on a wall map, and then ask them to describe some of the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic. If their understanding of these differences is minimal, have them read the Xpeditions activity

    77. WebGuest - Open Directory : Science : Earth Sciences
    Paleoclimatology (23); Paleontology (1,337); polar regions Educationand research@ (24); Products and Services (65); Publications (93
    To find books that are related to this page,
    visit the WebGuest Bookstore
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    the entire directory only in Science/Earth_Sciences Top Science : Earth Sciences
    • Earth Science Australia - Earth science resources, images, freeware for students and teachers as well as general information about earth science in Australia.
    • E-Theater - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Visualization Analysis Lab, E-Theater offers presentations of the latest Earth Science Discoveries on a portable large format, or IMAX screen.
    • Geo-Glossary Online - Contains equivalent geological and geographical terms in four languages (German, English, Norwegian and Dutch).
    • GeoRef Information System - Bibliographic database of geoscience literature.
    • The Global Change Master Directory, Goddard Space Flight Center - A comprehensive directory of information about Earth science data, including broad coverage of the oceans, atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid earth, biosphere and human dimensions of global change.
    • International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme - Programme is focused on acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the interactive processes of biology and chemistry of the earth as they relate to Global Change.

    78. Intel Education: An Innovation Odyssey Day 199
    town experienced a virtual exploration of the polar regions. within the same habitat,but polar bears and Intel® Innovation in education Odyssey Home Story
    REDMOND, Oregon The next thing they knew, their teacher stepped out of the classroom and was replaced by an Antarctic tour guide named Miss Windy Wilson. (She looked remarkably like Heather Renz, except for her special expedition coat and an unusual pair of eyeglasses.) Miss Windy told the class she had heard about their important letter. As luck would have it, she would be leading a cruise to Antarctica within a few days. Would they be interested in taking a look at the cabin layout on her icebreaking vessel? And so began a dramatic simulation, in which students from a small Central Oregon town experienced a virtual exploration of the polar regions. Renz, posing as Miss Windy Wilson, was using a form of curriculum delivery known as the Scottish Storyline Method. "The students and teacher become characters in a story," she explains. "There are incidents and events that happen, which the students need to solve together." Technology helped make the exploration more real and helped keep the students engaged in learning. Renz created a "Frozen Worlds" page on the class Web site where she listed sites useful for locating information. Students formed small teams to take on various research tasks. The Discovery Team was assigned to get up to speed about the current issues facing Antarctica. The Shackleton Team learned about early explorers. The Weddell Sea Team studied polar animals, while the Penguin Team zeroed in on penguins and other birds. The Iceberg Team studied geology. The Endurance Team focused on geography. The Southern Lights Team specialized in climate.

    79. National Undersea Research Centers
    National Undersea research Center for the West Coast and polar regions.The National Undersea research Center for the West Coast
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    National Undersea Research Centers key strength of NURP is its partnership with the nation's science community, carried out primarily through the six regional National Undersea Research Centers (NURC's). Each center is funded by a grant from NOAA. Projects are chosen based upon peer review. This open, competitive process ensures that a variety of high quality science projects are directed towards the most pressing problems. This extramural program (outside the agency) gives NOAA access to perhaps the most powerful work force in the world, American industry and academia. Contact the center in the region of interest for more information. Map of regions National Undersea Research Center for the Caribbean The National Undersea Research Center for the Caribbean region is located at the Caribbean Marine Research Center (CMRC), Tequesta, FL. The Center provides research support facilities at Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, chosen for its pristine environments and easy access to diverse coastal ecosystems. Lee Stocking Island offers laboratories, housing, airstrip, docks, boats, and diving support facilities, including a decompression chamber and submersibles. Fisheries research focuses on the most valuable species of Florida and the Caribbean, including the queen conch, spiny lobster, and Nassau grouper. To understand climate change and its effects, CMRC maintains a comprehensive monitoring and research program examining seawater temperatures, ultraviolet light, sea level, and weather patterns, including a network of temperature recording-stations in several Caribbean countries.

    80. Education In Tasmania
    unit of the Tasmanian Department of education with bases one of the largest polarregion research organisations in the world concerned with polar regions.
    Home Page
    Contact details

    Clean, Green and Clever

    The Tasmanian Education System
    English Language Centres
    Tasmania has a growing research and development base in science and technology both in the private and in the public sector. More innovative high-tech firms are choosing to conduct their business from Tasmania and many research institutions have reached the cutting-edge of scientific progress. Science and technology are already a focus for many industry, community and government activities in Tasmania. Leading institutions undertaking research and development initiatives in the state are: e-magine Centre of Excellence e-magine Centre of Excellence in Online Learning is a new business unit of the Tasmanian Department of Education with bases in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie. e-magine's aim is to initiate and support excellence and innovation in teaching and learning through the use of new and emerging online technologies. website: Back to top
    Cooperative Research Centre for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (Antarctic CRC) The Antarctic CRC is now one of the largest polar region research organisations in the world concerned with polar regions. It has 30 equivalent full-time research scientists and 32 support staff housed on campus at the University of Tasmania.

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