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         Meteorology:     more books (98)
  1. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment (with 1pass for MeteorologyNOW) by C. Donald Ahrens, 2006-02-16
  2. Meteorology Today by C. Donald Ahrens, 2008-07-02
  3. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (10th Edition) by Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck, et all 2006-04-06
  4. An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Fourth Edition (The International Geophysics Series, Vol 88) by James R. Holton, 2004-04-14
  5. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (11th Edition) by Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck, et all 2009-01-19
  6. Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers by Roland B. Stull, 1999-12-30
  7. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (8th Edition) by Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J. Tarbuck, 2000-07-24
  8. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment by AHRENS, 2009
  10. Study Guide for Ahrens' Essentials of Meteorology, 5th by C. Donald Ahrens, 2007-06-04
  11. Mesoscale Meteorology in Midlatitudes (Advancing Weather and Climate Science) by Paul M. Markowski, Yvette P. Richardson, 2010-03-02
  12. Meteorology Today With Infotrac: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment by C. Donald Ahrens, 1999-12
  13. Meteorology and Flight: A Pilot's Guide to Weather by Tom Bradbury, 2004-12-30
  14. Ancient Meteorology (Sciences of Antiquity Series) by Liba Taub, 2003-08-22

1. Bureau Of Meteorology - Home Page
Weather, climate and hydrology services; also details educational projects, publications, and contacts Category Science Earth Sciences Government Agencies Oceania......Bureau of meteorology web homepage provides the Australian community with accessto weather forecasts, severe weather warnings, observations, flood information



School Projects

Research Division (BMRC)



New South Wales Aus. Capital Territory ... General Users THIS MONTH'S FEATURE ( previous ) Visit Flood Warnings Rainfall and River Information for up to date data and other flood related information. CURRENT NEWS SUMMARY AND LATEST MEDIA RELEASE Read the most recent Media Release Advisory Board Annual Report 2001-02 Indigenous Weather Knowledge ... Ministers Commonwealth of Australia 2003, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) Please note the relating to the use of the information on this site and our site Users of these web pages are deemed to have read and accepted the conditions described in the

2. Bad Meteorology
Debunks some widespread misconceptions about clouds, rain, atmospheric circulation, the greenhouse Category Science Earth Sciences meteorology Education...... Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (14711530), Bad meteorology Click on the symbolfor its explanation. By bad meteorology, I do not mean bad weather.

3. U Of U - Department Of Meteorology
meteorology department offers research and degree programs along with a weather center and forecasts. © Copyright 19952003 for all products produced by the Department of meteorology

Weather and Climate, Mesonet, Radar, Satellite C LASS A ND ... NFO
Class, Department, Faculty, and Student Information N UMERICAL F ORECASTS
Operational and Research Weather Model Forecasts R ESEARCH A ND ... ROGRAMS
Research Projects and Groups in the Department W EATHER L INKS
University, Government, Climate, Commercial, and Other Weather Links S TUDENT A MS ... HAPTER
Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Information Amateur Weather Photo Contest
University of Utah
Contact Us

4. World-Wide Web Virtual Library Meteorologyhttp//
The University of Hawaii meteorology Department thanks the people at the Unidata Program Center, the National Science

5. Bom - Weather & Flood Information
Providing complete flood information and warnings for all of Australia and Tasmania.Category Science Earth Sciences Floods Warnings and Forecasts...... Australian weather forecasts, weather observations, flood warnings and high seaforecasts from each state and territory provided by the Bureau of meteorology.
Weather: National Victoria NSW ACT ... Tasmania
Weather and Warnings Information
Warnings current in: New South Wales / Australian Capital Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania ... Western Australia WEATHER FORECASTS



New South Wales

Australian Capital Territory


WEATHER CHARTS Home ... SILO Commonwealth of Australia 2003, Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) Users of these web pages are deemed to have read and accepted the conditions described in the Please also note the Acknowledgements notice relating to the use of the information on this site and our site

