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         Atmospheric Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Clouds in a Glass of Beer: Simple Experiments in Atmospheric Physics by Craig F. Bohren, 2001-07-10
  2. Physics of Solar System Plasmas (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Thomas E. Cravens, 2004-11-11
  3. Physics of Climate (Volume 0) by Peixoto P. Jose, 2007-10-24
  4. Short Course in Cloud Physics, Third Edition (International Series in Natural Philosophy) by M K Yau, R R ROGERS, 1989-01-15
  5. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 91, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Daniel S. Wilks, 2005-12-05
  6. The Physics of Plasmas by T. J. M. Boyd, J. J. Sanderson, 2003-02-03
  7. Atmospheric Data Analysis (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Roger Daley, 1993-11-26
  8. An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics by Anastasios Tsonis, 2007-08-13
  9. Atmospheric Convection by Kerry A. Emanuel, 1994-02-17
  10. Introduction to Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Martin Walt, 2005-12-15
  11. Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Large-scale Circulation by Geoffrey K. Vallis, 2006-11-06
  12. Principles of Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry by Richard Goody, 1995-12-28
  13. Physics of Ice by Victor F. Petrenko, Robert W. Whitworth, 2002-03-21
  14. Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry (Cambridge Atmospheric and Space Science Series) by Robert W. Schunk, Andrew F. Nagy, 2004-11-25

21. The ISU Atmospheric Physics Homepage
atmospheric physics Group. Professor John L. Stanford. Departmentof Physics and Astronomy. Iowa State University. (Photo Courtesy of
Atmospheric Physics Group
Professor John L. Stanford
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Iowa State University
(Photo Courtesy of ISU Meteorology program) The tornado at left had just destroyed the tiny hamlet of Jordan in open farmlands about 10km west of Ames and ISU. The tornado occurred on a June afternoon in 1976 and was about 1km in diameter at this time. Thankfully it missed populated areas, and us! More information on this and other Iowa tornadoes is found in TORNADO - Accounts of Tornadoes in Iowa by John Stanford (Iowa State University Press, 1987) which also contains a good summary of TORNADO SAFETY RULES
Current research in our group is focused on several aspects of satellite observations and dynamics of ozone and the middle atmosphere.
Group Members
Current Research Publications
Institutions We Are Collaborating With and Other Related Sites
Live Picture of ISU Campus

22. ISU Atmospheric Physics People
ISU atmospheric physics Group Members. Postal Address Department ofPhysics and Astronomy Iowa State University Ames, IA 500113160
ISU Atmospheric Physics Group Members
Postal Address:
Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011-3160 U.S.A.
Telephone: Fax:
  • John L. Stanford , Professor Emeritus
  • Mark A. Olsen , Ph. D. Dec. 2000. Currently: National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.
  • Christopher Strasburg , Undergraduate Assistant
    Former Students
    Student Thesis Title

Current Research
Publications Home
Institutions We Are Collaborating With and Other Related Sites

23. UOC Atmospheric Physics
Dr. Adrian McDonald); remote sensing and insitu sampling of atmospheric aerosoland attached to this group whose interests revolve around radar physics and the
This atmospheric research group is part of the and Centre for Atmospheric Research at the University of Canterbury We have a broad range of interests and are active in probing and modelling many aspects of the atmosphere from ground-level up to 120 km. The three academics in the Department are Prof. Jack Baggaley, Dr Darlene Heuff , and Dr. Adrian McDonald . The group also has a post-doctoral fellows and 12 graduate students. Our research interests can broadly be summarized: Dr Bob Bennett and Dr Grahame Fraser are senior fellows attached to this group whose interests revolve around radar physics and the use of radars in various problems relating to the dynamics of the atmosphere.

atmospheric physics Refereed publications and institute reports (1997and 1998). Espy, PJ and Witt, G. 1997. Observations of quasi
Refereed publications and institute reports (1997 and 1998)
  • Espy, P.J. and Witt, G. 1997. Observations of quasi 16-day oscillations in the polar summer mesospheric temperatures. Geophys. Res. Lett. Espy, P.J., Stegman, J. and Witt, G. 1997. Inter-annual variations of quasi 16-day oscillation in the polar summer mesospheric temperature. J. Geophys. Res ., 102, D2, pp 1983-1990. Espy, P.J and Huppi R. (1997). The intertropical Convergence Zone as a source of short period mesospheric gravity waves near the Equator, J. Atm. Terr. Phys. , 59, 13, pp 1665-1671. Gumbel, J, Witt, G. 1997. Monte Carlo studies of the resonance fluorescence technique for atmospheric atomic oxygen measurements. J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer. Gumbel, J, Murtagh, D.P, Espy, P.J and Witt, G. 1997. Odd Oxygen measurements during the NLC-93 rocket campaign. J. Geophys. Res Gumbel, J, Witt, G. 1997. In situ measurements of the vertical structure of a noctilucent cloud. Geophys. Res Lett The 1997 PMSE season-its relation to wind, temperature and water vapour , Geophys. Res

