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1. ITworld.com - CERTIFICATION NEWS - A Certification Program's Ingredients This guide demonstrates setting up a Windows 2000 Certification Authority in your network, whether it's single or multi-domain. a+ certification authority is a service that issues the certificates needed to run a public key infrastructure. http://www.itworld.com/nl/cert_news/03112002 | |
2. A Certification Scheme For Electronic Commerce a+ certification Scheme for Electronic Commerce B. Crispo and M. Lomas University of Cambridge, UK This paper examines trust in distributed systems. http://www.di.unito.it/~crispo/publication/newcert.html | |
3. A Certification Scheme For Electronic Commerce - Crispo, Lomas (ResearchIndex) This paper examines trust in distributed systems. The particular example that we choose is that of key certification, although the techniques have more general application. Existing system do not provide sufficient evidence to help to resolve http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/crispo96certification.html | |
4. Psychics Article--A Certification For Counterfeit Astrologers? Yes! It's As Easy Anyone can be certified for just about anything, including astrologyif they are willing to pay flyby-night so-called certification organizations. http://www.elbertwade.com/page10.html | |
5. InformIT.com : Articles > Now What? A Certification Resource List For Sel Our Publishing Partners AddisonWesley Cisco Press New Riders Peachpit Press Prentice Hall PTR Que Publishing Sams Publishing Log In View Cart Home Articles Certification More Topics Overview Save Discuss Print E-mail Now What? A http://www.informit.com/isapi/product_id~{393BE5F3-4249-415C-856A-204148F4048A}/ | |
6. ExecuTrain Corporation Training for executive management, IT management and professionals. A+ certification and Cisco CCNa+ certifications. http://www.executrain.com/lexington | |
7. Comptia Certifications and certification training offers 2500 training cd rom's, videos, and computer booksin SAP, Microsoft MCSE, Oracle dba, A+ Certification, network+ plus, linux http://www.planetlearn.com/comcer.html | |
8. A+ Certification Training, MCSE Certification, Cisco CCNA, This site details information about their instructorled certification training in the St. Petersburg, Category Computers Education Certification CompTIA......Professional A+ certification training, mcse certification, comptia, cisco ccna training,A+test prep, MOUS training, MCSa+ certification training, A+ exam and http://www.instructorsondemand.com/ |
9. LearnKey.com . A+ ® Certification Master Exam A CompTIa+ certification,Test Prep Software. A+ ® Certification Exam Guide, Published by Osborne....... Course, http://www.learnkey.com/store/indexpage.cfm | |
10. Cramsessions For CompTIA Certifications A+ Certification A+ Certification is a testing program sponsored by the ComputingTechnology Industry Association (CompTIA), that certifies the competency of http://studyguides.cramsession.com/cramsession/comptia/default.asp | |
11. Mcse Training, Microsoft Certification, Cisco Certification, A+ Certification An a+uthorized CD ROM tra+ining courses for Microsoft certifica+tion including MOUS, MCSE, a++ a+nd Network+ Ca+tegory Computers Softwa+re Online Tra+ining Certifica+tion......The lea+der in providing mcse tra+ining, microsoft certifica+tion, ciscocertifica+tion, a++ certifica+tion a+nd more Microsna+p. mcse http://www.microsnap.com/ | |
12. A+ Certification MCSE Training Computer Online Course MCSE tra+ining a++ certifica+tion tutoria+ls online. MOUS MS Excel a+ccess Word PowerPoint Project Windows 2000 a+nd other online courses. http://www.tutorialusa.com | |
13. Dali Design - A+, Network+, And ASE Certification Test Preparation Help - EEC Ha Test prepa+ra+tion softwa+re for CompTIa+ a++ a+nd Network+ Certifica+tion tests. http://www.dalidesign.com | |
14. CompTIA - Page Not Found The CompTIa+ a++ certifica+tion is the industry sta+nda+rd for va+lida+ting vendorneutra+lskills expected of a+n entry-level computer technicia+n. http://www.comptia.org/certification/aplus/ | |
15. The Certification Hub,MCSE-NT4.0 &Windows 2000 Tracks,Comptia Certifications-A+, MicrosoftMCSE NT4,Win2000 Comptia+ a++, Network+, iNet+ ,Server+ certifica+tions test questions ba+nk a+nd links to top certifica+tion sites on the web. http://www.geocities.com/opiko | |
16. Ars Technica: A+ Certification Overview - Page 1 - (6/2001) a++ Certifica+tion Overview. by SuperDa+ve. So, you wa+nt to become a++ Certified? So,you wa+nt to become a++ Certified? Good decision. Next The a++ Certifica+tion Test. http://www.arstechnica.com/reviews/01q2/a_plus/a_plus-1.html | |
17. The New SmartCertify Direct MCSE, CNE, Cisco, a++ Tra+ining a+nd Certifica+tion. Online Courses, Ha+nds on exercises a+nd sa+mple tests a+re loca+ted a+t this site. a+ll courses a+re codeveloped by their perspective industry lea+ders. http://www.techcourses.com | |
18. Ars Technica: A+ Certification Overview - Page 2 - (6/2001) a++ Certifica+tion Overview. by SuperDa+ve. The a++ Certifica+tion Test.The Computing Technology Industry a+ssocia+tion (CompTIa+ http://www.arstechnica.com/reviews/01q2/a_plus/a_plus-2.html | |
19. A+ Certification Training, MCAD, MCSE, Cisco Classes, Boot Camps, And Self-Study Offering a+ wide va+riety of vendors for tra+ining a+nd certifica+tion for MCSE, a++, Cisco, Ja+va+, Ora+cle, Ca+tegory Computers Educa+tion Certifica+tion......We provide MSCE, a++ certifica+tion , MCSE, Cisco, Ora+cle, Network+, CDIa+, MOUS, Security+,a+ndMCSD/MCa+D certifica+tion tra+ining products a+nd boot ca+mp cla+sses a+t http://www.trainingplanet.com/ | |
20. Computing Certification Center :: Tra+ining school offering the following certifica+tion educa+tion MCSE, MCSD, MOUS, MCP, Ora+cle, Ja+va+2, C, SQL Server, Windows 2000, CCNa+, NET+ a+nd a++. Loca+ted in Ortiga+s, Philippines. http://www.c3digital.com | |
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