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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. The Boundary Element Method in Geophysics (Geophysical Monograph Series) by Shi-Zhe Xu, 2001-07
  2. General Circulation Model Development, Volume 70: Past, Present, and Future (International Geophysics) by David A. Randall, 2000-07-19
  3. Calculating the Weather, Volume 60: Meteorology in the 20th Century (International Geophysics) by Frederik Nebeker, 1995-05-22
  4. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in Geology (Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics) by Ernest E. Angino, Gale K. Billings, 1972-11
  5. Principles of Induction Logging, Volume 38 (Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics)
  6. Fluid Mechanics of the Atmosphere, Volume 47 (International Geophysics) by Robert A. Brown, 1991-02-19
  7. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics, Volume 25, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Robert G. Fleagle, Joost A. Businger, 1980-12-12
  8. Coastal Meteorology (International Geophysics Series) by Shih-Ang Hsu, 1988-06-11
  9. Contributions to the Tectonics and Geophysics of Mountain Chains (Memoir (Geological Society of America))
  10. Migration of Seismic Data (Geophysics reprint series)
  11. Applied Geophysics for Geologists and Engineers: The Elements of Geophysical Prospecting by Donald Harrison Griffiths, 1981-04
  12. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 59: An Introduction (International Geophysics) by Daniel S. Wilks, 1995-02-06
  13. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere, Volume 71, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Peter Warneck, 1999-10-29
  14. The Lithosphere: Geochemistry, Geology and Geophysics

121. Fugro Ground Geophysics - Geophysical Solutions Worldwide
Ground geophysical survey services including GPS/gravity, TDEM, IP, MMR, MIP, CSAMT and refraction Category Science Earth Sciences Products and Services Consulting......Ground geophysics including IP CSAMT TDEM BHEM GPR SEISMIC MMR MIP GPS/GRAVITYHiRes MAG, Contact the webmaster. © Copyright 2001 Fugro Ground geophysics.

122. Rice University
Department of Earth Sciences. Features course overviews, faculty directory, and highlights research initiatives.

123. Rice University Department Of Earth Science
concentrating in global change; paleoceanography; lowtemperature andcrystal surface geochemistry; environmental geophysics and geochemistry;

124. Geophysical Journal International
Solid earth geophysics journal based in Europe.

125. University Of Bonn, Department Of Geodynamics And Geophysics

126. Donald G. Hill
Petrophysics, formation evaluation, well log analysis, borehole geophysics, subsurface geology, geophysics

127. Welcome
Offer contract research, image processing and analysis, and field verification. Specialise in advanced Category Science Earth Sciences Data Processing...... questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2000 AnalyticalImaging and geophysics, LLC Last modified November 30, 2000.

128. Department Of Geophysics
Provides graduate program.

129. Department Of Geology Web Site
Information regarding curricula, research, faculty and facilities.Category Reference Education College of Basic Sciences...... Department of Geology and geophysics Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803Phone (225) 5783353 Fax (225) 578-2302 Website E-mail

130. Land Geophysics Data
Features lists of data on topography, natural hazards, geomagnetism, gravity, global change, habitat, and other global phenomenon, available for download or purchase.

131. PLATES Project
Plate model and database allow users to make reconstructions from 750 Ma to present. From the University of Texas Institute for geophysics.

132. Geophysical Prospecting
Primary research on the science of geophysics as it applies to exploration. Drawing heavily on contributions from researchers in the oil and mineral exploration industries, the Journal has a very practical slant.

133. Elliott Geophysics International
Memberi layanan jasa geofisika untuk perminyakan dan pertambangan.Category World Indonesia Bisnis Perminyakan......Welcome! to the Elliott geophysics Home Page. Elliott geophysics specializesin geology and geophysics for mining and mineral exploration.

134. Society Of Exploration Geophysics
National organization located in Tulsa.

135. Institute Of Theoretical Geophysics
Institute of Theoretical geophysics a research institute spanning Earth Sciences and Applied Mathematics Category Science Math Applications Mathematical Geosciences......Institute of Theoretical geophysics, University of Cambridge. Home People Welcometo the Institute of Theoretical geophysics. The Institute

136. ClearView Geophysics Inc.
Consulting and surveying company in Ontario. Specializing in nonintrusive ground investigations,

137. School Of Geology And Geophysics

138. Institute Of Geophysics
Victoria University of Wellington. Website has information about the university's geophysics programs, Category Science Earth Sciences geophysics Organizations...... Institute of geophysics. 463 5346; Fax 463 5186 The Institute of geophysicsprovides a focus for teaching and research in geophysics at Victoria.

139. Marine Geology
international journal reporting on developments in the fields of marine geology, geochemistry and geophysics. Marine Geology provides regular access to original studies and comprehensive reviews and, in addition, has a special letters section which ensures particularly rapid publication of short papers.

140. SJ Geophysics Ltd - Geophysical Contractors And Consultants
SJ geophysics Ltd., Syd Visser, offers complete world wide services in groundgeophysics, geological mapping, data processing, consulting services and

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