25. Upper Atmospheric Physics Branch, Code 7640
Welcome to the Upper atmospheric physics Branch, of the Space ScienceDivision, of the US Naval Research Lab. This is being developed
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To study and understand the energetics, dynamics and state of the near space environment, to sense the middle and upper atmospheric regions with space-based state-of-the-art detectors, and to develop new techniques for remote sensing of "space weather" on a global scale. Welcome to the Upper Atmospheric Physics Branch, of the Space Science Division , of the U.S. Naval Research Lab . This is being developed for use in the support of various branch projects. Any comments and or suggestions would be appreciated and can be directed to
Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrograph Investigation
Spatial Heterodyne Imager for Mesospheric Radicals
Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (Joint with Thermospheric and Ionospheric Physics Section)
Advanced Research and Global Observations Satellite (Joint with Thermospheric and Ionospheric Physics Section)
Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (Joint with Thermospheric and Ionospheric Physics Section)
Atmospheric Dynamics Group
Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
Middle Atmosphere Theory
Plasmaspheric Imaging ...
Empirical Modeling Program
Places to Go and People to See
Places To Go
Other WWW destinations including a new link to the NASA Space Physics Data System. Check it out !!!

26. GKSS Institut Für Küstenforschung
Translate this page Welcome at the Institute for Coastal Research These are the pages of theformer Institute for atmospheric physics. deutsche Begrüßungsseite
Welcome at the Institute for Coastal Research
These are the pages of the former Institute for Atmospheric Physics
english Welcome page
Link to GKSS Homepage.

Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH
D-21502 Geesthacht
Telefon: (+49)4152/87-1534 Telefax: (+49)4152/87-2020 Postanschrift:
Postfach 1160
D-21494 Geesthacht
Germany Access Count: . Latest update 2002-03-04 Webmaster (genehmigt E.R.)

27. LESC - London E-Science Centre - London E-Science Centre
Based at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and associated with its Department of Computing. Supports the development of eScience activities within London and the South-East through collaborations with applied scientists in the fields of Space and atmospheric physics, Particle Physics, Bioinformatics, Environmental Modelling. and Engineering.
Home Page Projects Resources Services ... Contacts
Administration Director's Note e-Science Overview Centre Objectives New Job Vacancies at LeSC! ... Success at SuperComputing 2002
The London e-Science Centre Welcome to the London e-Science Centre based at Imperial College London and associated with its Department of Computing . Our role as one of the eight Regional Centres in the EPSRC/DTI e-Science Core Technology programme is to support the development of e-Science activities within London and the South-East through collaborations with applied scientists in the fields of Materials Modelling, Particle Physics, Bioinformatics, Environmental Modelling, and Engineering.
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This page was last modified on Thu Mar 6 15:10:51 GMT 2003

28. Space Physics At Maryland
Space Upper atmospheric physics. The Upper atmospheric physics group operates orcooperates both imaging and broadbeam riometers at many locations worldwide.
W elcome! We are a research group within the Institute for Physical Science and Technology at the University of Maryland . The projects that our group is involved with examine natural phenomena occurring in the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere. The broad focus of this research is directed toward improved understanding of the mechanisms which couple solar processes into the terrestrial environment. These include investigations of phenomena associated with short term environmental effects (auroras, induced electrical currents, radiowave communications interference, space weather), as well as those associated with longer term effects (changes in the ozone layer, atmospheric composition studies, stratospheric winds, weather, climate). The Upper Atmospheric Physics group operates or co-operates both imaging and broadbeam riometers at many locations worldwide. We also operate the data acquisition system at both South Pole Station and McMurdo Station, Antarctica, that collects VLF, magnetometer, search coil, photometer and riometer data. Today's space weather news and forecast!