6. NPMOC/JTWC Support Web
Meteorological and oceanographic support for the Navy for the eastern Pacific Ocean, Pearl Harbor, HI.
NPMOC/JTWC Support Web Return Home Products Forecasts Warnings Satellite Imagery Undersea Warfare/Ocean Services ... METOC Portal New Fleet Services Contact the Command Related Links Product and Services Notice ... Return Home Stennis Space Center, Mississippi NAVO Naval Oceanographic Office CNMOC Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command Monterey, California FNMOC Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center Washington D.C. NAVICECEN National Ice Center San Diego, California NPMOC-SD Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center-San Diego Pearl Harbor, Hawaii NPMOC-JTWC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center
(Joint Typhoon Warning Center)
Norfolk, Virginia NLMOC Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Center
(Atlantic Region)
Rota, Spain NEMOC Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Center
(European Region)
Yokosuka, Japan NPMOC-WPR Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center
(Western Pacific Region)
Official Navy Website NAVY.MIL Navy Recruiting Districts Navy Recruiting Navy Recruiting This is an official U.S. Navy web site.
Freedom of Information Act

Please read Our Privacy and Security Notice

Official US Navy Web Site.

7. Meteorology Glossary - General Coverage, Concisely Written
Alphabetical listing of words, terms and definitions.
Meteorology Glossary
    From a soon-to-be-published book,
    C. David Whiteman, 1999: Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications , Oxford University Press, New York, approx. 250pp.
    (Dave Whiteman is an atmospheric scientist at Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs, Richland, WA, USA. This web version of his glossary is produced with his permission.)
Contents A B C D ... Z
Absolutely stable air : an atmospheric condition that exists when the environmental lapse rate is less than the moist adiabatic lapse rate. Absolutely unstable air : an atmospheric condition that exists when the environmental lapse rate is greater than the dry adiabatic lapse rate. Absorption : the process in which incident radiant energy is retained by a substance by conversion to some other form of energy. Acid precipitation : precipitation, as rain, snow or sleet containing relatively high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals that have been released into the atmosphere and combined with water vapor; harmful to the environment. Acid rain : see acid precipitation.

8. PSC Meteorology Program Cloud Boutique
A more detailed examination of basic cloud forms from the PSC meteorology Program, with plenty of Category Kids and Teens School Time The Earth Weather Clouds......PSC meteorology Program Cloud Boutique. This photo of a stratocumulus layer from abovewas taken by Jay Shafer, a PSC meteorology graduate, from Mt. Washington.
Lenticular Clouds over Plymouth, NH
PSC Meteorology Program Cloud Boutique
The PSC Meteorology Program has developed this server to provide explanations of and access to detailed pictures of some basic cloud forms. The cloud images are relatively large (640x480) in order to show detailed structure and features. All of these pictures were taken in the local area around Plymouth, New Hampshire and most from the weather observation deck on the roof of Boyd Hall on the Plymouth State College campus. Clouds can move and change shape quickly as indicated in this 30 minute time-lapse mpeg video loop . The purpose of this "boutique" is to provide a general cloud reference and is not intended to provide an all-inclusive list. Images will be added to or changed as opportunities permit.
Norwegian Version: Å utsikt denne side inne Norsk, falle i staver her over
Cloud Classification
Clouds are generally classified based on characteristics, such as, altitude, appearance, or origin. Altitude distinctions apply to those clouds that fit in various layers of the atmosphere as follows:
  • high clouds - have bases above 18,000 feet

9. MET Navigator
Provides upto date current weather conditions and forecasts for in both technical and plain language and graphics.

10. HMG , Ministry Of Science And Technology
Government agency monitoring all hydrological and meteorological activity in the country. Contains information about the organization, activities, structure, staff, weather and publications.
Introduction Activities Organisational Setup Resources Professional Staffs Publications DHM News Weather Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Babar Mahal, P. O. Box 406, Kathmandu Nepal
Tel. No.: +977-1-248808/ 262374/ 255920/ 262974
Fax No.: +977-1-262348/ 473268/ 254890 E-mail:,,
You are visitor

11. Allexperts Meteorology Q A
Experts ranked by knowledge or prestige offer answers to questions in their areas of specialization.

12. Northwest Airlines Meteorology
Providing weather forecasting products for the aviation industry, including specialized turbulence and thunderstorm forecasts.
Northwest Airlines Meteorology
"Specializing in safety" About NWA Meteorology NWA Meteorology Products
Contact NWA Meteorology

13. National Institute Of Meteorology And Hydrology
Gives for more than 134 years its humble information and scientific contribution to the mastering and studying of the problems related to the climate change, weather and water resources.

