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Polar Regions Education And Research: more detail | ||||||
21. CRYSYS EDUCATION: SEA ICE LINKS Ice Charts. Finnish Ice Service Finnish Institute of Marine research (FIMR) ofGreat Lakes Snow and Ice; Sea Ice in the polar regions; http://www.crysys.uwaterloo.ca/education/seaice/seaice_links.cfm | |
22. Science And Environment and cryospheric research. Site includes education resources, the NSIDC data catalogand an image gallery. Category Regional polar regions Science and http://www.ad.com/Regional/Polar_Regions/Science_and_Environment/ | |
23. Swedish Polar Research Secretariat Governmental organisation under the Ministry of education and Science with the mission to promote Swedish polar research by planning, organising and conducting research expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic regions. English/Swedish. http://www.polar.se/eng/ | |
24. National Institute Of Polar Research research and education in the University depend upon with the interuniversity researchinstitutes (parent meteoritics, biology and polar regions engineering. http://www.nipr.ac.jp/english/education/ | |
25. BMBF | Polar Research includes both polar regions. Who is funded? Enterprises of trade and industry,higher education institutions and nonuniversity research institutions are http://www.bmbf.de/en/2890_4923.html | |
26. Scott Polar Research Institute » Russian North And Far East Regions Online resources » Russian North and Far East regions. staff in the Scott Polarresearch Institute. 03, Academic and research institutions, education, museums. http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/resources/rfn/links.html | |
27. Scott Polar Research Institute » William Mills on the NISC Arctic and Antarctic regions CDROM. Columbus, OH Byrd polar ResearchCenter, Ohio State University, p Public education and Antarctica the role of http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/people/mills/ | |
28. Vindex, De Vindplaats Van Het Nederlandse Web polar regions Science and Environment. Omschrijving Information and referralcenter supporting polar and cryospheric research. Site includes education http://www.vindex.nl/dir/Regional/Polar_Regions/Science_and_Environment | |
29. Discover Tasmania - Research & Education fertile and diverse cultures in Antarctic research and education. one of the worldsbiggest research organisations investigating polar regions. http://www.discovertasmania.com.au/home/index.cfm?SiteID=337 |
30. GUAS School And Departments and interactions in both arctic and antarctic regions. Kenkyusho) houses the Departmentof polar Science. and comprehensive research and education ranging from http://www.soken.ac.jp/english pages/outline/outline_04-2.html |
31. Stephen Hudson Education And Research Interests education I am particularly interested in the polar climates (both Arctic and Antarctic theseareas influences the weather patterns of the midlatitude regions. http://students.washington.edu/srh13/eri.html | |
32. Arctic Resources polar Pointers Ohio State University A big index of arctic sites by regions. andcross-border cooperation, relevant for Arctic education and research. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~arctic/resources.html | |
33. TEA: Science_education- -- Researcher_opprojects and Rosemary Askin, Byrd polar research Center, The investigation of the polar regions,which has on traditional knowledge, science education, and community http://tea.rice.edu/science_education/researcher_opprojects.html | |
34. ArcticSci.html polar Continental Shelf Project Canada's polar Continental Shelf life and researchin Earth's arctic regions. for northern research and education within the http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/~lbencze/ArcticSci.html | |
35. ACUNS / About ACUNS groups of scholars with interests in the polar regions. science and developmentthrough education, professional and scientific training, and research. http://www.cyberus.ca/~acuns/EN/about.html | |
36. ACUNS / Related Sites Partnerships in polar research and education Copies of site as part of your researchplanning process and Impact in Northern polar regions Program details http://www.cyberus.ca/~acuns/EN/r_sites.html | |
37. Regional: Polar Regions: Science And Environment - WorldSearch.com Site includes education resources, the NSIDC data catalog and an image 8. Byrd PolarResesarch Center research focuses on the role of cold regions in the http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Regional/Polar_Regions/Science_and_Environ | |
38. NASA Earth Science Enterprise Educational Products: Centre for Antarctic Information and research) http//www www.icair.iac.org.nz/education/resource/internet SatelliteRADAR Imagery to Study the polar regions http://www.antcrc.utas.edu.au/antcrc/about/education/Antarctic_Web_Proto.html | |
39. Center Of Excellence For Marine Sciences Departments are involved in education and research Environmental Group focuses onresearch of commercial The West Coast polar regions Undersea research Center http://www.fnoc.navy.mil/PUBLIC/PAO/monterey.html | |
40. AltaVista - Web Directory Results Antarctica; Arctic; education and research; History and Exploration. Maps; polarWeb The polar Web is your guide to South Pole, and with other cold regions of the http://www.otal.umd.edu/SHORE2000/webnav/test/exp1a/Polar.htm | |
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