29. Department Of Physics, IITR
Department of Physics. Offers Postgraduate and Doctorate courses in Instrumentation, Material Science, atmospheric physics, Atomic and Molecular Collision Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Nuclear Physics
About Academia Facilities Faculty Students ... Contact Us
Besides teaching the undergraduate engineering students, the faculty of the department provides active leadership in training the postgraduate students, which is evidenced by their performance in GATE and NET. In fact even upto 75% of the total strength of the students has been qualifying in GATE often holding a few top ranking positions. The department of Physics offers the following teaching programs:

30. Laboratory Of Atmospheric Physics
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UV net


English version
Site under Re-construction

31. Laboratory Of Atmospheric Physics - UV-INDEX
Laboratory of atmospheric physics UV-INDEX
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32. Atmospheric Physics Branch Personnel
atmospheric physics Branch (SGP). Go to atmospheric physics Branch/Earth Science DivisionWebmaster Stella Tan( Last Modified Jan 2003.
Atmospheric Physics Branch (SGP)
NASA Ames Research Center
MS 245-4, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Fax: (650) 604-3625
Personnel(January 2003)
Name Research Area Phone e-Mail Mr. Warren J. Gore Branch Chief Ms. Jennifer Whalen Administrative Dr. Andrew S. Ackerman Atmospheric Modeling Mr. Duane A. Allen Instrumentation Mr. Rene C. Castaneda Instrumentation Dr. Charles Chackerian, Jr. Spectroscopy Dr. Katja Drdla Atmospheric Modeling Mr. Darrell A. Goularte Instrumentation Dr. Eric J. Jensen Atmospheric Modeling Dr. Peter A. Pilewskie Atmospheric Radiation Dr. Anthony W. Strawa Atmospheric Aerosol Dr. Azadeh Tabazadeh Atmospheric Modeling
Name Affiliation Phone e-Mail Dr. Richard Freedman SETI Dr. Ann Fridlind

33. Atmospheric Physics Group Personel At Adelaide
atmospheric physics Group University of Adelaide PUBLICATIONS. Thegroup publishes the results of its work in a variety of journals
Atmospheric Physics Group
University of Adelaide
The group publishes the results of its work in a variety of journals including the Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Radio Science, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Advances in Space Research and many others. Click on any of the following papers to view a copy of the appropriate abstract. If available, the complete paper can then be retrieved in postscript format. NOTE THIS LIST IS STILL BEING ADDED TO

34. Anmeldung
Annual meeting on atmospheric studies by optical methods to be held September 36, 2002 at the Leibniz-Institute of atmospheric physics in K¼hlungsborn.
Programme, Abstracts, Photos
September 3-6, 2002
IAP K¼hlungsborn
Abstract book (PDF)
The aim of these annual meetings is to provide a common platform for exchange of ideas, scientific results and instrumental techniques, with the only requirement that there exists a relation to atmospheric studies by optical methods. Even if the meetings are announced as European meetings, and European countries take turns in organising them, people from all over the world are welcomed to attend. The Annual Optical Meetings were started in Stockholm in the fall of 1973, with the intention of bringing together scientists, engineers and students using optical methods to study the upper atmosphere. In 2002 the meeting is organized by the Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Local organization committee (LOC)
The meeting is chaired by Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef L¼bken. The local organization committee members are Dr. Matthias Alpers, Prof. Dr. Ulf von Zahn and Mrs. Marion Lange (all from IAP). If you want to send an email to the LOC-members please use this link Mrs. Marion Lange

35. Institute Of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR
3. Scientific Section, Institute of atmospheric physics, ASCR.
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR
Phone: Fax: Address: Bocni II/1401
141 31 Prague 4
Czech Republic E-mail: WWW:
The Institute was established in 1964 as a continuation of the former Laboratory for Meteorology of the Geophysical Institute. The main research focus was on the processes taking place in the troposphere. In 1994, the former Ionospheric Department of the Geophysical Institute joined the IAP, thereby expanding the research domain, which now covers the whole atmosphere from the boundary layer up to interplanetary space. Research is now being conducted in the following fields:
  • Boundary layer processes, especially mathematical modelling of air flow in complex terrain and dispersion of air pollutants. Studies of mesoscale meteorological processes and methods of their forecasting. Investigation of atmospheric processes affecting the operation of a wind turbine. Studies of large-scale atmospheric circulation and regional climate variability, and assessment of possible future climate change. Ozone research and physics of the middle atmosphere.

36. The Department Of Atmospheric Physics
The Department of atmospheric physics, Faculty of Physics, Research Instituteof Physics (St.Petersburg State University, Russia).
The Department of Atmospheric Physics of Faculty of Physics and Research Institute of Physics,
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia LMUPA Remote Sounding Aerosols Last updated: March 22, 2002 Information about the Department of Atmospheric Physics in Russian (especially for students) Information Education at the Department Bachelor Courses
Magister Courses
How to find us... The Department consists of 3 laboratories: The Laboratory of Middle and Upper Planetary Atmospheres headed by prof. G.M. Shved (atmospheric optics, dynamics of the middle atmosphere, laboratory research of photochemistry of atmospheric gases, theory of radiative transfer, ...) The Laboratory of Remote Sensing headed by prof. Yu.M. Timofeev (remote sounding, inverse problems, ...) The Laboratory of Aerosol Physics headed by prof. L.S. Ivlev (physics of clouds and aerosols, ...) Mailing Address Department of Atmospheric Physics
Institute of Physics
St.Petersburg State University
Ulyanovskaya 1
St.Petersburg, Petrodvorets
198904, Russia