14. Freese-Notis Weather.Net Home Page
Source of weather information for agriculture, aviation, commodities, construction, energy, forensics, and transportation. NEXRAD radar imagery via InterRAD.
FREESE NOTIS WEATHER SERVICES InterRAD Energy.Net Weather Trades ... Agricultural Weather Forecasts Freese-Notis Weather Freese-Notis Weather has been one of the most recognizable and respected names in the industry since its founding in 1973. Things have changed tremendously in terms of technology since 1973 but one thing has remained constant throughout the years; a passion for our work has provided our customers with the best quality forecasting. Late in 1994, Freese-Notis entered a brand new horizon. This is when the company decided to also become a complete Internet Service Provider and headed full blast into the “Information Superhighway”. Whether your need is weather information or Internet services, Freese-Notis Weather has the solution for you. For more information on all the various services we provide, click on the links above or on the right. Click for Current National Radar Enter Zipcode for regional weather radar
Click here for Instant InterRAD or AgWeather registration
Do you have questions regarding the most effective Weather game plan for your company?

15. Meteorology Guide: The Online Guides
UI Department of Atmospheric Sciences provides this colorful tutorial on the atmospheric sciences covering weather patterns, forecasting, and hurricanes. The Online meteorology Guide is a collection of webbased instructional modules that use multimedia technology and the
Graphic by: Steven E. Hall The Online Meteorology Guide is a collection of web-based instructional modules that use multimedia technology and the dynamic capabilities of the web. These resources incorporate text, colorful diagrams, animations, computer simulations, audio and video to introduce fundamental concepts in the atmospheric sciences. Selected pages link to (or will soon link to) relevant classroom activities and current weather products to reinforce topics discussed in the modules and allow the user to apply what has been learned to real-time weather data. Available modules include: Modules
Last Update: 09/02/99 Light and Optics
The interaction between light and atmospheric particles and the colorful optical effects that result. Clouds and Precipitation
Cloud classifications and the processes by which clouds and precipitation develop. Forces and Winds
Forces that influence the flow of air and how they interact to produce wind. Air Masses and Fronts
The most common types of air masses and fronts, plus a look at the different types of advection. Weather Forecasting
General forecasting methods, important surface features, plus forecasting tips for different scenarios.

16. University Of Hawaii Meteorology
The University of Hawaii meteorology Department thanks the people at the UnidataProgram Center, the National Science Foundation, and the National Weather

17. Climate Change
Fact sheets and information on climate change, with an Australian perspective. Also provides annual statements on Australia's climate.
Weather: National Victoria NSW ACT ... Tasmania
Climate Change
The Greenhouse Effect Australian Climate Variability and Change Global Climate Change Australia's Reference Climate Station Network ... SILO Commonwealth of Australia 2003, Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532)
Users of these web pages are deemed to have read and accepted the conditions described in the
Please also note the Acknowledgements notice relating to the use of the information on this site and our site

18. Meteorology Department Home Page
meteorology Department, Reading University Internationally recognised centre of excellence in meteorological teaching and research Location Home. meteorology Home Page. Rain or Shine?
Location: Home
Meteorology Home Page
The Department of Meteorology is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence for teaching and research in the science of the atmosphere and oceans, including weather systems, climate and climate change, remote sensing and atmospheric pollution. The World Meteorological Organisation recognises the department as one of the world's principal centres for advanced training of meteorologists. It is the only University department in the U.K. offering a complete range of degree courses in meteorology. Many of our graduates are employed by international weather services including the U.K. Met Office Research in the department is very active and once again the Department of Meteorology has been awarded the highest rating of 5* for its environmental science research in the recent UK Research Assessment Exercise . Frequent opportunities exist for postdoctoral employment. We now have many PhD research topics for October 2003 entry available. The formation of an interdisciplinary School is being considered at the University of Reading consisting of the Departments of Mathematics Meteorology , and Physics . This recognises the important roles that mathematics and physics play in atmospheric science. Department of Meteorology

19. University Of Hawaii Meteorology | Home
To contact us by mail Department of meteorology University of Hawaii at Manoa 2525Correa Road, HIG 350 Honolulu HI 968222291 USA Telephone (808) 956-8775
A department of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology ( SOEST ) on the Manoa campus of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. E komo mai! (Welcome!) Available at this site are:

20. Penn State Meteorology And Atmospheric Science
Department of meteorology at Penn State University offering graduate andundergraduate programs in meteorology and atmospheric science. Category Reference Education Earth and Mineral Sciences

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