37. Atmospheric Physics
atmospheric physics Electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun travels at 300,000km/s. This radiation comprises wavelengths that vary from the very short
Atmospheric Physics
Electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun travels at 300,000 km/s. This radiation comprises wavelengths that vary from the very short (gamma rays and X-rays) to the very long (microwaves). The visible spectrum contains wavelengths between about 0.4 and 0.7 µm (400 and 700 nanometers, or nm). Radiation at wavelengths less than about 400 nm is ultraviolet and accounts for about 7% of total solar radiation. When discussing ozone, we are concerned with radiation in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In addition to gamma rays and X-rays, which are absorbed high in the atmosphere, ultraviolet (uv) radiation in the atmosphere is divided into three spectra: uva , uvb, and uvc. Uva falls right below visible light, with wavelengths that vary from 320 to 400 nm. Although it is not absorbed by ozone, uva is the least energetic and the least damaging of all uv radiation. Uvb radiation, which ranges in wavelength from 280 to 320 nm, is more energetic than uva and thought to be harmful to the biosphere. Fortunately, it exists in lesser amounts and is largely absorbed by ozone. Uvc, at 200 to 280 nm, which is the most energetic and most damaging but least prevalent of the uv radiation types, is totally absorbed by ozone and normal diatomic oxygen high in the atmosphere.

38. Grads | Atmospheric Physics And Chemistry
atmospheric physics and Chemistry M203A, Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry.Lecture, three hours. Prerequisite for undergraduates Chemistry 11C.
Help Advanced
Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry.
Lecture, three hours. Prerequisite for undergraduates: Chemistry 11C. Principles of chemical kinetics, thermochemistry, spectroscopy, and photochemistry; chemical composition and history of Earth's atmosphere; biogeochemical cycles of key atmospheric constituents; basic photochemistry of troposphere and stratosphere, upper atmosphere chemical processes; air pollution; chemistry and climate. Same as Civil Engineering M262A. Physics of Clouds and Precipitation.
Lecture, three hours. Thermodynamics of moist air, phase changes of water substance, latent heats, moist adiabatic processes; elementary cloud dynamics; cloud microstructure; microphysics of cloud droplets, nucleation phenomena, droplet hydrodynamics, coalescence and precipitation; ice physics; charge separation mechanisms; macrostructure of clouds and storms. Concurrently scheduled with course C152 Atmospheric Radiation.
Lecture, three hours. Survey of atmospheric radiation and radiative processes; thermal radiation, infrared radiative transfer in atmospheres, energy balance relationships; solar radiation, Rayleigh and Mie scattering, atmospheric optics; radiation climatology, energy balance and climate; remote sensing of atmospheres. Atmospheric Chemistry I.

39. MTU Atmospheric Physics
atmospheric physics. Additional details about the atmospheric physics Groupcan be obtained by visiting the links on the left side of this page.
Department of Physics Physics Home People Instruction Academic Programs ... Program Requirements Atmospheric Physics Ph.D. in Physics The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Physics with a research emphasis in Atmospheric Physics allows students to study problems related to the Earth's atmosphere while maintaining the broad background and training characteristic of a program in physics. Students will be prepared for careers in academia, government research laboratories, and research and development in the private sector. The strength of this program is in the application of the principles of physics to problems of broad relevance in today's world, including those related to atmospheric processes. Students and faculty work in an interdisciplinary environment and have many opportunities for collaboration with scientists in other departments at Michigan Tech as well as at internationally renowned research laboratories such as NASA Goddard and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Other departments at Michigan Tech with ongoing research in the atmospheric sciences include Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geological Science and Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Additional details about the Atmospheric Physics Group can be obtained by visiting the links on the left side of this page. Prospective students will find useful information in the

40. RHEA Prévoit Les Risques Par Temps De Pluie, Forecasts The Wet-weather Risks
RHEA provide consulting services and skills in urban hydrology, water pollution control, automatic controls and atmospheric physics.
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O ur forecasts : Vaisons La Romaine September 20th 1992 (short 224 ko) Vaisons La Romaine September 20th 1992 (long 648 ko) N Vaisons la Romaine 20 septembre 1992, (court 240 ko) Vaisons la Romaine 20 septembre 1992, (long 648 ko)

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